5th Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session - 12th Parliament - October 23, 2024
5th Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Wednesday October 23, 2024
10:00 a.m.
Bills Second Reading
The Appropriation (Financial Year 2025) Bill, 2024
00:08:00 Hon. Stuart Young SC, MP [Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister]
00:50:55 Sen. Anil Roberts [Opposition Senator]
01:32:15 Sen. the Hon. Allyson West [Minister of Public Administration]
02:07:15 Sen. Dominic Smith [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
02:47:10 Sen. the Hon. Renuka Sagramsingh-Sooklal [Minister in the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs]
03:18:55 Sen. the Hon. Paula Gopee-Scoon [Minister of Trade and Industry]
03:59:30 Sen. David Nakhid [Opposition Senator]
04:40:50 S...
published: 23 Oct 2024
3rd Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session - 12th Parliament - October 21, 2024
3rd Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Monday October 21, 2024
1:30 p.m.
Bills Second Reading
The Appropriation (Financial Year 2025) Bill, 2024
01:05:25 Hon. Colm Imbert, MP [Minister of Finance]
01:51:30 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
02:31:05 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
03:09:05 Sen. the Hon. Rohan Sinanan [Minister of Works and Transport]
03:49:15 Sen. Deoroop Teemal [Independent Senator]
04:26:55 Sen. the Hon. Hassel Bacchus [Minister of Digital Transformation]
05:05:40 Sen. Damian Lyder [Opposition Senator]
05:45:45 Sen. Dr. Sharda Patasar [Independent Senator]
05:54:45 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
06:35:20 Sen. Dr. Paul Richards [...
published: 22 Oct 2024
4th Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session - 12th Parliament - October 22, 2024
4th Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Tuesday October 22, 2024
10:00 p.m.
Bills Second Reading
The Appropriation (Financial Year 2025) Bill, 2024
00:08:00 Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell [Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts]
00:48:25 Sen. Jearlean John [Opposition Senator]
01:27:50 Sen. Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy [Independent Senator]
02:08:20 Sen. Ancil Dennis [Government Senator]
02:46:30 Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
03:26:45 Sen. Hazel Thompson-Ahye [Independent Senator]
04:06:35 Sen. the Hon. Donna Cox [Minister of Social Development and Family Services]
04:46:30 Sen. Dr. Tim Gopeesingh [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
05:27:20 Sen. Dr. Muhammad Yunus Ibrahim [Vice-President of ...
published: 22 Oct 2024
21st Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session - 12th Parliament - June 11, 2024
21st Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Tuesday June 11, 2024
1:30 p.m.
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Finance (Supplementary Appropriation) (Financial Year 2024) Bill, 2024
01:00:15 Hon. Colm Imbert, MP [Minister of Finance]
01:44:10 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
02:23:50 Sen. Dr. Sharda Patasar [Independent Senator]
02:34:05 Hon. Stuart Young SC, MP [Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister]
03:13:20 Sen. Damian Lyder [Opposition Senator]
03:53:20 Sen. Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy [Independent Senator]
04:06:55 Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell [Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts]
04:40:00 Sen. Anil Roberts [Opposition Senator]
05:19:45 Sen....
published: 12 Jun 2024
24th Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session - 12th Parliament - July 3, 2024
24th Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Wednesday July 3, 2024
10:00 a.m.
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Whistleblower Protection Bill, 2024
00:06:10 Sen. Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy [Independent Senator]
00:38:25 Sen. Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing [Government Senator]
00:54:20 Sen. Karunaa Bisramsingh [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
01:18:20 Sen. Deoroop Teemal [Independent Senator]
01:57:10 Sen. Karmaria London [Government Senator (Temporary)]
02:03:20 Sen. Anil Roberts [Opposition Senator]
02:43:15 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
02:58:30 Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
03:35:10 Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell [Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts]
04:15:45 Sen. the H...
published: 03 Jul 2024
25th Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session - 12th Parliament - July 4, 2024
25th Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Thursday July 4, 2024
2:00 p.m.
