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Understanding Roman Catholicism
Rick Jones
224 pages - Paperback

They'll be glad you helped them understand Roman Catholicism.


Answers To My Catholic Friends
Thomas F. Heinze
64 pages - Paperback

A great little book to give Catholics.


Babylon Religion
David W. Daniels
224 pages - Paperback

Learn how a Babylonian goddess became the Virgin Mary.


50 Years in the Church of Rome
Charles Chiniquy
368 pages - Paperback

Conversion Testimony of a Former Catholic Priest.


Jack T. Chick
96 pages - Paperback

Dangers of the Ecumenical movement.


Two Babylons, The
Alexander Hislop
330 pages - Paperback

Modern Babylon (Rev. 17:5) is the Roman Catholic Church.


Secret History of the Jesuits, The
Edmond Paris
288 pages - Paperback

Secrets the Jesuits don't want Christians to know.


Queen of All
Jim Tetlow
Available only in eBook format

Queen of Rome, Queen of
Islam, Queen of all.


Is Alberto For Real?
Sidney Hunter
96 pages - Paperback

Genuine or fraud?


Priest, the Woman, and the Confessional, The
Charles Chiniquy
144 pages - Paperback

Former priest reveals a
tragic danger of the confessional.


Billy Graham and His Friends
Dr. Cathy Burns
788 pages - Paperback

Is Billy Graham the
pope's "pied piper?"