Legal Information

We welcome visitors to the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s site at (the “Site”). We respect your privacy and confidentiality. The following statement provides more information in this regard and in connection with the terms of use of the Site.

Statement of Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

This Statement of Privacy Policy and Terms of Use (the “Statement”) describes the online information practices of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (the “Foundation”). It explains the information we collect from visitors to the Foundation’s site at (the “Site”) and how we use it. It further describes conditions regarding use of the Site. The Foundation reserves the right to modify this Statement at any time without prior notification to persons using the Site. This Statement was last updated on April 5, 2013. 


Terms of Use



General Information/Collection and Use of Data

We welcome the public to visit our Site, which can be browsed without the need to submit any personal information online. For those visitors who visit our Site without signing up for electronic communications, we may collect your Internet Protocol (IP) addresses (i.e., a number assigned by your Internet Service Provider so you can access the Internet), the name of your internet service provider, the browser and type of machine you are using, the website that referred you to us, and the pages of our Site that you visit (the “Public Information”).  

For those who visit our Site and sign up for our electronic communications, we will collect the Public Information described above in addition to the data you provide to us voluntarily on data forms, such as your name, company affiliation and e-mail address (the “Visitor Information”). 

The Public Information and the Visitor Information is collectively referred to herein as the “Data.” The Data collected from you may be used by the Foundation generally to improve the Site, to provide you with electronic communications, articles, and other items of interest, to generate usage or demographic statistics so that we may better understand your needs, to measure Site activity, and to improve the Site’s structure in helping users better reach needed information, all of which is intended to enhance the usefulness of the Site to our visitors. We may also use the Data to educate ourselves about the interests and concerns of our visitors for purposes of better serving the community and our grantees. We will not use any Data for commercial purposes. Any use of this Site for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.


Non-personally identifiable information that is collected about you when you visit the Site is used to enhance your user experience.

The Foundation and vendors acting on its behalf may use the Data in combination with various Internet technologies to help manage Site operations, track user traffic, and gather broad demographic information.

We may use IP addresses to diagnose possible technical problems, administer our Site, and aggregate Data on use. Log files, which identify every request made to our server, may be used to determine statistically which areas of the Site our visitors prefer and to prepare future content based on the interests of our visitors.

We may also use “cookies” to better serve our visitors. A “cookie” is a small data file that certain websites write to your computer’s hard drive when you access the site. A cookie file can contain information, such as a user ID, that a website uses to track the pages you have visited, but the only personal information a cookie contains is information you supply. Cookies may also allow our Site to recognize and load your pages on repeat visits to the Site. A cookie cannot read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites.

Our site and HTML-formatted e-mail communications may use web beacons in conjunction with cookies to understand a visitor’s behavior. A web beacon (also called a single-pixel or clear GIF) is an electronic image that can recognize certain types of information on a visitor's computer, such as a visitor's cookie number, time and date of a page view, and a description of the page where the web beacon is placed. Some web beacons may be unusable if you elect to reject their associated cookies. We may also use customized links or other similar technologies to track e-mail links that you select. We may associate personal information with the Data in order to provide you more focused e-mail communications. Each e-mail communication includes an unsubscribe link allowing you to stop delivery of that type of communication.

If you prefer not to receive cookies while browsing the Site or via HTML-formatted e-mails, you can set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies and refuse the cookie when your browser alerts you to its presence. You can also refuse all cookies by turning them off in your browser, although you may not be able to take full advantage of the Site if you do so. You do not need to have cookies turned on to use/navigate through the Site, although access to and use of the Site might be limited at times.

Electronic Communication

Following your registration on the Site, the Foundation may provide you with electronic communications that it or third-party service providers engaged by the Foundation publish from time to time. These communications describe the work of the Foundation and its grantees, the benefits that the work brings to the community at large, and other information of interest to the Foundation community. 

The Data, including the information entered by you on our Site, may be provided on a confidential basis to one or more third-party service providers that we engage to maintain contact databases and/or send messages on the Foundation’s behalf. However, third-party service providers are prohibited from renting, selling, leasing, circulating, or otherwise distributing this information for use other than the services they provide to the Foundation. The Data may also be aggregated with or linked to information already existing in the Foundation database. 

Please note that the Foundation may allow third-party vendors to send you electronic communications on its behalf. Each third-party vendor has its own privacy policy and should you subscribe to that particular electronic communication, you will be subject to that third-party vendor’s privacy policy as well. Additionally, each electronic communication that is sent will indicate how you may unsubscribe if you so desire.


Consent to Transfer 

This Site is operated in the United States. If you are located outside the U.S., please be aware that any Data you provide to us will be transferred to the United States, which may not provide the same level of protections as those in your own country. By using the Site, you consent to this transfer, retention, and processing of your information in the United States.