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Bail (Amendment) Bill, 2024
00:17:30 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
01:01:30 Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
01:41:20 Sen. Dr. Paul Richards [Independent Senator]
02:11:40 Sen. the Hon. Renuka Sagramsingh-Sooklal [Minister in the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs]
02:33:25 Sen. David Nakhid [Opposition Senator]
02:52:05 Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
03:08:20 Sen Laurence Hislop [Government Senator]
03:23:20 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
03:33:45 Sen. Helon Francis [In...
published: 05 Jul 2024
1st Sitting of the Senate (Part 1) - 3rd Session - September 12, 2022
1st Sitting of the Senate - 3rd Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Monday September 12, 2022
1:30 p.m.
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest addition...
published: 12 Sep 2022
23rd Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session - 12th Parliament - July 2, 2024
23rd Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Tuesday July 2, 2024
1:30 p.m.
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Miscellaneous Provisions (Testing and Identification) Bill, 2022
00:55:50 Hon. Fitzgerald Hinds, MP [Minister of National Security]
01:42:40 Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
02:14:25 Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
02:23:00 Sen. the Hon. Allyson West [Minister of Public Administration]
03:01:10 Sen. Karunaa Bisramsingh [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
03:07:55 Sen. Deoroop Teemal [Independent Senator]
03:29:00 Sen. the Hon. Hassel Bacchus [Minister of Digital Transformation]
03:53:05 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
04:19:15 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent ...
published: 03 Jul 2024
36th Sitting of the Senate (Part 2) - 2nd Session - July 6, 2022
36th Sitting of the Senate - 2nd Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Wednesday July 6, 2022
12:50 p.m.
Bills Second Reading
The Bail (Amendment) (Extension of Duration) Bill, 2022
00:03:33 Committee Stage
The Sri Sathya Sai Baba Organisation of Trinidad and Tobago (Incorporation) Bill, 2021
The Tobago Council for Handicapped Children (Incorporation) Bill, 2021
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Con...
published: 06 Jul 2022
Statement by President of the Senate - #16days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence 2020
The President of the Senate, Sen. the Hon. Christine Kangaloo makes a statement in observation of #16days of Activism for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls.
© 2020 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
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published: 09 Dec 2020
5th Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session - 12th Parliament - October 23, 2024
5th Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Wednesday October 23, 2024
10:00 a.m.
Bills Secon...
5th Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Wednesday October 23, 2024
10:00 a.m.
Bills Second Reading
The Appropriation (Financial Year 2025) Bill, 2024
00:08:00 Hon. Stuart Young SC, MP [Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister]
00:50:55 Sen. Anil Roberts [Opposition Senator]
01:32:15 Sen. the Hon. Allyson West [Minister of Public Administration]
02:07:15 Sen. Dominic Smith [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
02:47:10 Sen. the Hon. Renuka Sagramsingh-Sooklal [Minister in the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs]
03:18:55 Sen. the Hon. Paula Gopee-Scoon [Minister of Trade and Industry]
03:59:30 Sen. David Nakhid [Opposition Senator]
04:40:50 Sen Laurence Hislop [Government Senator]
05:21:10 Sen. Francis Lewis [Independent Senator (Temporary)]
05:46:05 Sen. the Hon. Avinash Singh [Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries]
06:15:55 Hon. Colm Imbert, MP [Minister of Finance]
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://bit.ly/writtensubmissions
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
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3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2024 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
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5th Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Wednesday October 23, 2024
10:00 a.m.
Bills Second Reading
The Appropriation (Financial Year 2025) Bill, 2024
00:08:00 Hon. Stuart Young SC, MP [Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister]
00:50:55 Sen. Anil Roberts [Opposition Senator]
01:32:15 Sen. the Hon. Allyson West [Minister of Public Administration]
02:07:15 Sen. Dominic Smith [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
02:47:10 Sen. the Hon. Renuka Sagramsingh-Sooklal [Minister in the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs]
03:18:55 Sen. the Hon. Paula Gopee-Scoon [Minister of Trade and Industry]
03:59:30 Sen. David Nakhid [Opposition Senator]
04:40:50 Sen Laurence Hislop [Government Senator]
05:21:10 Sen. Francis Lewis [Independent Senator (Temporary)]
05:46:05 Sen. the Hon. Avinash Singh [Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries]
06:15:55 Hon. Colm Imbert, MP [Minister of Finance]
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://bit.ly/writtensubmissions
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our Policies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2024 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on-line:
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- published: 23 Oct 2024
- views: 10529
3rd Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session - 12th Parliament - October 21, 2024
3rd Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Monday October 21, 2024
1:30 p.m.
