About UNDP in Trinidad and Tobago

UNDP's process of actions and programmes are defined in a Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) which is prepared between UNDP and the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. The CPAP will be based on the broader United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) which is currently being finalised. UNDP's CPAP (2013-2015) will be based upon UNDAF 2013-2015.  UNDPs work in country is guided by the Standard Basic Agreement 1976.

What do we want to accomplish?

Our Goals

The goal of the United Nations Development Programme is to help improve the lives of the poorest women and men, the marginalied and the disadvantaged. We work in the following areas: Democratic Governance, Poverty Reduction, Disaster Preparedness and Management, Citizen Security, Youth Development, Energy and the Environment. UNDP Trinidad and Tobago supports the government and communities to advance their own solutions to the challenges of development. An overarching aim of our work in Trinidad and Tobago is supporting progress towards the Trinidad and Tobago Millennium Development Goals.  All the programmes of work are implemented in close collaboration with the Government, other UN agencies and development stakeholders.

It is evident that there are many challenges to Trinidad and Tobago’s development efforts. The future success of the UN in Trinidad and Tobago hinges on its ability to:

  • Adapt to a changing environment
  • Demonstrate its relevance
  • Address its institutional weaknesses
  • Build on its strengths

In this regard, The UNDP and other UN agencies in country  will focus a few areas in which to contributecollectively to the emerging development framework. There are several areas that have emerged during the national consultations as priority areas for possible collaboration these areas include:

  • Increasing public safety through a citizen security approach
  • Poverty Reduction
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Supporting youth development and the wellbeing of children
  • Support to innovative youth programmes, and increased efforts to help disadvantaged children.
  • Increased joint UN advocacy.

What are our results?

Over the years, UNDP has supported national development through some of its programmes. The programmes included the East Coast Seismic Survey, where during the UN Development Decade (1961-1970) UNDP provided technical assistance leading to the discovery of oil and gas in Trinidad and Tobago, which today is the backbone of the national economy.

UNDP  was also instrumental in the establishment of institutions such as the Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CARIRI), Metal Industries Company (MIC), Institute of Marine Affairs (IMA), Environmental Management Authority (EMA), and the Telecommunications Department at the John Donaldson Technical Institute and Hydro-graphic Unit.

Capacity development within the Public Sector was also a priority in the development decades of the 60s and 70s when Legal Draftsmen, Town Planners, Development Planners, Land and Hydro-graphic Surveyors were trained.

UNDP's current role in Trinidad and Tobago is that of policy advisor and provider of technical support to the Government and the people as required, while coordinating the efforts of the entire UN system.


Who are the decision makers?

The Resident Coordinator, Mr. Richard Blewitt, heads the UN System in Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname, Aruba, Curacao and Sint Maarten, and is also the Resident Representative for UNDP Trinidad and Tobago.  UNDP Team presently consists of the Executive Office, Programme Unit, Operations Unit and Security.

Office of the UN Resident Coordinator

  • Richard Blewitt – UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative
  • Rose Aquing-Gomes – Executive Associate
  • Gerald Sealey – Senior Driver
  • Narissa Seegulam – UN Coordination Analyst

Programme Unit

  • Sharifa Ali-Abdullah - Assisant Resident Representative (Programme)
  • Isele Robinson-Cooper – Programme Officer: Poverty and Social Policy
  • Rosemary Lall – Programme Officer: Energy, Environment and Disaster Management
  • Marcia Rampersad - Programme Officer: Democratic Governance: Citizen Security & Justice
  • Lyndon Wright – Programme Associate
  • Nicole Dagher – Programme Officer: United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Caribbean Regional Sub Hub
  • Rene Berryman-Sheppard– Programme Assistant: United Nations Volunteers (UNV)
  • Rissa Edoo – Programme Assistant for GEF Small Grants Programme

Operations Unit

  • Beverly Charles – Operations Manager
  • Lisa Marie Clarke – Human Resources Associate
  • Stephen Rovedas -  Finance Associate
  • Michelle Kallie-Luke – Finance Assistant
  • Martin Murrell – Information Management Associate
  • Vanessa Chiddick - Procurement Associate
  • Ray Nelson - Office Assistant/Driver


Current Staff Count for Trinidad and Tobago

Contract TypeSub Total
Service Contract 8
UN Volunteers 7
UNDP Staff 14
Total 29

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