About UNDP in Georgia

 Georgia youthStudents of Georgian universities take part in a contest for creative ideas to promote Open Parliament in Georgia. Photo: Daro Sulakauri/UNDP. 2015

The United Nations Development Programme established its presence in Georgia in 1993. We work to promote national development in agreement with the Georgian Government.

Our UN identity ensures our neutrality and our respect for each country’s control over the future. Our commitment to development makes us advocates of change, and our wide, decentralized presence keeps UNDP close to development issues, resources and thinking. Countries draw on the knowledge not just of the people of UNDP but also of our broad circle of partners, together encompassing a world of development experience.

What do we want to accomplish?

As one of the largest international organizations, UNDP combines insider’s knowledge with outsider’s objectivity and is well positioned to help address many difficult issues.

Closely cooperating with national institutions, civil society and the private sector, UNDP assists Georgia in four major areas:

In all activities, we seek to promote the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

What are our results?

UNDP is proud to be part of Georgia’s success in many fields, including reforms of key democratic institutions and the promotion of sustainable economic growth.

We acknowledge challenges and stand ready to work with the government, civil society, private sector and international organizations in order to address them.

Who are the decision makers?

UNDP promotes development partnerships with national and international stakeholders working together in all phases of the development cycle, from programme design, implementation, review and revision, to impact assessment and the formulation of new interventions.

We closely work with the Government of Georgia to boost reforms, develop new strategies, promote inclusive economic development, and assist in achieving national priorities. We also work with civil society, including non-governmental organizations, academia and media, and with private sector to promote public-private partnerships.

UNDP outreach and cooperation in Georgia extends to the UN Agencies, donors and other development organizations operating in the country.

Current Staff Count for Georgia

Contract TypeSub Total
Service Contract 86
UN Volunteers 1
UNDP Staff 31
Total 118

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