Bills Second Re...
3rd Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Monday October 21, 2024
1:30 p.m.
Bills Second Reading
The Appropriation (Financial Year 2025) Bill, 2024
01:05:25 Hon. Colm Imbert, MP [Minister of Finance]
01:51:30 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
02:31:05 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
03:09:05 Sen. the Hon. Rohan Sinanan [Minister of Works and Transport]
03:49:15 Sen. Deoroop Teemal [Independent Senator]
04:26:55 Sen. the Hon. Hassel Bacchus [Minister of Digital Transformation]
05:05:40 Sen. Damian Lyder [Opposition Senator]
05:45:45 Sen. Dr. Sharda Patasar [Independent Senator]
05:54:45 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
06:35:20 Sen. Dr. Paul Richards [Independent Senator]
07:14:50 Sen. Vyash Nandlal [Government Senator (Temporary)]
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://bit.ly/writtensubmissions
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our Policies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2024 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on-line:
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3rd Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Monday October 21, 2024
1:30 p.m.
Bills Second Reading
The Appropriation (Financial Year 2025) Bill, 2024
01:05:25 Hon. Colm Imbert, MP [Minister of Finance]
01:51:30 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
02:31:05 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
03:09:05 Sen. the Hon. Rohan Sinanan [Minister of Works and Transport]
03:49:15 Sen. Deoroop Teemal [Independent Senator]
04:26:55 Sen. the Hon. Hassel Bacchus [Minister of Digital Transformation]
05:05:40 Sen. Damian Lyder [Opposition Senator]
05:45:45 Sen. Dr. Sharda Patasar [Independent Senator]
05:54:45 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
06:35:20 Sen. Dr. Paul Richards [Independent Senator]
07:14:50 Sen. Vyash Nandlal [Government Senator (Temporary)]
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://bit.ly/writtensubmissions
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our Policies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2024 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on-line:
Website: http://www.ttparliament.org
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- published: 22 Oct 2024
- views: 11116
4th Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session - 12th Parliament - October 22, 2024
4th Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Tuesday October 22, 2024
10:00 p.m.
Bills Second ...
4th Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Tuesday October 22, 2024
10:00 p.m.
Bills Second Reading
The Appropriation (Financial Year 2025) Bill, 2024
00:08:00 Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell [Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts]
00:48:25 Sen. Jearlean John [Opposition Senator]
01:27:50 Sen. Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy [Independent Senator]
02:08:20 Sen. Ancil Dennis [Government Senator]
02:46:30 Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
03:26:45 Sen. Hazel Thompson-Ahye [Independent Senator]
04:06:35 Sen. the Hon. Donna Cox [Minister of Social Development and Family Services]
04:46:30 Sen. Dr. Tim Gopeesingh [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
05:27:20 Sen. Dr. Muhammad Yunus Ibrahim [Vice-President of the Senate]
06:00:05 Sen. Helon Francis [Independent Senator]
06:18:45 Sen. the Hon. Kazim Hosein [Minister of Agriculture, Lands and Fisheries]
06:53:50 Sen. the Hon. Richie Sookhai [Minister in the Ministry of Works and Transport]
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://bit.ly/writtensubmissions
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our P0 olicies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2024 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on-line:
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4th Sitting of the Senate - 5th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Tuesday October 22, 2024
10:00 p.m.
