Category Archives: Political Prisoners

Argentina: ¡Con los Rebeldes Siempre! – Always with the Rebels! (Video)

  Este video fue realizado al cumplirse 1 mes de la desaparición de Santiago Maldonado en manos de Gendarmería. El cuerpo sin vida de Santiago fue “encontrado” el 17 de octubre -78 días después de su desaparición- en el Río … Continue reading

Posted in Argentina, Chile, Facundo Jones Huala, Mapuche Struggle, MPPs (Mapuche Political Prisoners), Political Prisoners, Rafael Nahuel, Santiago Maldonado, Videos

Russia: Call for International Days of Solidarity with Russian Anarchist Political Prisoners Feb 5th-12th, 2018

Received on 31.01.18: Days from the 5th till 12th of February are the days of solidarity with repressed Russian anarchists.  In October of 2017 in Penza six anarchists and antifascists were arrested by officers of Federal Security Service on a … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Fuck The FSB, Ilya Kapustin, International Solidarity, Penza, Political Prisoners, Repression, Russia, St Petersburg, Victor Filinkov

France: Freedom for Georges Louis!

Recived on 19.01.18: Our comrade Georges Louis, union representative at the CGT (General Workers Confederation) and a militant of the Secours Rouge Arabe (Arabian Red Help), was arrested again. At 4.30 AM, 10 armed and masked policemen and 4 civilian … Continue reading

Posted in France, Georges Louis, Political Prisoners, Repression, Secours Rouge Arabe, Secours Rouge International

Zaragoza, Spain: Update from the Family of Imprisoned Anti-Fascist Comrade Rodrigo Lanza

For all the people who are calling us to know how we are and support us. This Saturday 17/12/ 17, I went to see Rodrigo in prison. I know that he is in isolation. Preventive isolation, without a legal trial … Continue reading

Posted in Antifascism, Antifascist Prisoners, International Solidarity, Political Prisoners, Prison Struggle, Repression, Rodrigo Lanza, Spain, Zaragoza

Belarus: New Campaign of Solidarity for Anarchist Political Prisoner Dmitry Polienko

Received on 24.12.17: We are social activists and friends of Dmitry Polienko and we are starting a New Year campaign of solidarity with the Belarusian prisoner of conscience! Please send a postcard with some words of support to Dmitry! You … Continue reading

Posted in #Free_Polienko, Anarchist Prisoners, Belarus, Critical Mass, Dmitry Polienko, Political Prisoners, Repression

Greece: Latest Update about the Attack Against Revolutionary Struggle Member Nikos Maziotis

22.12.17: The attack against Nikos Maziotis took place in his cell. About 10 prisoners were involved in the attack. Of these, 2 or 3 took a more active role than the others. Nikos Maziotis was hit mainly on the head and … Continue reading

Posted in Greece, Greek Prisons, Hunger Strike, Korydallos Prison, Nikos Maziotis, Political Prisoners, Prison Struggle, Revolutionary Struggle, St. Paul Korydallos Prison Hospital

Greece: Imprisoned Revolutionary Struggle Member Nikos Maziotis back in Hospital following Brutal Unprovoked Assault (Eng/Esp)

21.12.17: Following a telephone conversation we have learned that Nikos Maziotis is in Korydallos Prison Hospital after being assaulted and beaten. Specifically the prisoner who attacked him said: “Are you the Maziotis who plays the hard case?” before breaking his … Continue reading

Posted in Greece, Hunger Strike, Korydallos Prison, Nikos Maziotis, Political Prisoners, Repression, Revolutionary Struggle, St. Paul Korydallos Prison Hospital