- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 17738
Cherchell (older Cherchel, Arabic: شرشال) is a seaport town in the Province of Tipaza, Algeria, 55 miles west of Algiers. It is the district seat of Cherchell District. In 1998 it had a population of 24,400.
Phoenicians from Carthage founded a settlement on the northern coast of Africa, 100 km west of the present-day city of Algiers at present Cherchell around 400 BC to serve as a trading station and named the city Iol or Jol.
It became a part of the kingdom of Numidia under Jugurtha, who died in 104 BC and it became very significant to the Berber monarchy and generals of Numidia. The Berber Kings Bocchus I and Bocchus II lived there, as occasionally did other Kings of Numidia. Iol was situated in an area called Mauretania, which was then a part of the Numidian kingdom.
During the 1st century BC, due to the city’s strategic location, new defences were built.
IOL may mean:
Intraocular lens (IOL) are lens implanted in the eye used to treat cataracts or myopia. The most common type of IOL is the pseudophakic IOL. These are implanted during cataract surgery, after the cloudy crystalline lens (otherwise known as a cataract) has been removed. The pseudophakic IOL replaces the original crystalline lens, and provides the light focusing function originally undertaken by the crystalline lens. The second type of IOL, more commonly known as a phakic intraocular lens (PIOL), is a lens which is placed over the existing natural lens, and is used in refractive surgery to change the eye's optical power as a treatment for myopia or nearsightedness. IOLs usually consist of a small plastic lens with plastic side struts, called haptics, to hold the lens in place within the capsular bag inside the eye. IOLs were traditionally made of an inflexible material (PMMA), although this has largely been superseded by the use of flexible materials. Most IOLs fitted today are fixed monofocal lenses matched to distance vision. However, other types are available, such as multifocal IOLs which provide the patient with multiple-focused vision at far and reading distance, and adaptive IOLs which provide the patient with limited visual accommodation.
Tecnis 1 piece IOL loading
No Flap, No Glue, Minimally invasive technique of scleral fixation of IOL - Yamane technique
14. IOL CC AB2018 (NM31)
16. IOL CC AB2018 (LOLS12)
Accommodative Lens IOL
7. IOL CC (12Aug17) BED-ER211
13. IOL CC (29July17) DPPE/DJPE/BESP-VA11
Toric IOL
Intraocular Lens Implant Options
IOL Graduation (Ongwediva 2017) PRT.2
Intraocular Lens (IOL)
Technis Symfony IOL
Iris Sutured IOL (Basics)
Cataract Surgery: Phacoemulsification and IOL (Intraocular Lens) Implant Surgery
Different intraocular lens in cataract surgery - Dr. Sirish Nelivigi
Secondary IOL Flanged Haptic ISF
IOL Graduation Windhoek 23 Oct 2015
Alcon UltraSert preloaded IOL delivery system
Cataract Surgery with Alcon Toric IOL. Fix/Correct Astigmatism! 1080HD. See without Eyeglasses
This video demonstrates the Yamane technique of scleral fixation of a 3 piece IOL. Minimally invasive, elegant technique, ensures stable fixation and good centration of IOL
You may choose to replace your natural lenses with accommodative IOLs after cataract surgery. Accommodative IOLs work with the ciliary muscles to move the IOL forward and backward. This movement of the lens allows the focus to change from near to far, providing good vision up close and far away. Learn more at http://www.geteyesmart.org.
With a single procedure, you have the potential to enjoy freedom from glasses or contacts for distance vision with enhanced image quality — and see life through a new lens. Alta View Eye Care Center was established in 1979 and is one of the oldest eye care centers in the South Salt Lake Valley. Conveniently located at 1300 East 9720 South on the Alta View South Hospital Campus. Alta View Eye Care Center has been serving Salt Lake Valley residents for over 30 years. As a comprehensive eye care center, the physicians are superbly trained in diagnosing and treating various eye diseases and conditions ranging from simple eyeglasses to complex cataract and refractive surgeries.
When a cataract is removed, we have the opportunity to correct the need for prescription glasses. Depending on the type of implant chosen, some patients may not require glasses EVER--even to read.
Like your eye's natural lens, an IOL helps you see by focusing the light that comes through the cornea and pupil, focusing the light onto the retina. The retina converts the light rays into signals that are sent through the optic nerve to the brain, where they are interpreted as the images we see. Learn more at http://www.geteyesmart.org.
