



Orf with her head! Amy Harris in fine, imperious form as the Queen of Hearts.

Alice's lengthy adventures dazzle and amuse

There are some memorable moments in the Australian Ballet's production of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. One is the caterpillar with its chorus line of legs – the performers' bodies hidden in its body – inching its way across the stage in a deliciously precise shuffle.


Trevor Ashley is on great trashy form as the panto dame.

More ham than a Christmas platter

'Tis the season to glitter and be gay. And the audience was ready to celebrate even before Trevor Ashley flounced on stage in a frock as sparkly as a mirror ball.

Maggie McKenna's bridal shop scenes are dazzlingly funny.

You're incredible, Muriel!

Brought into the social media present, Muriel's story now features smart phones but retains its depth and heart.

