9 December 2017

Two Palestinians killed, hundreds wounded in clashes following Trump announcement on Jerusalem

By Jordan Shilton, 9 December 2017

Thousands of Palestinians demonstrated in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on Friday following Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Trump and Jerusalem: The end of the Mideast “peace” charade

Brexit talks with EU to proceed after climbdown by UK prime minister

By Chris Marsden, 9 December 2017

The European Union will likely allow the UK to move on to the next stage of discussion on the terms of Brexit, focusing on a future trading relationship.

Former UK minister indicates Brexit referendum “deal” between Rupert Murdoch and David Cameron

Proposed Brexit deal blocked by Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party

Further signs of looming US war with North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 9 December 2017

Out of the blue, Trump officials have suggested that US athletes might not compete in the Winter Olympics in South Korea due to security concerns.

Top US official warns “not much time” to prevent Korean war

Canada to co-host meeting with US to prepare for war with North Korea

Fires rage across Southern California for fifth day

By Dan Conway, 9 December 2017

As the fires continue, the Trump administration is pushing for cuts in fire prevention and Democratic Governor Brown is imposing pension cuts on firefighters.

Southern California wildfires continue to rage for third day

Massive wildfires grow across Southern California

Video released as cop who killed unarmed Daniel Shaver found not guilty

By George Gallanis, 9 December 2017

Body-cam footage of the killing shows Daniel Shaver begging for his life and crawling on his knees before being shot five times by an Arizona police officer.

South Carolina cop sentenced to 20 years for murder of Walter Scott

By Daniel de Vries, 9 December 2017

The jail term is a rare exception to the rule of carte blanche for police violence.

Trump nominates business ally to head Consumer Product Safety Commission

By Trévon Austin, 9 December 2017

Anne Marie Buerkle has a long history of voting against penalizing companies that violate safety regulations.

Canada: Alberta’s “united right” elects key Harper aide to lead new party

By Riksen Stewart and Roger Jordan, 9 December 2017

Kenney has pledged to implement a 20 percent cut in public spending and signalled that a UCP government would freeze or partially roll back the provincial minimum wage.

Germany: Protests against the deportation of refugees

By our correspondents, 9 December 2017

Refugees from Afghanistan were herded onto a plane and flown from the German airport in Frankfurt-Main to Kabul, despite the efforts of several hundred demonstrators.

German Social Democratic Party congress paves way for grand coalition

The extreme right and the turn toward militarism in Germany

Foreign minister Gabriel promotes German big power politics

Germany: Nationwide raids on G20 protesters

Thai junta uses arms find to justify political repression

By our reporter, 9 December 2017

Without a shred of evidence, the Thai military has immediately linked the arms cache to its political opponents.

Thailand’s junta leader welcomed at the White House

Thai Supreme Court protects key figures in 2010 military crackdown

Australian maritime union maintains picket at Victorian port

By Will Morrow, 9 December 2017

The MUA’s real concern is to advance itself as an industrial police force for the company against the workers.

New in Spanish

Trump y Jerusalén: el fin de la charada de “paz” en Oriente Medio

Por Bill Van Auken, 9 diciembre 2017

El anuncio de Trump de que trasladaría la embajada estadounidense a Jerusalén, un acto de agresión contra los palestinos, es parte de la marcha hacia una guerra en todo Oriente Medio.

“Ayuda” británica desviada a fuerzas jihadistas en Siria

Por Jean Shaoul, 9 diciembre 2017

Las revelaciones confirman el apoyo británico encubierto a las fuerzas jihadistas como combatientes apoderados para derrocar al Presidente Bashar al-Assad en Siria.

El reconocimiento de Jerusalén como capital de Israel por parte de Trump genera ira y protestas

Por Bill Van Auken, 9 diciembre 2017

La ruptura provocativa con décadas de política estadounidense está ligada tanto a políticas domésticas como a la preparación para una guerra más amplia en el Medio Oriente.

New in French

Trump et Jérusalem : la fin des prétentions à la « paix » au Moyen-Orient

Bill Van Auken, 9 décembre 2017

La déclaration de Trump qu’il va déménager l’ambassade américiane à Jérusalem, un acte d’agression politique contre les Palestiniens, fait partie de la marche vers la guerre à travers tout le Moyen-Orient.

New in German

Trump und Jerusalem: Das Ende der Farce um den Nahost- „Friedensprozess“

Bill Van Auken, 9. Dezember 2017

Trumps Entscheidung, die US-Botschaft nach Jerusalem zu verlegen, ist ein Akt politischer Aggression gegen die Palästinenser. Trump nimmt damit Kurs auf Krieg im gesamten Nahen Osten.

USA: Demokraten erzwingen Rücktritt von Senator Al Franken

Patrick Martin, 9. Dezember 2017

Die Hexenjagd wegen sexuellem Fehlverhalten hat ihr bislang höchstrangiges Opfer unter den gewählten Mandatsträgern gefordert.