Dr. Todd Fladen of The Fladen Eye and Lasik Center narrates small incision phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implant surgery performed at Aultman North in Canton, Ohio. Vison Blue dye and nucleus cracker used. One suture used to close the clear cornea wound. The Fladen Eye and Lasik Center Medical Director: Todd D. Fladen, M.D.
While doing cataract surgery it is compulsory that we have to place intraocular lens into the eye. This is essential because most of the focusing is done by the natural lens that we have and cataract is nothing but clouding of the natural lens. So when we remove this clouding, that is the natural lens, ofcourse important that we need to give some form a natural replacement in form of intraocular lens to focus the rays of light. When we need to choose the intraocular lenses, there are a huge variety of options available. We have basically based on the variety, or rather the make of the lens and what is the content or the material of the lens that is used. In the material we have most basic product which is PMMA, next comes silicone lenses and the acrylic lenses. These are the three commo...
This video demonstrates my third use of a novel technique of intrascleral haptic fixation as described by Yamane at ASCRS 2016. A 3 piece posterior chamber IOL is placed in the anterior chamber with the lead haptic on the iris surface and trailing haptic stabilized through the temporal wound. I used two 27G hypodermic needles passed through the conjunctiva and sclera at 90 degrees from the temporal wound and presented through the pupil to paste haptic to the globe surface without incisions. The haptic tips were deformed using heat from a loop cautery. The tips were then pushed under the conjunctiva and into the scleral wall where they firmly fix. As the deformed haptic tips are larger than the 27G needle passage they cannot dislocate.
This is a full case of cataract surgery (modified Divide and Conquer) technique with implantation of a toric intraocular lens in realtime. In this instance we use an Alcon toric IOL, but toric lens are also available from Bausch and Lomb, Starr, and AMO. Also shown is the marking of the astigmatism with a Mendez toric marker. The density of the cataract, made us deviate from my standard technique of pre-chopping to a modified divide and conquer technique of nucleus disassembly. Ophthalmologists have many techniques for disassembling cataracts in the eye, each has its benefits. Dr. Kavanagh practices at Eye Associates of South Texas with offices in: Seguin, San Antonio, New Braunfels, Luling, Gonzales and Hondo. 830-379-3937. www.eyeassociatesofsouthtexas.com or www.eyestx.com Dr. Kavan...
Wakker om half vijf, weer nen halven dag voorbij
(fucking houten kop)
De kater zit vooral opzij
Lange nachten, waarschijnlijk was ik behoorlijk scheef
Misschien was het plezant, maar mijn geheugen is een zeef
Ik heb mijn oude gewoonte weeral volledig terug
En mensen merken het, ze praten achter mijne rug
'K ben als ne gokker die den helft al verloren heeft
(blijven gaan)
Precies alsof ik morgen nie meer leef
Alsof ik nie meer aan u denk ik mis u pokkehard
Da single-zijn heeft mij genekt vanaf de fucking start
Ik weet nie waarom ik feest, waarom ik niks stuur
Waarom ik uitgezogen naar een volle ?
En ik hoor de stemmen terug van gisterennacht
"Hij is zo irritant, hij is weer iets te zat"
Ik fuck het op, ik fuck het op
En vanavond ben ik fris, dan doen ik het weer
Party all night, drie uur en ik lig al neer
Ik fuck het op...
Zonder een noodkreet, zonder een teken
Ik heb u plots in een bevlieging weggesmeten
En 'k heb u laten liggen da was weeral heel stoer
Maar toen de deur dicht sloeg kneep het mijn keel toe
Nu heb ik tegenslag, stroppen zien ik heel den dag
Nu zen ik het die zit te sturen of ik toesteken mag
Ik krijg ne "fuck you, nu komd'op de proppen"
En die shit is zo waar maar toch kan ik het nie verkroppen
Ik lig te stinken in mijn bed, ik kom voor niks deruit
Ik zien gebouwen en bruggen als ik mijn ogen sluit
En 't is nie meer dan redelijk da 'k in de hel ben
Maar ik wil iemand slagen precies alsof ik het zelf ben
En ik kan nummers vol zagen maar het is te laat
Ge moet van u af bijten, 't was mijn eigen raad
Ik fuck het op, ik fuck het op
Waarschijnlijk slaan ik morgen door en dan bel ik u weer
Vier keer voicemail en dan leg ik neer