Narendra ModiTài khoản được xác nhận


Prime Minister of India

Đã tham gia tháng 1 năm 2009
Sinh vào ngày 17 tháng 9


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  1. For the last two decades, Gujarat has seen Shanti, Ekta and Sadbhavana. This has benefitted every Gujarati and taken Gujarat to new heights.

  2. When we build state of the art bus stations in our cities, construct toilets at a rapid pace, provide gas connections to women, who gains? It is the poor.

  3. Here are some pictures from today's Vadodara rally.

  4. Unparalleled vibrancy at the rally in Vadodara. Have a look

  5. Sharing highlights of my speeches in Palanpur, Sanand and Kalol.

  6. Here are glimpses of the Sanand rally. Sanand and surrounding regions were ignored by successive Congress governments. BJP devoted resources towards this region and the development here is for all to see.

  7. Thank you Panchmahal District for the exuberant welcome!

  8. Addressed a rally in Palanpur. Focussed on development initiatives of BJP Governments in Gujarat. Banaskantha has distinguished itself as an agriculture hub, particularly potato cultivation, in the last decade. Also highlighted how DMIC brings more opportunities for the region.

  9. đã Tweet lại

    प्रधानमंत्री श्री आज गुजरात के पालनपुर, साणंद, कलोल और वड़ोदरा में चुनावी जनसभाओं को सम्बोधित करेंगे। लाइव देखें  पर। लाइव सुनने के लिए डायल करें 022-45014501

  10. đã Tweet lại

    ‘The Myth of Congress Campaign in Gujarat’ - Read blog by FM Shri

  11. 9 thg 12

    Thank you Gujarat! Gratitude to my sisters and brothers of Gujarat for voting in record numbers today. I am seeing that BJP is headed towards a historic victory, powered by the affection and support of every Gujarati.

  12. 9 thg 12

    I asked the people of Mehsana- which party believes in misgovernance, which party brought corruption in the nation, which party looted the nation for years, which party divided society…you can guess their unanimous answer.

  13. Coming to Mehsana feels special. In today’s rally I spoke about the good governance efforts of NDA Government at the Centre and BJP Government in Gujarat. Highlighted how Mudra Yojana is turning our youth into entrepreneurs and job creators.

  14. Sharing highlights of my speeches in Lunawada, Bodeli and Anand.

  15. 9 thg 12

    Appealed to the people to vote for BJP and ensure our candidates win at every booth.

  16. 9 thg 12

    While BJP is talking about development and sharing our vision for Gujarat, Congress is busy abusing me. Latest to join the list is a young Congress leader who asks me who my parents are…I tell him and his party- my everything is India and 125 crore Indians.

  17. 9 thg 12

    What does the Congress do with their numbers in the Rajya Sabha? Stall the OBC Commission from getting a Constitutional Status.

  18. 9 thg 12

    State after state, people are rejecting the Congress. Their anti-development politics can be seen by everyone.

  19. Bodeli is all set to support BJP in the upcoming elections. Here are pictures from today's rally.

  20. 9 thg 12

    Memorable moments in Anand. Thank you for the affection!

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