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Music Beat Nov 21
Nov.21,1970 The Partridge Family was #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart with the song, 'I Think I Love You'.
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Geoff Salomons Nov 12
Wandered over to ye olde CD collection and pulled out this gem.
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whiskymike Nov 14
Enjoyed your Del Amitri cover 👍 Just noticed the similarities between ‘nothing ever happens’ and David Sneddon’s ‘stop living the lie’.... coincidence? 🤔
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paula Nov 13
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Maddie Brown Nov 11
Lol when you’re walking home with all your groceries and see Clay Aiken
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Gary 1h
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Patricia Cornwell Nov 15
Yes hard to believe I did a cookbook.
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GC Nov 18
Why don't you?
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cabin nightmare 1h
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Suresh Nakhua Nov 21
This had predicted will do something like this Vdo via
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VeroKatze Nov 22
I can't remember when was the last time I was in the same room with , + Today was indeed a Nice seeing you all.
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Richard Angwin Nov 15
A reminder from Bobby as pushes tax cuts for the wealthy and attempts to divide us by race and religion.
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Music Beat Nov 19
Nov.19,1973 released the album, 'Dylan'.
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Selecta Richie Roux 17h
A - I'll always be grateful to Mr Tony Williams for the opportunity to have my 1st ever Radio Show in 2013 ~ & not forgetting DJ Mz Diverse & Yvette for the poster and support 🎵❤️💛💚🎵 🎵
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Anna Homra Nov 21
Overheard in my room today...2 of my girls singing SWV’s “Weak.” &B
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#HelloMyNameIs Sian Nov 23
Spotify, I think you need to have a word with yourself today mate!! 😂😂
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Farnaz Khaki-Sadigh 12h
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Peter M. Sullivan Nov 17
A very young me with Paul Tsongas, Salem Democrats dinner, fall 1992
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Music Beat Nov 20
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Maddy P 4h
Blimey, Beast Of Burden, remember him? Entered in the 2.45 at Uttoxeter on Sunday - his first run for Dan Skelton.
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