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    Announcing CLDC’s Winter Know Your Rights Training for Trainers Series!

    Become a trainer for the immigrant and/or activist community! English and Spanish speakers needed! In Lane County, across the state and the nation, our immigrant and activist communities are being targeted and suppressed by the Trump administration and law enforcement. We are seeing new policies rolling in to silence activists and clear the way for […]


CLDC Seeking Interns!

Here at the CLDC we are falling over with gratitude for the interns and law clerks who have helped, and continue to help, us carry the load. Our intern program continues, year after year, to bring us awesome, like-minded folks who are giving with their time and energy to help our various projects run and […]

Trump Xenophobia Loses Again: Federal Court Rejects Trump’s Attack on Sanctuary Cities

Last week, the Trump Administration lost again in court.  This time, the court rejected Trump’s attempt to withdraw federal funding from “sanctuary cities.”  Sanctuary cities are those cities that do not require their local police departments to act as de facto federal immigration agents, but instead allow their police departments to focus on actual crime. […]

DACA protest in Eugene, OR

Defend DACA

Yesterday, organizers of the Latinx community in Eugene brought together nearly two hundred members of the Eugene community to stand against the Trump administration’s repeal of the DACA program.


Take Yourselves Seriously: Document Retention and Destruction Policies

In light of the CLDC’s desire to educate activists and organizations regarding law-related topics, we will be presenting a series of informational primers that are particularly important in times of government repression and corporate attacks on dissent.  This series, “Take Yourself Seriously” will provide best practices for nonprofits, activist groups and individuals in order to […]

Native Americans march to the site of a sacred burial ground that was disturbed by bulldozers building the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), near the encampment where hundreds of people have gathered to join the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's protest of the oil pipeline slated to cross the nearby Missouri River, September 4, 2016 near Cannon Ball, North Dakota.  
Protestors were attacked by dogs and sprayed with an eye and respiratory irritant yesterday when they arrived at the site to protest after learning of the bulldozing work. / AFP / ROBYN BECK        (Photo credit should read ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images)

Trump’s Climate Bullies

If you troll the internet these days, you might think that SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) and RICO (racketeering) cases may seem to be growing in regularity against environmental activists. In reality, if you compare the tiny number of SLAPP suits actually filed to the number of climate activists engaged in this movement around […]


More thoughts on Charlottesville

As a devout Jewish child who grew up attending synagogue and Hebrew School, from a very young age I was constantly surrounded by stories of the Holocaust – how Hitler took advantage of economic conditions, found an easy-to-identify “other” for a scapegoat, and rose to power by preying on people’s fear.  Hitler started out with […]

Theater of Dissent Sponsorship Opportunities

2017 Theater of Dissent Sponsorship Levels Liberty Champion ($10,000+) 2 premium tables (16 tickets) Marquee logo placement on all table cards Organization logo prevalent on all outreach materials Recognition before event (social media & website), during event (projector slideshow, in program, from the stage) and after event (social media & annual report) Liberty Leader ($5,000-$9,999) 2 […]

Anti-Racist Neighborhood Sticker

Anti-Racist Statement

Adopted June 1, 2017 Civil Liberties Defense Center Anti-Racist Statement The Civil Liberties Defense Center affirms its commitment to recognizing, addressing, and eradicating all forms of racism and ethnic oppression. We focus on engaging and collaborating in organizing, educating, and providing legal support that challenges oppressive and unjust forces.  We work to reduce racial injustices […]


Solidarity with Charlottesville

On Saturday, Heather D. Heyer was murdered by a neo-Nazi. 19 others were injured. The Nazi drove his car into a crowd of counter-protestors in Charlottesville, VA during, or just after, a mass neo-Nazi rally. I’m not interested in parsing out the nuances of their ideological nomenclature—white-nationalist, white-separatist, etc. It does not matter what they […]


How to defend against SLAPP and RICO: Coming Soon to a CLDC website near you!

By Maslyn Locke, CLDC Law Clerk CLDC’s motto is “assert your rights, we’ve got your back.”  In order to ensure that activists and targeted community members know the law and how it might impact them and their political work, we continue to develop legal research, strategies and resources in the ever-changing minefield of State repression […]

783 Grant Street, Eugene, OR, Suite #200
tel: 541.687.9180  |  fax: 541.804.7391