Posts Tagged ‘Val Susa’

Statement from NO TAV arrested (Italy)

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014



There are approximately 600 people accused, over a thousand investigated, dozens of people under several restrictions (home confinement, expulsion order), fines for hundreds of thousands of euros, a trial against 53 No Tav protesters, and several comrades who have been under house arrest for months now. These numbers show the repressive fury against the No Tav movement. This August, the Prosecutor of Turin added yet another chapter to their crusade: No Tav rotesters were investigated for “actions aimed at a terroristic attack” for one of the many actions taken against the construction site of Chiomonte – and for this reason subject to restraining measures. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

'The figures don’t add up?' – Leaflet in solidarity with anarchist comrades Alfredo and Nicola (Italy)

Saturday, October 19th, 2013

Two years have passed since the latest incident in a nuclear power plant, that of Fukushima: a never before established and incalculable number of deaths, wounded and people contaminated by radioactivity; damages of huge proportions that the Japanese techno-scientific community, government and press awkwardly try to conceal, and last but not least the tragic farce of the Olympic Games in Japan, with which propaganda is glorifying a devastated, deadly and broken territory.

In Italy, an unknown number of radioactive waste sites oozing death are scattered in the countryside of Saluggia and Trino Vercellese close to the Po basin, the heritage of the last nuclear power plant that operated in the Piedmont region.

A regular passage of trains loaded with nuclear waste destined to re-processing (i.e. re-use) goes on between North Europe, Italy, the Susa Valley and France.

An industrial giant, Finmeccanica, specializes in various sectors including nuclear power for civil use (maintenance of existing nuclear plants and construction of new ones), arms production and trade, and control systems (mainly concentrated on the new borders of expansion such as nuclear plants in Romania, arms trafficking with India, etc), also represents a typical example of racketeering, corruption and exploitation ingrained in all expressions of dominion and capital.

A planner of nuclear plants, a champion of the dramatically false and faulty sustainability of the civil use of nuclear power, who is a manager belonging to Ansaldo Nucleare of Finmeccanica- Roberto Adinolfi- was wounded by a gunshot outside his house on May 7 2012, in an action claimed by the Olga nucleus of the Informal Anarchist Federation.

Two comrades, anarchists Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito will go on trial on October 30 2013, after having been charged with attack with purposes of terrorism following Adinolfi’s wounding.

We greet with joy and anger anyone who opposes the devastation perpetrated by dominion, and with their heads held high they continue to claim the validity and force of real practices of struggle and critique.

For anarchy.

From RadioAzione translated by actforfree/B.pd

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Spring attacks in Italy

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

TORINO (21th of March)
During the night, an arson targeted the entrance gate of Geo Studio Servizi, an architects company which collaborates with the construction of a High Speed Train (TAV) in Val Susa.

TORINO (14th of March)
During the night, three banks were attacked with hammers. The windows got broken and the ATM’s damaged. Tags were painted on the walls saying “Basta sfratti” (stop expulsions) and “Pagherete tutto” (You will pay for everything). According to the police, this attack could be a vengeance for the arrest of three comrades during an anti-expulsion action.

NAPOLI (4th of March)
During the night the Citta della Scienza (City of Science) in Napoli burned to the ground. This institution was well known, even beyond the national borders and consisted of a incubator for companies and a training center to promote the “scientific citizenship”. In a few hours this monument of technological research was destroyed. According to the newspapers it was an arson.

TORINO (2th of March)
During the night, fire was put to an electrical cabin which provides electricity for the Office for Immigration in the corso Verona. Some say this attack could be linked to the recent revolts in the detention center for immigrants in Torino.

News translated from different Italian websites.

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Posted in Direct Action

Arrests in Rovereto (Italy): Massimo Passamani in prison and Daniella Battisti under house arrest

Friday, August 31st, 2012

325 was wrongly attributed as the source of the following story which appeared on anarchistnews. Solidarity with Massimo and Daniella. Open source warfare against the existent. Down with the Italian regime of bankers and military-fascist corporations. See also : 1 & 2

From anarchistnews.org:

The most totalitarian society is that which knows how to paint chains with the color of liberty, which is the commodity par excellence today. If the most effective repression is that which nullifies the very desire to rebel, social consensus is preventive repression, the policing of ideas and decisions.

This morning, the 27th of August, in an operation by the special forces of the Carabinieri, in which dozens of police participated and more than ten houses were searched, at two anarchist centers (in Trent and Rovereto) they detained comrades Massimo Passamani and Daniella Battisti, the first is in jail at Tolmezzo and the second on house arrest. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Letter from Alessio Del Sordo (Italy)

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

From informa-azione.info

We receive and transmit this letter from Alessio Del Sordo, anarchist comrade and NO TAV prisoner detained in the prison of Turin.