Bills Second Reading
The Appropriation (Financial Year 2025) Bill, 2024
00:08:00 Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell [Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts]
00:48:25 Sen. Jearlean John [Opposition Senator]
01:27:50 Sen. Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy [Independent Senator]
02:08:20 Sen. Ancil Dennis [Government Senator]
02:46:30 Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
03:26:45 Sen. Hazel Thompson-Ahye [Independent Senator]
04:06:35 Sen. the Hon. Donna Cox [Minister of Social Development and Family Services]
04:46:30 Sen. Dr. Tim Gopeesingh [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
05:27:20 Sen. Dr. Muhammad Yunus Ibrahim [Vice-President of the Senate]
06:00:05 Sen. Helon Francis [Independent Senator]
06:18:45 Sen. the Hon. Kazim Hosein [Minister of Agriculture, Lands and Fisheries]
06:53:50 Sen. the Hon. Richie Sookhai [Minister in the Ministry of Works and Transport]
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://bit.ly/writtensubmissions
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our P0 olicies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2024 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on-line:
Website: http://www.ttparliament.org
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- published: 22 Oct 2024
- views: 10673
21st Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session - 12th Parliament - June 11, 2024
21st Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Tuesday June 11, 2024
1:30 p.m.
Government Busin...
21st Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Tuesday June 11, 2024
1:30 p.m.
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Finance (Supplementary Appropriation) (Financial Year 2024) Bill, 2024
01:00:15 Hon. Colm Imbert, MP [Minister of Finance]
01:44:10 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
02:23:50 Sen. Dr. Sharda Patasar [Independent Senator]
02:34:05 Hon. Stuart Young SC, MP [Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister]
03:13:20 Sen. Damian Lyder [Opposition Senator]
03:53:20 Sen. Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy [Independent Senator]
04:06:55 Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell [Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts]
04:40:00 Sen. Anil Roberts [Opposition Senator]
05:19:45 Sen. Hazel Thompson-Ahye [Independent Senator]
05:49:40 Sen. the Hon. Rohan Sinanan [Minister of Works and Transport]
06:04:30 Sen. Colin Gosine [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
06:41:20 Sen. Dr. Paul Richards [Independent Senator]
07:13:10 Sen Laurence Hislop [Government Senator]
07:33:40 Sen. David Nakhid [Opposition Senator]
07:55:20 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
08:08:40 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
08:29:50 Sen. Helon Francis [Independent Senator]
08:37:35 Sen. the Hon. Dr. Amery Browne [Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs]
09:15:25 Hon. Colm Imbert, MP [Minister of Finance]
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://bit.ly/writtensubmissions
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encou0 rage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our P5olicies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2024 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on-line:
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21st Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Tuesday June 11, 2024
1:30 p.m.
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Finance (Supplementary Appropriation) (Financial Year 2024) Bill, 2024
01:00:15 Hon. Colm Imbert, MP [Minister of Finance]
01:44:10 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
02:23:50 Sen. Dr. Sharda Patasar [Independent Senator]
02:34:05 Hon. Stuart Young SC, MP [Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister]
03:13:20 Sen. Damian Lyder [Opposition Senator]
03:53:20 Sen. Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy [Independent Senator]
04:06:55 Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell [Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts]
04:40:00 Sen. Anil Roberts [Opposition Senator]
05:19:45 Sen. Hazel Thompson-Ahye [Independent Senator]
05:49:40 Sen. the Hon. Rohan Sinanan [Minister of Works and Transport]
06:04:30 Sen. Colin Gosine [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
06:41:20 Sen. Dr. Paul Richards [Independent Senator]
07:13:10 Sen Laurence Hislop [Government Senator]
07:33:40 Sen. David Nakhid [Opposition Senator]
07:55:20 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
08:08:40 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
08:29:50 Sen. Helon Francis [Independent Senator]
08:37:35 Sen. the Hon. Dr. Amery Browne [Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs]
09:15:25 Hon. Colm Imbert, MP [Minister of Finance]
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://bit.ly/writtensubmissions
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encou0 rage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our P5olicies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2024 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on-line:
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- published: 12 Jun 2024
- views: 11531
24th Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session - 12th Parliament - July 3, 2024
24th Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Wednesday July 3, 2024
10:00 a.m.
Government Bus...
24th Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Wednesday July 3, 2024
10:00 a.m.
