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Do not worry guys, all is good. There was a problem, a prelude is, but what it comes down to falls. Was tested in two hospitals one of which in another country, it was in parade Then the doctor said do not drive, it's all in your head, just a fear that will not work. Said to have a permanent girlfriend and probyvat and indeed it did. However the girl warned that there are problems. The girl was understanding and agreed to try. When I heard the acceptance of the fear was missing and began probyvat. The truth emerged the problem of quick ejaculation but after 3-5 sessions, things got better. So look for a permanent partner and you will be happy!!!!
I have a problem, the first time a girl decided to have sex and I've not got, well, a long time just because I was nervous and not in a very sober state, after I asked friends what the problem they said because the beer had a lot to drink.

Posted by Doctor Willi on 05.05.16. There are 25 Comments.

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The second time I did not drink, was not nervous, she started to do a Blowjob, like all stood up, beginning to put, and so he falls a couple of times I was very ashamed, but she comforted me, saying don't worry it'll happen next time, but really embarrassing. Now I began to wonder what was wrong with him. After all, everything is the Council and explain the situation why? Also we have 24/7/365 customer support for you. So you are welcome to place the order with us! Fiction since the Sex then in the morning I was mastrubirovat good раза2чтоб not sick and in the evening Sex respetando forces to Nosrati Until the evening so that was Dolgii and solid
I'm 20. Sex life has just begun. I have problems with erection. When putting on a condom 1 time, that is fine, only inserted and immediately after the movement finish ( 5 sec). Then when you want to put the second cock almost not worth it, starts to rise chezem 5-7 mins In the mornings too, almost not worth it. Perhaps the reason for the strong prealablement? Slave a lot, and sleep little. Some pages on the Internet that offer to use Viagra or Cialis, or Levitra 40 minutes before sexual intercourse.

Posted by Doctor HAna on 01.11.11. There are 25 Comments.

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The situation with her husband was one to one. All as you wrote. Doctor mood.AK caught. There is not need viagra, and testosterone to rise. To do the tests. There are a lot of drugs. Itself will not pass and will not be adjusted. I've been waiting for this for 6 years and did all that was in my power. Nothing came of it. The doctor agreed to go only recently started to drink tablets, increased testosterone, raised libido, increased potency. With age, the level of testosterone falls steadily, can be untreated, an STD or complications from out there. may be prostatitis and a whole bunch more... So to the doctor. If it isn't, please send tries. Don't waste 6 years like me.)
Generally, of course not normal because 39 is not the age for men. Age-related changes in speak here is not appropriate. But I had a story that ended well: I met my man when he was almost 46. Platonic communication was top notch, and the bed is full of Abraham. I was thought it was a dead end, it is necessary to leave, but He insisted on continuing relationships and he was right! But the fact was that with his ex he had been married for 25 years, and she was a completely different physique. He just didn't react physiologically to another. Needed time so that he could see my sexiness. By the way, not so many time needed :) Soon we will get married! Good luck and patience!

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I have too often failed at the wrong time and messes everything up. It would seem that I have a young attractive wife, a high income, a good size... But unstable erection, weak ejaculation is not caused delight in the beloved. First time in my life I decided to order the gel to extend the fun from the Internet. Such a fabulous feeling, it seems that neither I, nor my wife in my life never happened. This is a real ecstasy! My cock again became my friend and never fails. Moreover, having sex at least 1.5 hours, and orgasms at the same time just WILD!

Girls and boys. Need your advice. Met him... I'm 29, he 39.... Very caring, gentle, serious..... Normally arranged, aimed at creating a family. But.... sex not everything.... He's not worth it, and then quickly drops. First in wanted, even when it meant his friend slightly, he rose and then in a moment of falling fast.... I saw I was upset, hugged me and said I will do anything to be with you, because I dreamed of you all my life, at any cost I will solve this problem he said and went to the doctor. Like slowly began to gradually become better. But then I found out that the doctor told him it's age (from age changes) and gave vitamins and also prescribed pills. Yes, it was she, Viagra. Never to me never happened to be honest. But the doctor told him that with time things will get better and Viagra will not be needed. So now sex is not second, but not such as we would like. The prelude has always been and he's really trying. Virgo, here is what would you do? I like him very much, he is good, but what would you do? Given the chance? Would have left immediately after unsuccessful attempts ? Do you think there's a chance that will improve ? He has a very long time no one was...... I think 10 years..... I'm sorry, can it be fixed ? or is it necessary to explain and go..... Don't want to change

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Comment Examples

  1. On the second week improve noticed, and as the weight dropped, it really is easier and a better feel started. Well Tribestan rate cut, as expected (was 3 months). Since less doesn't make sense, so testosterone by the body itself began to be produced in the right quantity, it is important to end the treatment to bring, not to bring it up again.

