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Alabama GOP now openly defending pedophilia in defense of Roy Moore

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In the wake of the Washington Post’s blockbuster story today that four women have accused Alabama Republican US Senate candidate Roy Moore of inappropriately touching them while ...
roy moore

BREAKING: Roy Moore sexually assaulted 14 y.o. girl, woman alleges

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Bombshell election news. Religious right US Senate candidate, Roy Moore, of Alabama, allegedly sexually harassed and/or assaulted four young girls, age 14 to 18, when he was in his ...
putin gay clown

The latest on Trump-Russia

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Lots of Trump-Russia updates, including Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner in increasing danger, the Flynn boys reportedly on the verge of being indicted, and the ongoing damage of ...

Trump’s panders to Asia while the GOP destroys all cultural norms

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Trump’s embarrassing trip to Asia, and the GOP effort to destroy any remaining cultural norms in politics (e.g., picking Quayle, Palin and Trump; trying to steal Al Franken’s ...
pizza delivery

Papa John’s has a delicious Nazi pizza problem

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The GOP’s favorite pizza, Papa John’s, has a delicious Nazi problem. It all began when the conservative owner of Papa John’s decided to weigh in on the NFL kneeling ...

Yet another mass shooting, what it all means if anything

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In today’s podcast, Cliff Schecter and I discuss the mass shooting in Texas, and what if anything gun control advocates can do in a country that seems to have lost its mind. You ...

Democratic election victory recap: What this means for 2018

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Democrats kicked GOP butt last night in races across the country, from Virginia to Washington state. We won governorships, state legislatures, attorneys general, mayors races and more. ...
Trump: Putin's been a very strong leader for Russia

Trump/Russia, the latest

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I wanted to write a little wrap-up of the Trump/Russia news last week, as things got really interesting with the Mueller indictments, and more importantly, the plea deal reached with ...

It’s time for a somber national discussion about [INSERT LATEST MASS SHOOTING HERE]

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This story, first published years ago, was inspired by some American mass-shooting long-forgotten. Sadly, we are forced to republish it on a regular basis. It’s time to have ...

George Papadopoulos has a story to tell about Donald Trump, Russia and Hillary’s emails

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While it’s all well and good that Paul Manafort and Rick Gates were indicted yesterday, the big news was the FBI’s plea deal for Trump campaign senior foreign policy aide ...
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