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Whistleblower Protection Bill, 2024
00:06:10 Sen. Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy [Independent Senator]
00:38:25 Sen. Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing [Government Senator]
00:54:20 Sen. Karunaa Bisramsingh [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
01:18:20 Sen. Deoroop Teemal [Independent Senator]
01:57:10 Sen. Karmaria London [Government Senator (Temporary)]
02:03:20 Sen. Anil Roberts [Opposition Senator]
02:43:15 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
02:58:30 Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
03:35:10 Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell [Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts]
04:15:45 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://bit.ly/writtensubmissions
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our Policies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2024 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on-line:
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24th Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Wednesday July 3, 2024
10:00 a.m.
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Whistleblower Protection Bill, 2024
00:06:10 Sen. Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy [Independent Senator]
00:38:25 Sen. Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing [Government Senator]
00:54:20 Sen. Karunaa Bisramsingh [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
01:18:20 Sen. Deoroop Teemal [Independent Senator]
01:57:10 Sen. Karmaria London [Government Senator (Temporary)]
02:03:20 Sen. Anil Roberts [Opposition Senator]
02:43:15 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
02:58:30 Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
03:35:10 Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell [Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts]
04:15:45 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://bit.ly/writtensubmissions
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our Policies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2024 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on-line:
Website: http://www.ttparliament.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ttparliament
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- published: 03 Jul 2024
- views: 5272
25th Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session - 12th Parliament - July 4, 2024
25th Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Thursday July 4, 2024
2:00 p.m.
Government Busin...
25th Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Thursday July 4, 2024
2:00 p.m.
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Bail (Amendment) Bill, 2024
00:17:30 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
01:01:30 Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
01:41:20 Sen. Dr. Paul Richards [Independent Senator]
02:11:40 Sen. the Hon. Renuka Sagramsingh-Sooklal [Minister in the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs]
02:33:25 Sen. David Nakhid [Opposition Senator]
02:52:05 Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
03:08:20 Sen Laurence Hislop [Government Senator]
03:23:20 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
03:33:45 Sen. Helon Francis [Independent Senator]
03:42:15 Sen. the Hon. Richie Sookhai [Minister in the Ministry of Works and Transport
03:54:50 Sen. Hazel Thompson-Ahye [Independent Senator]
04:08:30 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
The Miscellaneous Provisions (Judicial and Legal Service) Bill, 2024
04:33:20 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
05:19:55 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
The Administration of Justice (Indictable Proceedings) (Amendment No. 2) Bill, 2024
05:59:25 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
06:06:10 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
06:08:55 Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
06:10:00 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
The National Musical Instrument Bill, 2024
06:14:30 Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell [Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts]
06:36:30 Sen. David Nakhid [Opposition Senator]
07:16:05 Sen. Dr. Sharda Patasar [Independent Senator]
07:26:40 Sen Laurence Hislop [Government Senator]
07:38:55 Sen. Helon Francis [Independent Senator]
07:47:15 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
08:02:25 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
08:21:55 Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
08:30:50 Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell [Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts]
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://bit.ly/writtensubmissions
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our Policies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2024 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on-line:
Website: http://www.ttparliament.org
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25th Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Thursday July 4, 2024
2:00 p.m.