    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Vadim 17.08.2015 18:40
    In such cases only to refer to a specialist, so as not to aggravate the situation. And, of course, brings us most often our way of life, don't care for yourself)
    I've also had to deal with this problem, took Olmaks, rescued me.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Dodg 10.09.2015 19:14
    Previously led a wild lifestyle without worrying about health. But at one point struck in a dirt the person before the lady. Then again and again... the Place itself did not find, went to be checked, found nothing serious, but appointed Vuk Vuk. Propyl two courses in a month, everything went back to normal , even more so sexual intercourse became longer at times!
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Rokos 11.09.2015 20:03
    I have one friend's grandfather, he soon turns 70. Quite an old individual. But each time, receiving a pension, returns from the drugstore with a bag of pills, among them very often I see Vuka-Vuka :)
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Asincol 13.09.2015 20:29
    I respect traditional methods, but the efficiency is weak. Treatment always necessary to carry out the complex. Here, proper nutrition, and proper loads, and proper perception of life, and the right medications, then it will be effect.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Nicholas 24.09.2015 16:55
    Here I completely agree!!! I at problems your in bed joined to the urologist, was examined, he prescribed me a diet to change sports to add more to life, and if in a month there is no improvement, then the course olmuksa designate. Pills I drank over, but the result is great! And all because the self is not engaged.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Bob 10.10.2015 01:22
    Sexologists suggest that if it is not necessary
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Simon 23.11.2015 23:32
    No folk methods will not help, only traditional medicine.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Victor 26.11.2015 08:18
    Men, share experiences. Not worth normally for 5 years, sat on the viagra, but recently accidentally found out about the drug Vizarsin. Its price is 4 times cheaper than viagra, and the principle of action and effect are exactly the same. Manufacturer of reliable, European. Different dosages. Suggest.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Sviatoslav 04.12.2015 20:24
    Record recipe: pill of Vuka-Vuka, apricots, prunes, nuts, oranges, taken daily throughout the month. As a result, the member will be able to crack nuts.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Sergey 06.12.2015 23:05
    Record recipe: pill of Vuka-Vuka, apricots, prunes, nuts, oranges, taken daily throughout the month. As a result, the member will be able to crack nuts.
    The reaction from walnuts, vegetables and fruits, you can wait forever, another thing is the pills, he drank more than once helped.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Petrovich 05.12.2015 20:30
    If during the month your pills, and to give an oak.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Sviatoslav 06.12.2015 18:57
    If during the month your pills, and to give an oak.
    Some chela Vuk for 3 months and drinking nothing feels good, especially in bed with the ladies ))
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Master Yoda 07.12.2015 07:15
    Neponaslyshke familiar with this problem. A good start, all without a hitch, and after 10 minutes - is weakening. The guys in the audience advised vizarsin take 25mg before sex and boy, flint! )
    # Oaks 07.12.2015 16:20
    Weak erection could just be from psychological problems and receiving a Wookiee often helps to overcome it. But if the problem fiziologicheskaya is only a doctor will give the answer.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Vik 10.12.2015 17:39
    to trace means it's a bitch with other tumbles .
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Olegator 10.12.2015 20:22
    And if there is but not for long, not as much as I would like, what to do?
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Kuzya 10.12.2015 21:28
    Smear mizukami, now there sea, or wear hoods, also prolongs.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Olegator 11.12.2015 17:35
    Not a rush, I tried already.Nothing at all, neither me nor my friend.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Drozd 11.12.2015 21:27
    Not a rush, I tried already.Nothing at all, neither me nor my friend.
    To the urologist get, it's something with sensitivity use.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Goga 11.12.2015 22:00
    Try neurodes actually better and longer becomes.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Olegator 12.12.2015 18:38
    Try neurodes actually better and longer becomes.And I'll be able to buy or to Dolittle should go?
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Goga 13.12.2015 00:05
    And I'll be able to buy or to Dolittle should go?
    You can of course, this is not a prescription drug, take instructions, I weeks enough for everything to be good, but as it should be drank a month.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Drozd 13.12.2015 14:32
    Nitsche yourself! A month to drink?! or the rest of your life? Cool advice))))
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Goga 14.12.2015 08:44
    Nitsche yourself! A month to drink?! or the rest of your life? Cool advice))))
    The course of the month, but the effect will appear much earlier, casting is not advised. It is better to drink before the end so again not to start treatment. But the drug is really cool, acts cool.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Olegator 15.12.2015 12:45
    The course of the month, but the effect will appear much earlier, casting is not advised. It is better to drink before the end so again not to start treatment. But the drug is really cool, acts cool.
    So you need to try, and I already wanted to buy viagra)).
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Andrew 17.12.2015 11:24
    A lot of crazy reviews.. my advice to different happy chemicals in the last resort turn.
    Try first:
    1. proper nutrition
    2. sport
    3. healthy sleep
    4. Kegel exercises( for experiment tried them myself, the result was) here is the link if you do not know what it is:
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Ruslan 02.01.2016 20:41
    Hello myself also faced the problem that there are failures and very often.
    Tried a lot of things happened helped but not much.But the solution is still found.Each sports suggested Supplement for athletes on the principles of plants,to try the oval three days later, just thinking about girls a boner like this,and its now 2 times a day.So the very best thing and costs 300 UAH there for a month it is enough)Nada Who write to tell me how to get it.
    [email protected]
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Tim 23.04.2016 13:38
    Guys Masturbation is a terrible thing,for the reason that sex with a woman is one perception and deistvitelnost,and Masturbation is a completely different attitude to sex.If firmly hooked on Masturbation, your brain adapts to the instant gratification, and when there is an opportunity to have sex with your partner,it rises and then quickly burns out and you neudel because my arm's just.And if you long mastroberte the for you not much you have lost attraction to the female sex,you need more fantasy for your Masturbation,the more new terms for your satisfaction absolutely not related to real sex with a partner,and if you say to masturbate you stay single in life,the lot of the punter to be always me and my hand.So do not masturbate,engage yourself,be more visible not engage in cheating yourself.Well if not immediately consult a psychologist or sexopathology
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Dmitry 26.04.2016 23:35
    Guys,was the same problem as you,sometimes even on the 1st time did not get up,whether I was tired whether some other factors affected.Was very nervous about this,how do I approach girls because I want them,but I can't.Saved me one situation can and will help.Found on the Internet one gel decided why not to try,Zach AZAL - the parcel arrived quite quickly well put it,a girl came in, I have a boner was so that I was in shock,the girl herself was surprised,she studied sex 3h it was for me something and then I lost a psychological problem or don't know what to call it,even WITHOUT the gel I have right now, everything is fine,it is a blow to try,Zach Asaval here
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Oleg 09.05.2016 22:28
    Guys, in General, I have a problem, talk with friends shy. I already like a goat, and ate the parsley and celery, and other grass. But my problem with potency has not disappeared, maybe eat a little? Or longer need? When the effect will appear?
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Volk 10.05.2016 13:25
    Guys, in General, I have a problem, talk with friends shy. I already like a goat, and ate the parsley and celery, and other grass. But my problem with potency has not disappeared, maybe eat a little? Or longer need? When the effect will appear?

