Jim Naureckas

Jim Naureckas is the editor of FAIR.org, the website of Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting. Since 1990, he has edited Extra!, FAIR’s print publication, now a monthly newsletter. He is the co-author of Way Things Aren’t: Rush Limbaugh’s Reign of Error, and co-editor of The FAIR Reader: An Extra! Review of Press and Politics in the ’90s. Naureckas was born in Libertyville, Illinois, in 1964, and graduated from Stanford University in 1985 with a bachelor’s degree in political science. He has worked as an investigative reporter for the newspaper In These Times, where he covered the Iran/Contra scandal, and was managing editor of the Washington Report on the Hemisphere, a newsletter on Latin America. Since 1997 he has been married to Janine Jackson, FAIR’s program director. You can follow him on Twitter at @JNaureckas.

NYT Corrects Its Ed Herman Obit

FAIR thanks the activists who contacted the New York Times, and the Times for correcting the record.

NYT’s Obit for Ed Herman Requires a Correction

Ask the New York Times to correct the claim that Herman and Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent was criticized for “having soft-pedaled evidence of genocide” that hadn’t happened yet.

For NYT, Making the Democrats Safe for the Oligarchy Is Literally Job One

For more than a century, the Times has played the same role in Democratic politics—defending the party’s Big Money wing against populist encroachments. But rarely has the paper’s pleading on behalf of elite interests in the Democratic Party been as frenetic as it has lately.

American Made: A Largely True Story With Some Not-So-Fun Lies

American Made depicts Central America as a Cold War battleground, with no mention of the fact that hundreds of thousands of civilians were being murdered by US-backed governments. But bringing up that part of the history would definitely put a feel-bad spin on what was meant to be an entertaining romp with a lovable rogue.

Talking About a Revolution

The gaps between the status quo and our survival are why we need a new media system. You will not learn from corporate media how much danger their advertisers are putting us in, or what we can do to stop them.

At CNN, Imagining an Absurd Iranian/ISIS Alliance

The suggestion that Iran might be sharing intelligence with ISIS is absurd. ISIS’s stance toward Shia Islam, the kind practiced by most Iranians, is openly genocidal.

The Essential Pundit Take: ‘Trump Became President’ by Bombing Syria

Note the assurance with which Zakaria insists that a military attack on a sovereign state, unauthorized by the United Nations and unjustifiable in terms of self-defense, signifies a new respect on Trump’s part for “global norms” and “international rules.”

WaPo Spun Scoop to Shelter Sessions

The problem was not that Sessions “did not disclose” his meetings with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak; it’s that he lied about them under oath.

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