On 6th December 2008, an infamous cop murdered Alexis Grigoropoulos in the Exarchia neighbourhood in Athens. Following that infamy, attacks on the structures of power and their men took place all over Greece. Street clashes, cash machines destroyed, police stations assaulted. Exactly a year after Alexis’ murder, on 6th December 2009, in the vicinity of the spot where he was killed, a spontaneous march was repeatedly charged by antiriot cops on motorbikes, the Delta Corps, financed by the European Union and trained by Italian instructors. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Val Susa: A summary of the struggle and an update on the imprisoned comrades (Italy)

Friday, May 18th, 2012

By act for freedom now/B.pd

A summary of the events in Val Susa

Various Italian governments have been trying to carry out the TAV (high speed railway) project for more than twenty years. In particular, what politicians and economic lobbies want to achieve is the construction of a high speed railway track linking Turin to Lyon, which will imply the ruin of one of the most beautiful mountain areas of the country, the Susa valley (Piedmont, northern Italy). (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Bristol: Attack against Communications Infrastructure by ELF (UK)

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

From IMC UK:

11 April 2012

We take responsibility for the attack on the communications mast on Dundry hill on 11th April, that took out five communication services and took off air BBC Radio Bristol and Jack FM for more than 16 hours, as well as disrupting Avon and Somerset Police radio communications it seems (although they are refusing to comment on this).

We did this by stuffing two tyres with rags and methylated spirit, jamming them in the bundles of wires at the bottom of the mast and then igniting them. It was our pleasure to demonstrate that with modest ability and ample will we can create a rupture in ‘business as usual’.

We want to interrupt the spectacle of the mass media, and the administration of the technological-information society.

These radio stations and the media in general enforce the interests of the ruling class – the state and corporations. Propaganda masquerading as ‘objective news’ comes ad verbatim from government and corporate sources, and listeners get blasted with a tidal wave of adverts worshipping commodity lifestyle. Any criticism of the status quo is allowed, as long as it occurs within certain parameters, taking capitalism and civilisation as given, and entrenching the idea that these are inevitable. These criticisms, drained of any vitality, actually help maintain the existing order by making it appear tolerant. Genuinely revolutionary ideas are met with violent repression, as in the recent case of the anarchist counter information websites Culmine and Parole Armatein Italy. Every repressive blow deserves an answer. Mass media is the enemy of all rebellion and of every attempt to create a free life.

The media is just one tool of modern alienation. Technologies such as mobile phones and online networks have become so all-pervasive that other more meaningful forms of communication have been undermined. We are increasingly atomised and connected to each other through the mediation of mass electronic devices. The technological-information society makes it easy to bury yourself in obsessive updating, reality TV, ‘social media’, popularity games and whatever gets handed down to blot out a way of life which hinges on control and exclusion.

Faced with all this, we aren’t bought off as accomplices to an impoverished society that is collapsing the ecology which hosts us on this planet, and we reject the endless slide show of media revelry.

This was our torch of solidarity to; Luca Abba (injured whilst resisting the military-style occupation by police thugs in the Susa Valley) and the 25 arrested across Italy fighting against the high speed train line construction; the jailed eco-sabateurs Braulio and Adrian in Mexico along with Sadie and Exile in the US; and members of the Greek revolutionary organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (who are now threatened with having their sentences lengthened) and the others accused in their case.

For a renewed spring offensive – THE TIME IS NOW AND THE ENEMY IS EVERYWHERE

Some rising flames, ELF Empowering inferno

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Posted in Direct Action

NO TAV – Update on the struggle (Italy)

Sunday, April 15th, 2012

On 11th April land expropriation in Val Susa was authorized by the law in order to set the yard for the construction of the Turin-Lyon high speed railway track. On the same day the inhabitants of the valley along with many other people coming from all over the country bravely faced the occupation troops and blocked highways and roads in the area. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

NO TAV – Luca Abba’s letter for the coming mobilization days (Italy)

Friday, April 13th, 2012

Translated from informa-azione:

Here is another small contribution from me so that I feel closer to the mobilizations of the next days. I ask you to be there, strong and determined as always, also on my behalf. I won’t be able to be present because I’m still hospitalized at the Cto [trauma unit of hospital] in Turin.

The Clarea valley, like the entire Val Susa, belongs to the people of the Susa valley! Not because it’s our private property but because we belong to this land. For centuries the Clarea valley was the place where generations of our forefathers lived. Meadows and woods were clean, vineyards and fields well looked after and mountain chalets inhabited by hundreds of people. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Europol und das Gespenst des Anarchismus (Europe)

Saturday, April 7th, 2012

German language article about a meeting of the Europol, which is a conference against “Euro-Anarchists”, called at the request of the Italian authorities. The topics for the repressive meeting include Val Susa Struggle in Italy, the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), ELF/ALF & Militant Ecological Struggle, No Border Camps, Counter-Summits etc.