    Don't know, I'm not so fond of, generally don't like greens, tomatoes still did not go far, but not celery. Vuk I drank, too, on the grass, but they are there in kontsentrirovanie ω, in a small pill swallowed and forgotten. The problem of potency and decides.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Jura 10.05.2016 15:50
    Volk, Vuk is not only a strong sexual stimulant, it gives energy and stamina. Plus the sensitivity s does not reduce and does not cause addiction. In General, some pluses.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Oleg 11.05.2016 14:11
    Well, it's cool, and I'm with the people's methods I decided to start, type f natural and useful. And you also drank? And again the same question - how long you have to take it or each time to PA?
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Jura 11.05.2016 20:57
    Oleg:half a year-year will stay.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Oleg 12.05.2016 11:18
    Well, wouk is also natural, herbal. Drink it month course want it will need to be done again to secure the result, but then along the way will understand. Possible and before each act, but then a short-term impact will be, and if the course of half a year-year will stay.
    Cool, will have to try, everything, throw the parsley)) And that long-the effect of taking is generally the best option.
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Erlan 22.05.2016 21:02
    Constantly Dumka will rise or not the riser is not specific pills alikaps drink is well worth coming a very long time but too hard for once and all
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote
    # Alex 29.06.2016 19:36
    forget about drugs.. try Kegel exercises first
    Reply | Reply with quote | Quote

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Well, it's cool, and I'm with the people's methods I decided to start, type f natural and useful. And you also drank? And again the same question - how long you have to take it or each time to PA? Well, wouk is also natural, herbal. Drink it month course want it will need to be done again to secure the result, but then along the way will understand. Possible and before each act, but then a short-term impact will be, and if the course of

Posted by Doctor Mara on 01.01.16. There are 25 Comments.