Category Archives: Greek Prisons

Greece: Latest Update about the Attack Against Revolutionary Struggle Member Nikos Maziotis

22.12.17: The attack against Nikos Maziotis took place in his cell. About 10 prisoners were involved in the attack. Of these, 2 or 3 took a more active role than the others. Nikos Maziotis was hit mainly on the head and … Continue reading

Posted in Greece, Greek Prisons, Hunger Strike, Korydallos Prison, Nikos Maziotis, Political Prisoners, Prison Struggle, Revolutionary Struggle, St. Paul Korydallos Prison Hospital

Greek Prisons: Revolutionary Struggle Prisoners Pola Roupa & Nikos Maziotis End Hunger Strike Following Satisfaction of their Demands

This Monday, December 18, after he was discharged from the hospital at Korydallos Prison, Nikos Maziotis was transferred to Unit 5 and is no longer under special detention / isolation regime. Therefore since our demands regarding our imprisonment have been … Continue reading

Posted in Greece, Greek Prisons, Hunger Strike, Korydallos Prison, Korydallos Women's Prison, Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, Political Prisoners, Prison Struggle, Revolutionary Struggle, St. Paul Korydallos Prison Hospital

Greek Prisons: Statement of Revolutionary Struggle Prisoners Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis on Day 24 of Hunger Strike

[via Athens Indymedia, translated by Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras and Insurrection News] 03.12.2017 Our state of health has detiriorated and Pola Roupa is on the verge of hypoglycemic shock with 49 mg/dL blood sugar levels (Note from Insurrection News: generally … Continue reading

Posted in Greece, Greek Prisons, Hunger Strike, Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, Prison Struggle, Revolutionary Struggle

Grecia: Actualización de huelga de hambre de Lucha Revolucionaria + palabras de Pola Roupa y Nikos Maziotis

Recibido en 05.12.17: [Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras desde Indymedia Athens] 03/12/2017 Nuestro estado de salud se ha deteriorado y Pola Roupa está al borde del shock hipoglucémico con 49 [mg/dL] de azúcar. Le dijeron que se pusiera suero … Continue reading

Posted in Greece, Greek Prisons, Hunger Strike, Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, Political Prisoners, Prison Struggle, Revolutionary Struggle, St. Paul Korydallos Prison Hospital

Grecia: Prisionerxs de Lucha Revolucionaria Pola Roupa y Nikos Maziotis son trasladados a hospital en día 21 de huelga de hambre.

[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras desde Insurrection News] Grecia, 02.12.17: La abogada de lxs miembrxs encarceladxs de Lucha Revolucionaria Pola Roupa y Nikos Maziotis, Marizana Kikiris, después de una discusión con los funcionarios de la prisión fue informada, pero … Continue reading

Posted in Greek Prisons, Hunger Strike, Pola Roupa, Prison Struggle, Revolutionary Struggle, St. Paul Korydallos Prison Hospital

Greek Prisons: Update from Revolutionary Struggle Prisoner Nikos Maziotis on Day 24 of Hunger Strike

04.12.2017 They briefed us a short time ago that Prison Prosecutor Savaidis intends to order our immediate transfer to the Korydallos Prison Hospital for involuntary hospitalization one day after we demanded to be returned to prison after our demand to … Continue reading

Posted in Direct Action, Greece, Greek Prisons, Hunger Strike, Nikos Maziotis, Political Prisoners, Prison Struggle, Revolutionary Prisoners, Revolutionary Struggle, St. Paul Korydallos Prison Hospital

Greek Prisons: Revolutionary Struggle Prisoners Pola Roupa & Nikos Maziotis Hunger Strike Update Day 21

Greece, 02.12.17: The lawyer for the imprisoned Revolutionary Struggle members Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, Marizana Kikiris, after an argument with prison officials was informed – but not in an official capacity – that the comrades were being transferred to … Continue reading

Posted in Greece, Greek Prisons, Hunger Strike, Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, Prison Struggle, Revolutionary Struggle, St. Paul Korydallos Prison Hospital