Sunday Night Open Thread

Been a rough weekend. First, I ended up being 200 miles from where I expected to be on Saturday. Then, that night, I think I broke my mother’s computer. I was adding a second hard drive, but now the fan won’t run and it’s overheating. And, replacing a fan on a Mac Mini isn’t an easy task. Macs are not as easy to work on as other devices, although I have usually had success doing it.

Anyway, that long day and long night made for a bad day. So, I want to watch a movie. How about the movie that took top prize at the Academy Awards? The first Academy Awards. And, no, I’m not talking about Wings. Yes, Wings won the Outstanding Picture award (today it’s called Best Picture), but that first year, they had two top awards. They did away with one of them the second year, and declared that the award Wings won was what is now Best Picture.

That other film? Well, the award for Best Unique and Artistic Picture went to Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans. It’s a love triangle. Amazon’s description is “A seductive woman ffom the city entrances a farmer, who then devises a plan to murder his wife.”

Well, that’s certainly not the feel good movie of the year. Oh, well. Maybe I’ll watch it anyway. Because I like old movies.

[The YouTube]

While I’m busy with that, why don’t you share what’s on your mind? It is Sunday Night Open Thread, and you’ve got two days of things you’ve been thinking about to pick from.

Who wants to start?

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The Illustrated Frank J: We Need to Scour a Better Quality Sewer


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Link of the Day: I Don’t Know the Answer to This Question Either

[High Praise! to Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]

Humans Are Inherently Violent

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Ya Know, I Think I’ll Just Stick With the Rankin/Bass Stop-Motion Animateds

[Honest Trailers – The Santa Clause] (Viewer #1,266,735)

This movie is a lot darker than I remember.

I think SC2 was a little lighter, but still pretty weird

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Easy Fix

California says it needs more money for road repairs, so they’re testing a plan to tax people for every mile they drive.

It sounds intrusive, but most will only have to pay it once – on the way out to buy a house in Texas.

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Whatever the Opposite of Unprecedented Is

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

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The Illustrated Frank J: In a Battle Between Dishonesty and Incompetence, Only CNN Wins


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Link of the Day: I Confess – At One Point I Actually Cared About What Happened on “Days of Our Lives”

[High Praise! to Mental Floss]

Why Did Soap Operas Look Different From Other TV Shows?

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

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Alt Title: How George Lucas Nearly Jar-Jarred “A New Hope”

[How Star Wars was saved in the edit] (Viewer #28,642)

I had no idea that Star Wars came so close to becoming just another pretentious, pointless, plodding, in-love-with-itself 70s movie.

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Podcast Rerun Saturday – Episode 11

IMAO Podcast #11 8-8-05

* IMAO Strikes Oil (Part 1)
* Introduction & sponsors
* IMAO Strikes Oil (Part 2)
* Spacemonkey’s Alternative Fuel
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Hawaii Part 1
* Frank J’s Alternative Fuel
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Hawaii Part 2
* Sarah K’s Alternative Fuel
* Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: Jack and the Beanstalk
* IMAO Strikes Oil (Part 3)
* Harvey’s Alternative Fuel
* W vs. Canada’s oil
* Buck the Marine reviews “Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike”
* SarahK: She Blonded Me with Science
* Ask Ducky with Right Wing Duck
* IMAO Strikes Oil (Part 4)
* Frank: Conclusion

As I said the last time I ran these in 2010, I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.

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It’s Like They Don’t Have “Raiders of the Lost Ark” in the Middle East

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

[title reference link]

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Friday Night Open Thread

I really like Weird Al.

[The YouTube]

Now, it’s your turn. What’s on your mind? It’s Friday Night Open Thread and you control the conversation.

Who wants to start?

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Hasn’t Been This Much Fuss About a Coke Can Since Clarence Thomas

CNN’s breaking news story after the latest NYC terror attack: “Trump drinks a dozen cans of Diet Coke a day

Yes, answering important questions like: How is he holding the cans? Did he get their consent first? Is he groping them?

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Same Reason You Don’t Want to Live in Wisconsin While Wearing a Bears Jersey

[Why Can’t We Live On The Moon?] (Viewer #301,198)

Short answer: the moon hates humans and wants to kill them

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Link of the Day: Not Sure If It’s Still a Planet, But If It Is, It’s My Second-Favorite One

[High Praise! to Mental Floss]

7 Surprising Facts About Pluto

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

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