December 5, 2017

They Never Learn

November 10, 2017 Nino Erba 0
Happy about this year’s election? Don’t get comfortable. To underestimate what Democrats have been up to regarding their base is at your peril.

Waving the Victory Flag

October 1, 2017 Nino Erba 0
No, we didn’t forget what all this has been about – as much as conservatives would want us to. Our new columnist Nino Erba opines.

Trump, Game On, Trick!!

August 27, 2017 Idavox 0
Tired of Trump’s stunts that are putting all of us in harm’s way for the love of those who kiss his behind? Chuck Tackett is too.

White Nationalist Terrorist Hated Women, Too

August 15, 2017 Lacy MacAuley 0
The attacker who rammed his car into our crowd of antifascist and antiracist activists in Charlottesville isn’t just a white nationalist, and isn’t just a racist. Based on available information, it seems evident that he is likely very, very sexist. […]
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