Nach Siemens plant auch General Electric Massenentlassungen

Gustav Kemper, 9. Dezember 2017

Im Rahmen einer „Neuausrichtung der Geschäftsaktivitäten“ kündigte der amerikanische Mischkonzern General Electric (GE) in dieser Woche den Abbau von weltweit 12.000 Arbeitsstellen an, davon etwa 4.500 in Europa.

Wurde Oury Jalloh getötet, um andere Morde zu vertuschen?

Martin Kreickenbaum, 9. Dezember 2017

Ein Staatsanwalt hatte die Vermutung, dass der Asylbewerber aus Sierra Leone 2005 in einer Dessauer Polizeizelle getötet wurde, um Ermittlungen wegen zwei weiteren unaufgeklärten Todesfällen zu verhindern.

Wie Reinhard Gehlen den BND zum Staat im Staat aufbaute

Wolfgang Weber, 9. Dezember 2017

Der Süddeutschen Zeitung (SZ) sind über 100.000 Seiten Dokumente des ehemaligen Chefs des Bundesnachrichtendienstes Reinhard Gehlen zugespielt worden, die die bedrohliche Rolle des BND in der deutschen Innenpolitik belegen.

Andrej Babis als Ministerpräsident Tschechiens vereidigt

Markus Salzmann, 9. Dezember 2017

Mit der Ernennung des Milliardär Andrej Babis zum tschechischen Regierungschef steht in einem weiteren EU-Land ein massiver Rechtsruck bevor.

New in Turkish

ABD, Türkiye ile tırmanan gerilimlerinin ortasında Mehmet Atilla’yı yargılıyor

Halil Çelik, 8 Aralık 2017

Atilla davasının hedefleri, hukuki değil, asıl olarak jeopolitiktir: Türk hükümetini ABD dış politikasıyla yeniden aynı hizaya gelmeye zorlamak ve İran’a karşı yeni suçlamalarda bulunmak.

Yemen’in eski diktatörü Ali Abdullah Salih Sana’da öldürüldü

Bill Van Auken, 8 Aralık 2017

Suudi monarşisi, şimdi, ABD’nin desteğiyle, milyonlarca Yemenlinin açlıktan yol açabilecek önlemlerle, Salih’i başa geçirme komplosunun başarısızlığa uğramasının intikamını almaya hazırlanıyor.

New in Russian

Эта неделя в русской революции
27 ноября — 3 декабря: Советское правительство призывает к прекращению войны

8 декабря 2017 г.

В то время как мировая война продолжается, а самые воинственные правительства упорно игнорируют предложение большевиков о мире, новое правительство Советской России обращается к «народам воюющих стран» с призывом положить конец империалистической бойне.

New in Portuguese

A crise no Partido Republicano e a fratura do sistema bipartidário americano

Joseph Kishore, 7 de dezembro de 2017

Os conflitos políticos dentro dos Estados Unidos refletem processos globais. Em um países após o outro, movimentos de extrema-direita têm explorado o vácuo político criado pelo deslocamento à direita de partidos socialdemocratas e trabalhistas.

Novos relatórios mostram o declínio da expectativa de vida e a piora da saúde dos trabalhadores norte-americanos

Jerry White, 7 de dezembro de 2017

Trabalhadores de meia-idade estão sendo forçados a se aposentar mais tarde, ao mesmo tempo em que confrontam saúde pior e expectativa de vida menor que a de seus pares mais velhos.

A conspiração para censurar a internet

Andre Damon e Joseph Kishore, 7 de dezembro de 2017

As agências de inteligência dos EUA, os meios de comunicação e os agentes do Partido Democrata estão transformando a caça às bruxas contra a Rússia em um amplo ataque à liberdade de expressão.

As raízes sociais e econômicas dos ataques aos direitos democráticos

Eric London, 7 de dezembro de 2017

Novos dados sobre a desigualdade social nos EUA mostram os fundamentos materiais da campanha nos círculos da classe dominante para bloquear o acesso ao WSWS e outros sites de esquerda.

Other Languages


America’s latest “Scarlet Letter” moment

9 December 2017

Working people should steer clear of the right-wing “Me Too” campaign.

Earlier Perspectives »

Featured Video

Watch: Davino Watson, American Citizen, imprisoned by ICE for 3.5 years


Australian actor Geoffrey Rush fights back, suing Daily Telegraph for defamation

By Richard Phillips and Linda Tenenbaum, 9 December 2017

Many in the industry are deeply opposed to this new McCarthyism and they are starting to speak out.

Stephen Sewell denounces media witch-hunt against Geoffrey Rush

By Richard Phillips, 9 December 2017

The Australian screen writer, playwright and novelist draws out the dangerous political implications of the trial by media persecution of Geoffrey Rush.

