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Met the DCM and PCC President
@SachinPilot ji. Presented the first copy of SCM-SPRI Vision Journal (Vol X), which features an article based on his Presidential Address during the 4th Shiv Charan Mathur Memorial Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Vibha Mathur Retweeted
The BJP govt should shed its ego & listen to those with far more experience & knowledge. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Vibha Mathur Retweeted
The BJP govt should shed its ego & listen to those with far more experience & knowledge. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Changing GDP calculation isn't going to work this time. BJP govt, what is your plan? Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Act now & save millions from abject poverty or continue dawdling & eradicate decades of development. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
The longer the govt waits to implement a relief package for industries, the more unemployment will rise & people will suffer. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Congress President Smt. Sonia Gandhi writes to PM Modi suggesting measures to ensure food security for people affected by the lockdown & impact of COVID-19. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Vibha Mathur Retweeted
Apart from much talked about
#BhilwaraModel to control the Covid-19, Rajasthan has also worked on a rural model to contain the spread in rural areas. Deputy CM@SachinPilot tells me. My story in@ETPolitics@EconomicTimes … Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Vibha Mathur Retweeted
Congress govt worked tirelessly with people to develop Bhilwara model & contained spread of Corona. BJP govt, which failed in acting timely against Corona, has resorted to propaganda videos for their negative agenda. Neither can they perform nor can they see others performing.
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Vibha Mathur Retweeted
Express Interview with Sachin Pilot: Rajasthan Deputy Chief Minister says India has to look at multiple options and it can't be one size fits all
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Vibha Mathur Retweeted
The massive economic slowdown has weakened many Indian corporates making them attractive targets for takeovers. The Govt must not allow foreign interests to take control of any Indian corporate at this time of national crisis.
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Well, the reality of your IT Cell …
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Vibha Mathur Retweeted
Rajasthan govt is doing everything in their power to contain the Coronavirus pandemic but the central govt needs to provide a stimulus package & clear GST dues to support this fight. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Vibha Mathur Retweeted
● प्रदेश के 46167 गांवों में से लगभग 37 हजार से अधिक गांवों में करीब 7 लाख लीटर दवा का छिड़काव किया जा चुका है। ● इसी प्रकार सभी गांवों में करीब 16.50 लाख से अधिक मास्क वितरित किये जा चुके हैं।
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Vibha Mathur Retweeted
उपमुख्यमंत्री एवं प्रदेशाध्यक्ष श्री
@SachinPilot जी ने बताया कि प्रदेश के ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में कोरोना महामारी से निपटने हेतु सभी गांवों में प्रभावी तरीके से सोडियम हाइपोक्लोराइट दवा का छिड़काव एवं मास्क का वितरण किया जा रहा है।Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Vibha Mathur Retweeted
#NDTVExclusive | Rajasthan Deputy Chief Minister Sachin Pilot on Bhilwara Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Vibha Mathur Retweeted
केंद्र सरकार द्वारा बिना सोचे-समझे थोपे गए लॉकडाउन की कीमत कई जिंदगियों ने चुकाई है। तालाबंदी के पहले 6 दिनों में 22 मजदूरों की मौत हुई। लॉकडाउन भी भाजपा की पूर्व योजनाओं की तरह विफल साबित हुआ है। Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Vibha Mathur Retweeted
Their patience is running thin & soon what happened in Surat may erupt around the country. The BJP govt must address the plight of migrant workers immediately.
#ModiGovtDisownsPoor …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Vibha Mathur Retweeted
● स्कूलों और कॉलेजों में यथासम्भव ऑनलाइन लेक्चर तथा ई-लर्निंग की व्यवस्था की जा रही ताकि विद्यार्थियों की पढ़ाई में निरन्तरता बनी रहे और वे घर पर रहकर भी समय का सदुपयोग कर सकें।
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Vibha Mathur Retweeted
राज्य सरकार ने कोरोना संक्रमण से बचाव हेतु लागू लॉकडाउन के दौरान विद्यार्थियों के हित में कई अहम कदम उठाए हैं। ● प्रदेश के सभी स्कूल संचालकों को विद्यार्थियों से तीन माह की अग्रिम फीस नहीं लेने के निर्देश दिए गए हैं।
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