Broede CarmodyHitelesített felhasználó


Journalist for and . My first book, Flat Exit, out via . Tips and abuse:

Melbourne via Wodonga
Csatlakozott 2012. március


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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    2018. aug. 22.
  2. retweetelte
    9 órával ezelőtt

    So excited and 's podcast Please Explain has been nominated for best political, social and cultural affairs program at ! Great work team!

  3. retweetelte
    márc. 27.

    The news that an Indonesian theme park—who decided to cover the breasts of a mermaid statue with a bright gold crop top—inadvertently made an homage to Mariah Carey’s 1997 release, ‘Butterfly’ has made my week.

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  4. márc. 26.

    Whatever your views on the Centre for Youth Literature being wound-up, one thing's for sure - there's some really articulate kids out there via

  5. márc. 22.

    Live music fans are demanding answers amid claims they spent hundreds of dollars on VIP packages only for people with less expensive tickets to party centre-stage via

  6. márc. 21.

    The Seven Network has been slapped on the wrist over its coverage of so-called African gangs via

  7. retweetelte
    márc. 19.
  8. márc. 19.
  9. retweetelte
    márc. 15.

    The shooter clearly wanted that horrific footage shared. Don't do it. Don't watch it. It is a nightmare. Hearts are with New Zealand & muslim friends. What a horrible day. Numb. take down his account ASAP.

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  10. márc. 12.
  11. márc. 12.

    Melbourne’s Kiis FM has recorded its lowest-ever audience share just one day after debuting a TV campaign calling its rivals "boring" and "stale" via

  12. febr. 27.

    Honestly don’t know where I’d be without Express. Please support budding writers ✨

  13. retweetelte
    febr. 26.

    Dozens of journalists in Australia are facing possible jail terms for obliquely trying to tell their readers about this but I'm glad an American journo can feel vindicated about their bravery

  14. febr. 26.

    Someone pls give this talented young woman a publishing contact ASAP ✨💚

  15. retweetelte
    febr. 26.

    Cardinal George Pell has been found guilty and is set to be jailed for child sexual abuse

  16. retweetelte
    febr. 17.

    It is a truth sadly unacknowledged that almost every time someone gets riled up about an issue they think should get more attention, a media outlet's painstaking reporting has put it into the zeitgeist

  17. febr. 13.
  18. retweetelte
    febr. 11.

    We! Are! Hiring! Genuinely stoked to be part of a major editorial expansion at this small, punchy website. Please share far and wide.

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  19. febr. 9.
  20. retweetelte
    febr. 9.

    Congratulations , the winner of the first !

  21. retweetelte
    febr. 5.

    It took an hour and a half to get this shot right to make this gif. Thanks for being patient spidey 🕷️🕷️


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