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Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Three Hurricanes, One Climate

In this Issue: One Climate: John Davis on this summer’s mega-storms; Taking Women’s Lives Seriously: Laura Carlsen on sexual violence; Land of the Forbidden Fan: Ned Sublette reports from Cuba; The Russian Revolutions Revisited by John Wight; Can We Finally Unite? by Lee Ballinger. Donna Brazile and the Machine by Yvette Carnell; Trump’s Nuclear Nihilism by Jeffrey St. Clair. Plus: Chris Floyd on the opioid crisis; Julie Work and Daniel Raventos on Catalonia; Ruth Fowler on sexual commodification; Mike Whitney on widening inequality; Wesley Wright on Ceramics and Social Consciousness.

What’s Not Happening With Mr. Jones

Roy Moore was removed from his position as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court in November 2003 by the Alabama Court of the Judiciary for refusing a federal court’s order to remove a marble monument of the Ten Commandments he had preposterously installed in the lobby of the Alabama Judicial Building.

He has said repeatedly that 9/11 was divine punishment for American’s “blasphemous” toleration of homosexuality and women’s right to choose. (Was it also punishment for Moore’s long history of sexual predation against girls as young as 14 years old?) More

Democrats Have Much to Learn and the Odious Have Much to Teach Them

It was clear from the moment Donald Trump was elected president that 2017 would go down in history as one of the worst years ever in American politics. 

It is now ending on an even worse note: with the president wandering off into dangerous non compos mentis territory as the consequences of his incompetence become increasingly manifest, and as the law closes in on him, his family, and the scoundrels who run the government for him.     More

#Me Too: Women are Speaking Out, Are We Listening?

I’m not at all surprised by the recent explosion of allegations of sexual assault and harassment against men in powerful political, economic, and entertainment positions. Sexism has always been an integral part of American culture, and predatory businesses and men of power have long been exempt from responsibility for their transgressions. What did it for More

Putin’s Syria “Victory” Won’t End the Proxy War

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Steve Horn
  • TOPICS: Trump, energy policy and the environment
