Category Archives: Fundraiser

Rojava: Medical Support for Kobane Campaign

Since 2013, the Kurdish region Northern Syria (Rojava) is fighting against terrorist groups, in particular against ISIS. After the Liberation of Kobanê last year, the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) and Kurdish forces (YPG/YPJ) were able to besiege Manbij, which is … Continue reading

Posted in AK Solarenergie für Rojava, Fundraiser, Kobane, Kurdistan, Manbij, Rojava, SDF, Syria | 2 Comments

Philippines: Support the Greenhouse Infoshop mobile library!

My name is Noel Regachuelo I am a community organizer, gardener, artist and a designer. I maintain the Greenhouse Infoshop Project, an autonomous space & a community library. Our space is located far from the city, so I designed a … Continue reading

Posted in Fundraiser, Greenhouse Infoshop Project, Mobile Library, Naga City, Philippines | Leave a comment