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Bail (Amendment) Bill, 2024
00:17:30 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
01:01:30 Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
01:41:20 Sen. Dr. Paul Richards [Independent Senator]
02:11:40 Sen. the Hon. Renuka Sagramsingh-Sooklal [Minister in the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs]
02:33:25 Sen. David Nakhid [Opposition Senator]
02:52:05 Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
03:08:20 Sen Laurence Hislop [Government Senator]
03:23:20 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
03:33:45 Sen. Helon Francis [Independent Senator]
03:42:15 Sen. the Hon. Richie Sookhai [Minister in the Ministry of Works and Transport
03:54:50 Sen. Hazel Thompson-Ahye [Independent Senator]
04:08:30 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
The Miscellaneous Provisions (Judicial and Legal Service) Bill, 2024
04:33:20 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
05:19:55 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
The Administration of Justice (Indictable Proceedings) (Amendment No. 2) Bill, 2024
05:59:25 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
06:06:10 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
06:08:55 Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
06:10:00 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
The National Musical Instrument Bill, 2024
06:14:30 Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell [Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts]
06:36:30 Sen. David Nakhid [Opposition Senator]
07:16:05 Sen. Dr. Sharda Patasar [Independent Senator]
07:26:40 Sen Laurence Hislop [Government Senator]
07:38:55 Sen. Helon Francis [Independent Senator]
07:47:15 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
08:02:25 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
08:21:55 Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
08:30:50 Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell [Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts]
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://bit.ly/writtensubmissions
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our Policies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2024 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on-line:
Website: http://www.ttparliament.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ttparliament
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- published: 05 Jul 2024
- views: 16453
1st Sitting of the Senate (Part 1) - 3rd Session - September 12, 2022
1st Sitting of the Senate - 3rd Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Monday September 12, 2022
1:30 p.m.
1st Sitting of the Senate - 3rd Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Monday September 12, 2022
1:30 p.m.
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://goo.gl/Lalq9I
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our Policies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2022 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on-line:
Website: http://www.ttparliament.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ttparliament
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ttparliament
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ttparliament
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ttparliament1
1st Sitting of the Senate - 3rd Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Monday September 12, 2022
1:30 p.m.
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://goo.gl/Lalq9I
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our Policies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2022 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on-line:
Website: http://www.ttparliament.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ttparliament
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ttparliament
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ttparliament
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ttparliament1
- published: 12 Sep 2022
- views: 1140
23rd Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session - 12th Parliament - July 2, 2024
23rd Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Tuesday July 2, 2024
1:30 p.m.
Government Busine...
23rd Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Tuesday July 2, 2024
1:30 p.m.
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Miscellaneous Provisions (Testing and Identification) Bill, 2022
00:55:50 Hon. Fitzgerald Hinds, MP [Minister of National Security]
01:42:40 Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
02:14:25 Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
02:23:00 Sen. the Hon. Allyson West [Minister of Public Administration]
03:01:10 Sen. Karunaa Bisramsingh [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
03:07:55 Sen. Deoroop Teemal [Independent Senator]
03:29:00 Sen. the Hon. Hassel Bacchus [Minister of Digital Transformation]
03:53:05 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
04:19:15 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
04:25:55 Sen. Dr. Muhammad Yunus Ibrahim [Vice-President of the Senate]
04:55:50 Sen. Dr. Paul Richards [Independent Senator]
05:22:45 Sen. the Hon. Dr. Amery Browne [Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs]
05:47:25 Hon. Fitzgerald Hinds, MP [Minister of National Security]
The Whistleblower Protection Bill, 2022
06:39:15 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
07:09:15 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
07:49:10 Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
08:17:40 Sen. the Hon. Donna Cox [Minister of Social Development and Family Services]
08:43:20 Sen. Dr. Tim Gopeesingh [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
09:22:40 Sen. Hazel Thompson-Ahye [Independent Senator]
09:44:30 Sen Laurence Hislop [Government Senator]
10:24:15 Sen. Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy [Independent Senator]
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://bit.ly/writtensubmissions
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
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2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
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23rd Sitting of the Senate - 4th Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Tuesday July 2, 2024
1:30 p.m.