Written by Matthias Monroy 22.03.2012 >> Click for original with links-reference

Mit immer mehr Maßnahmen verfolgen EU-Institutionen grenzüberschreitende linke Bewegungen. Dem BKA haben es angebliche “Euro-Anarchisten” besonders angetan

Seit 2002 ist die EU-Polizeiagentur für die Verfolgung von Umwelt- und Tierrechtsaktivismus bekannt. Jetzt bekommt die Kriminalisierung internationaler politischer Kampagnen eine neue Facette: Eine Konferenz von Europol nimmt unter anderem verkehrspolitische und antirassistische Aktivisten aufs Korn. Um die Kompetenzen der Behörden zu erweitern, werden die Ausgeforschten mit Absendern von Briefbomben gleichgesetzt. Auch der EU-Geheimdienst ist mit von der Partie.

Europol organisiert eine Konferenz zu anarchistischen Bewegungen in der Europäischen Union. Dies berichtete ein Sprecher der EU-Polizeiagentur letzte Woche in der Ratsarbeitsgruppe “Terrorismus”. Demnach soll die Veranstaltung am 25. April stattfinden. Über den Ort wurden keine Angaben gemacht. Gewöhnlich finden derartige Zusammenkünfte aber am Sitz der Agentur in Den Haag statt. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

NO TAV – Juan’s communiqué from the prison of Trento (Italy)

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

Hola! I’m Juan Sorroche Fernandez and I’m writing this communiqué to clarify my position.

The TAV in Val Susa is one of the many projects that the State and society are getting going, like incinerators, the waste disposal emergency in Naples, the Gronda in Genoa (concerning the development of road junctions), construction of new prisons, militarization of the sites where Great Works are being implemented and the militarization of cities. The destruction of the earth and the consequent pollution alone would be sufficient to want to oppose these projects, but besides causing environmental devastation the State and dominion are crushing the individuals in a more and more mechanized system of control, a system based on production and circulation of goods. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Poem for Luca Abba, injured NO TAV activist written by Mapuche poet Rayen Kvyeh (Italy, $hile)

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

Luca, brother, friend, comrade

The summer suns burnt out, the rivers of clouds ran wild

The ancestors of our Mapu Nuke inhabiting the mountains and the libertarian spirits sleeping on the peaks of the Val Susa are protecting your sleep.

From deep inside our hearts we raise our chants into the sacred Rewe so that you can recover and go back to your people, the women and men of free thought, who struggle for mother earth, alive and libertarian.

To the comrades of NO TAV, to you whom I have recorded in my memory, for your solidarity, dignity and struggle, our solidarity that springs up from deep inside the roots of araucarias and cinnamon protecting our land.

Luca, brother, friend, comrade

We are with you from across the Andes
And swimming in the oceanic seas
Of peoples’ solidarity.

Rayen Kvyeh (Mapuche poet in the territory occupied by the State of $hile)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

NO TAV: Solidarity actions in Paris & Lima (France, Peru)

Monday, March 5th, 2012

NO TAV: Gathering and road blocks in Paris, France.

Paris – Saturday 3rd March 2012. About fifty people answered the solidarity call of the NO TAV movement. During the gathering, speeches on the events in Val Susa and the mobilizations all over Italy, then the points of the meetings: what are we going to do besides the solidarity, simple but necessary, with the prisoners; how can we bring the movement to France; what are the links between this movement and us? Followed by policemen in plain clothes at a certain distance, the small group started marching and blocked the traffic in Sebastopol and on Rue de Rivoli, and eventually reached Place du Chalet, where a demo for the Syrian people was being held.

NO TAV – Solidarity from Peru, Italian embassy visited.

On the night of 29th February we visited the Italian embassy in Lima and left there a banner reading: ‘SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLE THAT STRUGGLE FOR THE LAND! NO TAV!’ We also dubbed a ridiculous baroque-like painting on the wall with graffiti. As we were being chased by the watch dogs of power, we disappeared in the darkness.

In this country the struggle is against mines, in Italy it is against the high speed railway. May resistance to the destructive projects of the State and capital go beyond all borders! Against all harmfulness and in defence of the Earth. Self-organization and Direct Action everywhere!



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Posted in Eco Struggle

NO TAV: More news from the hot situation (Italy)

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

Trento – Imprisoned comrade Juan protests in solidarity with Luca and the NO TAV struggle

On Monday 27th February our comrade Juan, arrested on 26th January and detained in the prison of Spini di Gardolo in Trento, heard of the eviction of Baita Clarea in Val Susa and of the serious condition of Luca. For this reason Juan decided to carry out a protest and refused to go back to the cell after the time in the exercise yard. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

NO TAV: Summary of latest events (Italy)

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

Widespread acts of resistance are taking place across Italy triggered by the near murderous actions of the police in Val Susa.

A summary of the latest events Baita Clarea is an area in Val Susa where works for the implementation of the TAV were due to start soon. On Monday 27th February the forces of order proceeded to evict and expropriate the land in Baita Clarea in order to clear the way for the devastating high speed railway works. On the same day Luca Abba’, a resident of the Val Susa whose land was also expropriated, climbed a pylon in an attempt to block the ongoing military operation. The cops ordered Luca to come down without taking precautions for his safety, pushing him even higher and failing to cut off the electricity of the pylon. As a result, Luca was electrocuted and fell several metres below. (more…)

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