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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Oct 17

    Finally someone had the balls to print About Other than , Thank you

    , , and 6 others
  2. Retweeted
    Dec 8

    Vote for a government: -Of the people✅ -By the people✅ -For the people✅ and not for a government -Of the modi❌ -By the media❌ -For the Ambanis❌

    , , and 2 others
  3. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    1.Rs10651.80 crores spent in foreign exchange is not shown in the profit&loss account....why? 2.Rs372.32 crores of foreign exchange is shown as miscellaneous expenses....why? Feku is using taxpayers money 4 his personal benefit n benefits of his corporate friends

    , , and 4 others
  4. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    through fake promises,lies,jumlas & under development...and this time Gujaraties will show back there disrespect towards the Jumla party through there voting rights and kick them out of power

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  5. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    At 8pm: the only story that should matter today, that should make you sick to the stomach - the brutal murder of a Muslim man in Rajasthan in the name of “love jihad”. He was first hacked with an axe,then burnt alive. Why is silent? Is Muslim hate the new normal ?

  6. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    Media and BJP are working very hard to make Gujarat Election a war of Personal Image of PM vs RG,Gujarat will vote on the basis of non performance and mis rule of BJP

    , , and 2 others
  7. Retweeted
    Dec 7
    Replying to and
  8. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    An investment of Rs. 19576 crores ws made in March 2015 2 reap d benefits from the Krishna-Godavari basin but time n again,d corporation was pulled up by the CAG and were slammed 4 irregularities in their finance.

    , , and 2 others
  9. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    For the first time ever BJP has no manifesto, no vision document for Gujarat nothing. That means their plan all along was to fight this election on religious and caste lines

  10. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    कितनी शर्म कि बात है ये भजपा के नेता बीच सड़क पर ऐसी हरकत कर रहे है ..वो किस तरह के लोग है जो ये सब देखते हुये भी भाजपा को वोट करते है

  11. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    This is remarkable but can happen only in India.

  12. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    BJP Govt likes to believe that demonetisation was a 'bold' decision. There is a difference between a bold & a disasterous decision. Our country cannot afford disasterous like demonetisation & badly implemented GST any further ..

  13. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    I've seen a video of ISIS terrorists beheading a man. Today I saw a video of a Muslim man being hacked and then burnt to death in the name of Love Jihad by a Hindutva terrorist in Rajasthan. The lack of popular and political outrage is appalling. Sorry, India, we've let you down!

  14. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    This killing is a result of the atmosphere of hate and communalism fostered by the ideology of the Sangh Parivar. Modi govt and BJP state govts refuse to act and their inaction patronises such barbarity.

  15. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    5/ The rulers look on. Silently but audibly supporting and fostering hate. They need to keep reminding their majority constituency of the imagined threat from the 'other' in order to maintain their hegemony and control over the country's resources. Project Tyranny needs hate.

  16. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    4/ India becomes in effect an apartheid state. Muslims and Hindus live parallel lives, in separate areas with separate and distinct experiences of what it means to be Indian. The one side feels threatened, demands integration, the other experiences abuse, feels victimised

  17. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    3/ Predictably each such attack is dismissed as a 'law and order problem'. Official silence; No conviction. Equally predictably each such attack emboldens others, creates discord and distrust, fosters further discrimination. Slowly almost imperceptibly...

  18. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    2/ This is the ideology espoused by the current ruling party in India. It has its origins in the idea of 'Hindutva' espoused by the right-wing groups that support and sustain the power of the right wing nationalist party whose leaders foment such barbarism.

  19. Retweeted
    Dec 6
    Replying to

    1/ This is not an isolated random attack by a psychopathic killer. It is the result of a sustained campaign of hate and vilification of a large and visible minority. That campaign has its roots in the ideology of hatred for the 'other' and glorification of an imagined past.

  20. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    The silence of the opposition in all hindutwa killings and lynchings is deafening. If you can't stand up for the minorities fearing you might lose the votebank of majorities You're not the alternative. Don't expect people to vote for you .

  21. Retweeted
    Dec 7

    Gujarat election 2017: Whatever the result, Congress now has a new and improved model of revival

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