Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Boy Do We Need This!

Can't wait for it to pass the FDA trials.
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German scientist has been testing an "anti-stupidity" pill with encouraging results on mice and fruit flies, Bild newspaper reported Saturday.
We should pump it into the UN water supply, and probably Washington D.C.'s just for good measure.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Dead or Not Dead

If you have been in a heat induced coma, or trying to stay cool hiding under a rock, you may not know that Uncle Fidal has taken ill. The MSM is falling all over themselves tying to spin his trip to the hospital.

Miami broke out in parties upon news of Uncle Fidal's situation. But don't break out the champagen yet, he's not dead (official word, if you trust it, is that he is just dandy) and the coup d'tat hasn't started.

Now that's Class

I guess I am glad I am not starting my collage career after reading this.
At Occidental College in Los Angeles, a mandatory course for some freshmen is "The Unbearable Whiteness of Barbie." It's a course where professor Elizabeth J. Chin explores ways in "which scientific racism has been put to use in the making of Barbie [and] to an interpretation of the film 'The Matrix' as a Marxist critique of capitalism."
Huh? Here, I have a new class. Maybe I should float this... Soc 4987 Pooh and the Sociological Ramifications of His Rampant Homosexuality with Piglet.

Or Phil 5867 Charlie Brown and the Economic Impact of Gender Role Reversal with Lucy.

What is wrong with colleges today? Are the leaders, the professors who come up with this crap, and/or the administrators who allow them to get away with it be academically dishonest by foisting this falderal on unsuspecting students (and the parents who foot the bill)? Or are they earnestly this stupid thinking this kind of garbage really passes the intellectual smell test?

Monday, July 24, 2006

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

When people decry the "disproportionate" use of force by Israel, you need to keep in mind the reason for the disproportionate number of civilian casualties on the terrorist side.

If that doesn't explain it much better than I could...

Picture is from IDF Israel and a hat tip to the Jawas.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

U.N. Condemns Allied Overresponse to Nazi Aggression

VICHY-FRANCE June 7, 1944

A day after the largest bombing raid on civilian targets in support of a massive invasion of France, the United Nations voted on a resolution condemning the Allied response as a disproportionate use of force.

The foreign office minister, who is known for being outspoken, said that it was "very difficult" to understand the "kind of military tactics" used by the allies.

"You know, if they're chasing the Nazi's, then go for the Nazi's. You don't go for the entire French nation," concluded Mr Howells, who will meet with the U.S. foreign minister.

The resolution was vetoed by the U.S. ambassador amidst calls for an end to the fighting and for both sides to sit down to peace talks.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Televised Skin-Flute Concert

Zamphere's got nothing on this.

Channel 4 is to bring mass public masturbation to the small screen.

The broadcaster - once led by Michael Grade, dubbed "pornographer in chief" by the Daily Mail - has commissioned a documentary about the UK's first "masturbate-a-thon" as part of a series of programmes dubbed "Wank week", MediaGuardian.co.uk can reveal.

Uhm, Ooooooh Kaaaaaaay... I'm not sure what kind of market there is in the UK for watching a bunch of pervs fapping the night away. I'm not sure that I would want to know either. However, I am not sure which is worse, the fact that the Brits would televise this or the fact that its been going on for five years in the U.S!

The organiser of the event, the San Francisco-based Centre for Sex and Culture, has run mass masturbation events in the US for the past five years to raise money for safe sex groups and plans to replicate the formula in the UK.

I've been to charity car washes, dinners and parties, but never a charity beat-off. I really start to wonder about people...

Monday, July 17, 2006


Wonder what this is all about?

DAMASCUS, July 17 (KUNA) -- Iranian Foreign Minister Manoushehr Mottaki arrived here Monday and headed straight from the airport to the presidential palace to meet President Bashar Al-Assad and discuss developments on the Israeli assault on Lebanon.

"Discuss developments"?!?! More likely, good ol Manie, is gonna give a vigorous pa- on-the-back to Bashar. It's not a stretch to see this as a huddle so Iran can make sure its lap-dog Syria is on the same page of the "Engulf the world in blood and fire" play book.

Hey, is that coffee I smell...

H/T to Fark

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Have We Already Lost the War?

Or WWIV depending on how you count…

I know it is going to seem like I am jumping on the conservative bloger bandwagon by decrying the events in the Middle East as WWIII. But the fact of the matter is that this wasn’t the beginning of the war. On September 12, 2001, I held a question and answer period in my classes. It didn’t make much sense trying to talk about Pavlov’s dogs (as applicable as that might have been) in the wake of the September 11 attacks. One of my students asked if I thought that the attacks would touch off WWIII. My answer was no, it was already here. The US had been attacked repeatedly prior to the September 11 attacks, yet had not bothered to engage the enemy.

But the question remains, have we already lost the war? Our list of allies so far is rather short. The majority of the world’s nations are trying to either ignore the entire situation, appease the islamofascists in the erroneous belief that it will satisfy their blood lust, or have joined the islamofascists in tearing down civilization.

Look to the latest battle in the on-going war. Hizbullah (who happens to run the Palestinian Authority (what an oxymoron that is)) violates Israel’s sovereignty and kidnaps a soldier of the IDF. Yet, when Israel retaliates and demands its citizen be returned, the world condemns Israel not the Palestinians who started the whole thing, or the Syrians, or the Iranians who put the Palestinians up to it.

Now Israel is left bombing Lebanon to prevent Hizbullah from sneaking two more captured soldiers out to Iran. In the mean time, Iran’s terrorist puppets fire Syrian and Iranian made missiles into Israel targeting civilians, and merchants. Yet, to the international community Israel is still the bad guy. Absurd!

I find it ironic how to the liberal elite Bid Business is the epitome of evil in our time, because companies seek to make a profit. Yet, “enlightened” countries like Germany, Russia, and the paragon of liberal values France, have their hands to far up the cookie jar, you can’t tell where one ends and the other begins.

When are they (Europe, and the liberals in the U.S.) going to realize that this is not going to go away. They have been very successful in ignoring their problems for the past forty years. Korea, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Algeria, and dare I say the Balkans. Now the bill is coming due for European and liberal complacency. One day they will wake up and find they no longer have the freedoms they so deeply cherish, and ignore. One day soon, we all will have to make a stand. Is it already too late?