Democrats force resignation of US Senator Al Franken

By Patrick Martin, 8 December 2017

The public humiliation and destruction of Metropolitan Opera conductor James Levine

John Conyers forced to resign from Congress as sex witch-hunt escalates

Google hiring 10,000 reviewers to censor YouTube content

By Zaida Green, 8 December 2017

More on Google censorship »

Conflicts within US ruling class intensify following Flynn guilty plea

By Andre Damon, 7 December 2017

Trump slashes national monuments in Utah: “I’m a real estate developer”

Following passage of Senate tax bill, US ruling class takes aim at Social Security and Medicare

More on the Trump presidency »

Mehring Books


International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon workers ask “$100 billion man” Jeff Bezos: where’s my cut?

By our reporters, 9 December 2017

When reporters for the International Amazon Workers Voice interviewed part-time Amazon workers in Baltimore to discuss their attitude toward Bezos’ ill-gotten fortune, they were met with a torrent of disgust and calls for sharing the wealth.

“We’re human beings, not slaves and animals”
UK newspaper exposé details Amazon’s super-exploitation of workforce

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
One day strike hits German and Italian Amazon distribution centres

Temp work past the age of retirement
Amazon’s CamperForce program exploits elderly workers

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

NHS Fightback

UK government accelerates plans to ration and privatise National Health Service

By Ajanta Silva, 9 December 2017

In his budget, Tory Chancellor Hammond allocated a derisory £2.8 billon for the NHS over the next three years, under conditions in which the combined deficit of NHS trusts alone stood at £770 million last financial year.

Arts Review

The Man Who Invented Christmas: Charles Dickens and the writing of A Christmas Carol

By Joanne Laurier, 8 December 2017

German Historical Museum exhibition presents the October Revolution as an event of world-historical significance

By Verena Nees, 6 December 2017

Workers Struggles

Health workers strike in India, Cambodian garment workers walkout over wages
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

9 December 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Puerto Rican unions propose to partner with the Wall Street’s financial control board

By Rafael Azul, 8 December 2017

Growing numbers of US teachers abandon unions

By Nancy Hanover, 7 December 2017

Autoworkers Struggles

Near walkout at Detroit auto plant over unsafe conditions

By Jerry White, 7 December 2017

Tesla management imposes brutal workplace regime as it ramps up production

By Jean LaChance, 8 December 2017

“Management tells the UAW what to do and they say, ‘Okay!’”
Chicago Ford workers speak out on death of Coby Hennings

By Marcus Day, 5 December 2017

“Part-time work in the auto plants is modern day slavery”
Six weeks since the tragic death of US autoworker Jacoby Hennings

More on auto worker struggles »

Socialist Equality Party

Meeting of Grenfell Fire Forum in London on December 9

22 November 2017

The Grenfell Fire Forum is holding the fourth in a series of regular meetings on December 9 at 2 p.m. at the Maxilla Hall Social Club, North Kensington, in London.

Oppose Trudeau and Trump, the Canada-US alliance, and imperialist war!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Canada), 4 December 2017

Free the Maruti Suzuki autoworkers
Indian ICFI supporters to hold a public meeting in Sriperumbudur

27 November 2017

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

Australia: Socialist Equality Party holds successful meetings on Russian Revolution

By our correspondents, 7 December 2017

Workers and youth discuss the Russian Revolution at SEP meetings

By our reporters, 7 December 2017

Meeting in Wellington on December 14, Sydney on December 17
100 years on: The significance of the 1917 Russian Revolution for today

This week in the Russian Revolution
December 4-10: Guns fall silent on the Eastern Front

4 December 2017

Soviet Russia and the Central Powers agree to a 10-day truce, subsequently extended to 28 days. “We have started a resolute struggle against the war brought on by the clash of robbers over their spoils,” Lenin declares in a speech December 5.

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

Russian television’s Trotsky serial: A degraded spectacle of historical falsification and anti-Semitism

By Fred Williams and David North, 25 November 2017

The eight-part serial is an exhibition of the political, intellectual and cultural depravity of all those involved in its production.

The Place of the October Revolution in World History and Contemporary Politics

By David North, 13 November 2017

Book Review

Mark Mazower’s What You Did Not Tell: The fate of a 20th century family from Russia

By Clara Weiss, 5 December 2017


IYSSE mounts campaign against university police censorship at University of California, Berkeley

By Evan Blake, 2 December 2017

Oppose right-wing censorship at Leipzig University!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 23 November 2017

Christian Democratic student association calls for the banning of the IYSSE at German universities

By Christoph Vandreier, 22 November 2017

International Youth and Students for Social Equality launches new website

6 November 2017

The IYSSE’s newly designed website includes an updated Statement of Principles for its US section. We urge all youth and students to join the IYSSE and take up the fight for socialism.

Google Censorship

Net neutrality and the drive to censor the internet

By Andre Damon, 25 November 2017

The conspiracy to censor the Internet

By Andre Damon and Joseph Kishore, 18 October 2017

The elites “have no credibility left:” An interview with journalist Chris Hedges

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

More on Google Censorship »