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More about CC


Page of Frequently Asked Questions, with information on all aspects of Creative Commons licensing.


Resources for software developers interested in developing tools to facilitate the use and growth of Creative Commons licenses and standards.


List of best practices for marking content with CC licenses.

Web Integration

Everything a web-based (media) hosting site needs to know to integrate CC and CC-related features.

Affiliate Network

The CC Affiliate Network consists of 100+ affiliates working in over 79 jurisdictions to support and promote CC activities around the world.

Open Educational Resources

Read about Open Educational Resources (OER) and how Creative Commons supports the movement.

Wiki Projects

Version 4.0 of the CC License Suite

CC has released a new version of its core license suite, version 4.0.

Case Studies

Past, present, and future "CC success stories" to help measure the impact of Creative Commons around the world. Everyone is encouraged to contribute!

Content Directories

A list of organizations and projects powered with Creative Commons licenses.


Upcoming Creative Commons-relevant events around the world: get details, add an event, learn how to start a ccSalon, and sign up for our events mailing list.

OER Project

Contribute to CC's OER wiki-databases and pages.


Large-scale CC specifications, recommendations, white papers, tutorials.


Help us translate our wiki, web content, videos and more.