anonymous report, from (translation by Unoffensive Animal):

"Today, me and two other friends, whose names will remain anonymous, wandered into the forest. We have explored the forest of our city in every corner, with friends, enjoying this beautiful sunny day. After two hours of walking, we stumbled upon a cage where a hen and a dove were trapped in horrible conditions... on both sides of the cage, several birds were dead, half decomposed, Inside the cage, ON THE GROUND, there was a rotten bowl of water. No food was available to the chicken and the dove... a real nightmare!

None of us could leave without releasing this chicken and this dove, so we organized.

One of us was tasked with monitoring the surroundings, and the other two were responsible for releasing the chicken and the dove. The release was successfully carried out, but with difficulty, because several houses were a few meters from the edge of the forest.

The hen and the dove are now in a safe place. They found freedom and joy to live."