Andy Fleming


Insouciant anarchist. Slack. Bastard. Likes cats. Usual disclaimers.


已封鎖 @slackbastard

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  1. 4 小時前
  2. 4 小時前

    Mike Davis with several thousand words on Trumpism and the end of the "American century."

  3. 9 小時前

    Manus prison:Threatening to deport 12 ppl to Nepal, about 34 to Bangladesh & many others. Height of injustice. Australian gov responsible

  4. 10 小時前

    Immigration saying 'if you sign to go back to your countries we'll give you $20000 US, if you don't we'll deport you by force.' No way

  5. 13 小時前

    PNG police attacked Mike prison 4am to deport two Nepali asylum seekers. One taken, one escaped and is lost. Barbaric action

  6. 11 小時前
  7. 5 小時前

    America First: Anti-War Movement, Charles Lindbergh & WWII, 1940-1941 [h/t : A|M]

  8. 5 小時前



  9. 8 小時前

    The leading force in Australian politics, pictured with some bloke

  10. 5 小時前
  11. 2月8日

    Serious point here: while Malcolm was ranting about Bill Shorten, the bill he was speaking about will cut welfare by $7b

  12. 2月7日
  13. 7 小時前
  14. 17 小時前

    'As the Right Urges You to Fear Refugees, Are Fighting ISIS'

  15. 14 小時前

    D.C. police demand Facebook hand over data on Trump protesters

  16. 2月7日

    so much for the "tolerant" left

    • @Chicago_ARA

      Beating Fascism In The Streets and Online

    • @antifaintl

      The worldwide fight against fascism & racism.

  17. 23 小時前

    wow, not new but i had no idea - more than half of french police and military voted Front National in 2015.

  18. 22 小時前

    Murdered backpacker's mother writes angry letter to Trump after daughter's killing appeared on White House list

  19. 23 小時前


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