Category Archives: Greece

Greece: Responsibility Claim from Popular Fighters Group for the Bombing of the Athens Court of Appeals

Received on 16.01.18: Responsibility Claim for the Bomb Attack on the Athens Appeals Court   Bourgeois Justice, a Weapon in the hands of Capital “Justice is like a snake. It bites only the barefooted.” In the years of the memorandum, … Continue reading

Posted in Analysis, Armed Struggle, Athens, Direct Action, Explosive Attack, Greece, Popular Fighters Group (OLA), Urban Guerrillas

Greece: Powerful Bomb Blast Rocks the Athens Court of Appeals

22.12.17: A powerful bomb blast exploded outside the Athens Appeals Court in the early hours of Friday morning causing extensive damage to the building and forcing the court’s closure for the day with all cases suspended. Nobody was injured in the … Continue reading

Posted in Athens, Direct Action, Explosive Attack, Greece

Greece: Latest Update about the Attack Against Revolutionary Struggle Member Nikos Maziotis

22.12.17: The attack against Nikos Maziotis took place in his cell. About 10 prisoners were involved in the attack. Of these, 2 or 3 took a more active role than the others. Nikos Maziotis was hit mainly on the head and … Continue reading

Posted in Greece, Greek Prisons, Hunger Strike, Korydallos Prison, Nikos Maziotis, Political Prisoners, Prison Struggle, Revolutionary Struggle, St. Paul Korydallos Prison Hospital

Greece: Imprisoned Revolutionary Struggle Member Nikos Maziotis back in Hospital following Brutal Unprovoked Assault (Eng/Esp)

21.12.17: Following a telephone conversation we have learned that Nikos Maziotis is in Korydallos Prison Hospital after being assaulted and beaten. Specifically the prisoner who attacked him said: “Are you the Maziotis who plays the hard case?” before breaking his … Continue reading

Posted in Greece, Hunger Strike, Korydallos Prison, Nikos Maziotis, Political Prisoners, Repression, Revolutionary Struggle, St. Paul Korydallos Prison Hospital

Athens, Greece: Banner in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoner Lisa, Accused of Bank Robbery in Germany

Received on 22.12.17: Today, 21st of December, taking part in the international call for solidarity with the comrade Lisa accused of bank robbery in Aachen, Germany, we decided to hang a banner in the Polytechnic University, in Exarcheia, Athens. The … Continue reading

Posted in Aachen, Aachen Bank Robbery Case, Anarchist Prisoners, Athens, Banners, Cologne, Exarcheia, Fire To The Prisons, Free Lisa, Germany, Greece, International Solidarity, Lisa

Syria: Message from Greek Anarchist Comrades & Internationalist Volunteers RUIS about the Liberation of Raqqa

Comrades! At this time the city of Raqqa is free from the fascists of the Islamic State. Every part of the city gained to the hands of the liberation forces of the YPG, YPJ and SDF on October the 17th. … Continue reading

Posted in Antifascism, Armed Struggle, Autonomy, Democratic Confederalism, Greece, International Freedom Battalion, International Solidarity, Islamic State, Kurdish Struggle, Raqqa, Revolutionary Union for Internationalist Solidarity (RUIS), Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Syria, Syrian Democratic Forces, Videos, YPG, YPJ

Greek Prisons: Revolutionary Struggle Prisoners Pola Roupa & Nikos Maziotis End Hunger Strike Following Satisfaction of their Demands

This Monday, December 18, after he was discharged from the hospital at Korydallos Prison, Nikos Maziotis was transferred to Unit 5 and is no longer under special detention / isolation regime. Therefore since our demands regarding our imprisonment have been … Continue reading

Posted in Greece, Greek Prisons, Hunger Strike, Korydallos Prison, Korydallos Women's Prison, Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, Political Prisoners, Prison Struggle, Revolutionary Struggle, St. Paul Korydallos Prison Hospital