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Miscellaneous Provisions (Testing and Identification) Bill, 2022
00:55:50 Hon. Fitzgerald Hinds, MP [Minister of National Security]
01:42:40 Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
02:14:25 Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
02:23:00 Sen. the Hon. Allyson West [Minister of Public Administration]
03:01:10 Sen. Karunaa Bisramsingh [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
03:07:55 Sen. Deoroop Teemal [Independent Senator]
03:29:00 Sen. the Hon. Hassel Bacchus [Minister of Digital Transformation]
03:53:05 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
04:19:15 Sen. Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
04:25:55 Sen. Dr. Muhammad Yunus Ibrahim [Vice-President of the Senate]
04:55:50 Sen. Dr. Paul Richards [Independent Senator]
05:22:45 Sen. the Hon. Dr. Amery Browne [Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs]
05:47:25 Hon. Fitzgerald Hinds, MP [Minister of National Security]
The Whistleblower Protection Bill, 2022
06:39:15 Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour SC [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
07:09:15 Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
07:49:10 Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
08:17:40 Sen. the Hon. Donna Cox [Minister of Social Development and Family Services]
08:43:20 Sen. Dr. Tim Gopeesingh [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
09:22:40 Sen. Hazel Thompson-Ahye [Independent Senator]
09:44:30 Sen Laurence Hislop [Government Senator]
10:24:15 Sen. Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy [Independent Senator]
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://bit.ly/writtensubmissions
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our Policies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2024 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago on-line:
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- published: 03 Jul 2024
- views: 8249
36th Sitting of the Senate (Part 2) - 2nd Session - July 6, 2022
36th Sitting of the Senate - 2nd Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Wednesday July 6, 2022
12:50 p.m.
Bills Second Re...
36th Sitting of the Senate - 2nd Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Wednesday July 6, 2022
12:50 p.m.
Bills Second Reading
The Bail (Amendment) (Extension of Duration) Bill, 2022
00:03:33 Committee Stage
The Sri Sathya Sai Baba Organisation of Trinidad and Tobago (Incorporation) Bill, 2021
The Tobago Council for Handicapped Children (Incorporation) Bill, 2021
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://goo.gl/Lalq9I
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our Policies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2022 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
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36th Sitting of the Senate - 2nd Session of the 12th Republican Parliament
Wednesday July 6, 2022
12:50 p.m.
Bills Second Reading
The Bail (Amendment) (Extension of Duration) Bill, 2022
00:03:33 Committee Stage
The Sri Sathya Sai Baba Organisation of Trinidad and Tobago (Incorporation) Bill, 2021
The Tobago Council for Handicapped Children (Incorporation) Bill, 2021
Your Feedback:
✦ Understanding: Do you understand the issues discussed?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with points raised by the Government, Opposition, and others present?
✦ Satisfaction Level: Are you satisfied with the integrity of this sitting/meeting?
✦ Concerns: What more can be done to resolve these issues discussed?
✦ Concerns: What issue(s)/question(s) do you have in relation to this sitting/meeting?
✦ Comments: Do you support the point(s)/suggestion(s) presented, and why?
✦ Comments: What point(s)/suggestion(s) do you disagree with, and why?
✦ Comments: Please suggest additional strategies/incentives, this will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Clerks.
Guidelines when sending emails (parl101@ttparliament.org), written comments or recommendations related to the subject of an inquiry: https://goo.gl/Lalq9I
Live Chat Service: Acceptable Usage Policy
The Office of the Parliament is allowing you the viewers, to participate and make comments using this ‘Live Chat’ service, only during the live stream. It is our hope to encourage positive and constructive debates with all our public viewers. Please remember not to use language that may be interpreted as disrespectful to any member of the House or disrespectful to another viewer. The views and opinions expressed are not those of the Office of the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
Our Policies:
1. Do not use the service to promote any form of propaganda or add links that may harm other users.
2. Do not use explicit language.
3. Do not use defamatory or prejudicial statements.
Any such use may result in the ‘Live Chat’ service being disabled for the remainder of the live stream session. We may also choose to permanently disable this service and ban all forms of commenting.
Please report abuse to support@ttparliament.org if you believe that a viewer is violating our policies.
© 2022 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
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- published: 06 Jul 2022
- views: 3323
Statement by President of the Senate - #16days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence 2020
The President of the Senate, Sen. the Hon. Christine Kangaloo makes a statement in observation of #16days of Activism for the Elimination of Violence Against Wo...
The President of the Senate, Sen. the Hon. Christine Kangaloo makes a statement in observation of #16days of Activism for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls.
© 2020 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago online:
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The President of the Senate, Sen. the Hon. Christine Kangaloo makes a statement in observation of #16days of Activism for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls.
© 2020 Office of the Parliament. All rights reserved.
Follow the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago online:
Website: http://www.ttparliament.org
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/parlview
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- published: 09 Dec 2020
- views: 405