The Foundation is the sole owner of the Data collected on the Site. The Foundation will not sell, rent, share, exchange, or otherwise disclose the Data to others outside of the Foundation, except as described in this Statement. The Foundation will attempt to collect and store the Data in a manner to protect its confidentiality, recognizing that no transmission of data is entirely secure.
We may disclose or provide Data pursuant to subpoenas, warrants, or other judicial or government orders, in the event an individual’s safety or security is at risk, or as otherwise required by law.



Our electronic communications provide users the opportunity to opt out of receiving future automated communications from us. If you wish to unsubscribe to a Foundation-related newsletter you receive from a third-party provider, please follow the third party provider’s instructions located in the publication to unsubscribe. 


Terms of Use


External Links

This Site contains links to other sites. The Foundation provides such links to help visitors explore the wide range of information available on topics of interest. The Foundation is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of websites to which it links. By providing a link, the Foundation is not endorsing the content of the linked site or the entity that maintains it. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave the Foundation’s Site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. This Statement applies solely to information collected by this Site.


Governing Law /Jurisdiction

The laws of the United States, and in particular, the State of Illinois shall govern with respect to all issues arising out of this Privacy Policy and this Site. By using this Site, you agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of State and Federal courts in Cook County, Illinois, in all matters arising out of or relating to this Privacy Policy and the use of this Site. If accessing this Site from another jurisdiction other than the U.S., you agree to comply with all U.S. laws.


Copyright and Creative Commons License

Copyright in the text materials contained in this Site is owned by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, ©2013 John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. 

Our policy is to broadly share and build upon the work we support to advance collective knowledge while respecting the intellectual property of others. Therefore, except as otherwise noted, a Creative Commons license applies to all content on the Site that the Foundation has created, owns or has a contractual right to share. As set forth more fully in the linked site below, this license permits you to copy, distribute, and display such content as long as you mention and link back to the Foundation and do not change the content or use it commercially.

View the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


With respect to material, reports or other work posted on the Site that are not owned by the Foundation, we include proper attribution, indicating the owner of the copyright and, where appropriate, that it is reproduced with the permission of the copyright owner. If you would like to use work that is not owned by the Foundation, please contact the copyright owner for permission.

By downloading or reproducing any information from this Site, you accept and agree to the conditions described in this Statement in their entirety without modification unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Foundation and you.

Images and Video for MacArthur Fellows

With respect to use of photographs and videos maintained on this website pertaining to the MacArthur Fellows by the media, the applicable Creative Commons License will be Attribution: CC- BY. This permits non- commercial and commercial use by media as long as there is attribution.

View the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


You may not download any Thinkstock content from the Foundation website and may not republish, retransmit, reproduce or otherwise use Thinkstock content on the Foundation site. 

Foundation Marks and Logo

The name and mark “John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation” and all variations thereof and any other names and marks comprising the name or mark “MacArthur” (the “MacArthur Name”), are the sole and exclusive property of the Foundation. Visitors shall not acquire any right, title or interest in any MacArthur Name. Except as otherwise permitted herein, all uses of any MacArthur Name in any manner shall be subject to inspection by and approval of the Foundation. Approval may be granted or withheld in the sole and absolute discretion of the Foundation. Any use of the MacArthur Name or the text or graphic materials contained in this Site in any manner to express or imply endorsement, sponsorship, affiliation or association of the user with or by the MacArthur Foundation, is strictly prohibited. Except as otherwise permitted herein or by separate agreement, the Foundation’s logo cannot be used without prior authorization from the Foundation.


Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability

The materials on the site are provided "as is" to visitors. The Foundation does not represent that the information is complete, current, or error-free, or applicable to your situation. We are not responsible for third-party websites even if they are accessed through this site. you should review the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use agreements that apply to such sites.

Although we intend to take reasonable steps to prevent the introduction of viruses, worms, or "Trojan Horses" or other destructive materials to our site, we do not guarantee or warrant that our site, or materials that may be dounloaded from our site, are free from such destructive features. Any materials obtained from this site or downloaded from the site are obtained or downloaded at your own risk. The Foundation assumes no liability or responsibility for any damages arising from a visitor's use of, or inability to use, this site. The Foundation shall not be liable for any damages or harm to computer systems, loss of data resulting from the download of any materials, and we disclaim warranties for any information received through any links provided by the site.

The Foundation is not liable for any claim, loss or injury based on errors, omissions, interruptions or other inaccuracies in the site, nor for any claim, loss or injury that results from your use of the site.



We may update this Statement from time to time and encourage you to check back periodically and review the Foundation’s most updated Statement.



If you have any questions regarding this Statement, please contact the Foundation at