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Andy Fleming
Insouciant anarchist. Slack. Bastard. Likes cats. Usual disclaimers.
Andy Fleming retweeted
#BlockTheBill 27m
Refugee Lifetime ban bill PASSED in the lower house. Who voted YES and Who voted NO -
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Andy Fleming retweeted
WA Attorney General 7h
“No one is above the law — not even the President.” –BF
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Mona Eltahawy 26m
Court Temporarily Blocks Trump’s Travel Ban, and Airlines Are Told to Allow Passengers
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Andy Fleming retweeted
Mona Eltahawy 36m
Fuck you, Trump: Federal Judge in halts Trump’s immigration order nationwide; White House vows fight
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Andy Fleming 48m
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Andy Fleming retweeted
Ace Feb 2
MATT STONE: what if cartman was antisemitic TREY PARKER: lmao! NEONAZIS: hey we're back guys MATT & TREY: what kind of filth normalized them
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Andy Fleming retweeted
NITV Jan 30
10 Things you should know about 'Advance Australia Fair'.
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Jane Salmon 2h
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Andy Fleming retweeted
submedia 1h
U.S. Army Corps Gives Eviction Notice to Dakota Access Protest Camp
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Andy Fleming 1h
“What Is the Antifa Movement And Why Were They At NYU?” by
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Andy Fleming 1h
Melbourne anti-Trump rally: hundreds attend to voice 'unprecedented' anger
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Andy Fleming retweeted
Guardian Australia 2h
Protests held across Australia against Donald Trump's travel ban
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Andy Fleming retweeted
TorchAntifaNetwork 2h
Also worth noting that they flaked. Unfortunately for them we fulfill our promises.
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Andy Fleming retweeted
It's Going Down 5h
Rubber Bullets and Maga Hats: My Account of
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Andy Fleming retweeted
The Age 2h
The little-known bureaucrats who are cashing in multi-million-dollar pay cheques
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Andy Fleming retweeted
Harry Leslie Smith Feb 2
At 94 I might be better able than you to spot a fascist, considering I was in the RAF during that thing called World War Two.
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Andy Fleming retweeted
New York City Antifa 8h
Warning about fake website and Twitter acct, run by fash
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Andy Fleming retweeted
gυerrιlla мιndѕeт 10h
A short history of liberal anti-fascism. 1945: "Never again." 2017: "Denying Nazis the right to organize and recruit makes you a fascist."
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Andy Fleming retweeted
Der neue SPIEGEL. Ab jetzt zum Download und ab morgen im Laden erhältlich:
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Andy Fleming retweeted
Natasha Rothwell Feb 2
Saddened and sickened by Frederick Douglass' silence surrounding the Bowling Green Massacre.
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