Our Projects

Poverty Reduction

  • Zambia Technical Facility for Strategic Response to Government of Zambia 2012-2015The Technical Facility for Strategic Response to the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) 2012-2015 is aimed at enhancing the attainment of national development results and is implemented by the Ministry of Finance.

Democratic Governance

  • Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ)-United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Governance ProgrammeGovernment of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ)-United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Governance ProgrammeThis project builds on previous initiatives implemented by Government from its own resources and those supported by cooperating partners. These initiatives largely focused on technical skills development, pay reform and right-sizing the public service. The current programme provides a comprehensive approach which integrates legal frameworks such as the constitution and capacity development challenges such as results orientation and mindset change


  • Round 7 TB – Zambia Tuberculosis (TB) Program Stop TB Strategic Plan Implementation UpdateThe aim of the project is to strengthen the national capacity for the response to TB by improving access to both first line and second line anti-TB drugs and facilitate diagnosis through the procurement of the necessary drugs and related diagnostic supplies. The project is supporting the National TB Program (NTP) to strengthen its monitoring and evaluation system. Furthermore, it seeks to increase service delivery capacity among partners by supporting provincial and national technical meetings

Gender and Women's Empowerment

Environment and Climate Change

Contact UNDP in Zambia
Correspondence and Inquiries Phone: +260 211 250800/ 254586
registry.zm@undp.org Fax: +260 211 253805
Resident Coordinator Annual Report
View 2011 Report


UNDP Zambia Resident Coordinator Annual Report 2011.

The Zambia Country Office is headed by Ms. Kanni Wignaraja.