Posts Tagged ‘Kozani’

Athens: School bus and vehicle owned by construction company torched by 'Eternal students at the University of Anarchist Insurrection/FAI – IRF'(Greece)

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

Edited version via InterArma:



“I stand here as your declared and unrepentant enemy, I do not beg for
your lenience, I do not seek to engage in dialogue with you and your
peers. My values are at war with yours, so that every phrase I come out
with against you is a razor scoring the masks of your hypocrisy and
making clear the position and the role of each of us. You redact
hundreds of pages of files and you constantly form new cases, in order
to bury us in the prisons of your democracy, for decades. You are
preparing to impose “special detention conditions” on us, which is the
only coup missing from the pantheon of “special treatment” (prison
transfers, trials, laws), which you create to fight us. The simple laws
of physics dictate, that reaction is the consequence of action. Outside
this courtroom on free lands, there are rebelious people, comrades for
me, terrorists for you, who don’t intend to tolerate our extermination,
without making you and your political supervisors bleed first. You can
take this as a threat if you like. I believe, that this is the cynical
reality. Each option has its own cost. I guess, that, as judges and
servants of the law, you would agree with me on this.”

(Nikos Romanos)

Fragment of the statement at the trial for the robbery in Velvento, Kozani

In the frenetic and ever changing social reality that surrounds us, even
the scientific consultants of the bellwethers of the capitalist system
fall out in their predictions. In addition to the individual
geostrategic choices of their peer competitors (Palestine, Syria,
Ukraine, Iran, etc.) and some flaws and contradictions of the system
that appear to be sharpened during the (because of this) exacerbated
condition of the ongoing structural crisis, that which crumples the
fragile humanitarian masks of statists and refutes, constantly, every
certainty about the future, every myth concerning the omnipotence of the
state and any idea about the futility of the liberation struggle, is the
imponderable factor of the insurgents of this world.

The ‘europeanisation’ of the Greek prison system, the aggravating penal
repression of social struggles, the escalation of counter-terrorism
policy dictated by interstate police conferences about Justice and
National Security, the bounty on the heads of revolutionaries and the
recent legal establishment and announcement of the construction of a
high security prison (type C) in Domokos, that aims primarily at
prisoners involved in cases of armed revolutionary action, are all
“signs of the times” and expressions of class domination of the vast
majority of formal and informal social institutions controlled by the
State and Capital. The global and multi-level, capitalist and cultural
restructuring attempted, with the economic crisis as pretext and means,
requires social “peace”, mass vassalage, individualization and above all
annihilation of “internal enemies”.

There are, however, times when the analyzes are redundant, rage and
hatred for the established order become a stream that threatens to drown
not only the usurpers of our lives but also every indolent, hypocritical
challenger and inactive, indignant humanist. There are no excuses! We
are constantly looking for ways to escape the grid of imposition of
domination and strive to reclaim moments of an – in advance – alienated
life, deregulating and seeking to dismantle the clocks of the social
machine, while maintaining an open bet of anarchist revolution and total
rupture with the regime.


The imprisoned anarchist urban guerrilla Nikos Romanos, friend of
Alexandros Grigoropoulos, who was present at his murder by the uniformed
worm Korkoneas, is one of the dozens of anarchist prisoners of war of
the Hellenic Republic, who in recent years have faced the inquisitors of
the judicial mafia and the special treatment reserved for political
enemies of the system, and who boldly defended the project and the
values of Anarchy, taking responsibility and having the costs of certain
choices stemmed from them, regardless of the jumble of prosecutions
against them and the harsh conditions of incarceration, that have
implications on their physical existence and freedom.

Since 1st February ’13 when he was arrested after a car chase following
the double expropriation of state money along with his comrades
G.Mihailidis, A-D.Bourzoukos and D.Politis in the city of Veria
and the
province of Kozani, comrade Romanos, a member of the Informal Anarchist
Federation, is now among those anarchist prisoners who found themselves,
and among other people “accused” for participating in armed
revolutionary groups, temporarily in Greek prisons for bank robberies,
which were chosen as a means of disengagement from the established,
time-consuming living solution of wage slavery and of the strengthening
of the urban guerrilla warfare.

From the juvenile prison of Avlona, he participated in the national
exams and he is now considered – by law – as a student at TEI of Athens
and he is entitled to prison leaves in order to attend the courses,
which the State refuses to grant him. (A similar example is the case of
political prisoner Hercules Kostaris, convicted for involvement in the
Revolutionary Organization 17 November, who has taken over 200 regular
and educational prison leaves in recent years, which were stopped on
the pretext of the runaway of Christodoulos Ksiros). Not having any
illusions about the institution of education as a tool of subjugation
and domestication of people in the hands of Domination and the role of
the university as a factory that produces docile slaves in the service
of the capitalist profitability and normality, our comrade, who is now
in Korydallos prison refusing to unravel the maypole of the
responsibilities of the prison council and the special interrogator
Nikopoulos, is on a hunger strike since November 10th demanding the
granting of his “right”, for a breath of freedom!

Factual solidarity and support in this difficult struggle have already
been expressed by the others “arrested for Velvedo case” also with a
hunger strike inside the walls. At the same time, a broad, diverse
solidarity movement has developed throughout the Greek territory, while
public propaganda moves and nocturnal “interventions” are made abroad.


Remembering the axiom of uncertainty in the natural world and rejecting
the classical, deterministic conception of the proletarian onslaught at
the sky, the centralized organization models of the Struggle and
optimistic estimates of a shallow, reformist, idealism of “maturation of
the objective conditions”, we are there where ideologies impact on the
brutal reality; where the existential rebellion is combined with
horizontal and autonomous class struggle with internationalist and
anti-state character, as it is manifested in each specific
circumstances, becomes an integral part of the social war and seeks to
place anarchist characteristics for the war against Authority and the
liberation of Man and Nature; there where our conventions and
contradictions in everyday life do not prevent us from seeing the
tactical utility and to recognize the partiality of “intermediate
struggles” and the necessity of organizing the anarchist struggle as a
whole, individually and collectively; where only those who were
imprisoned, tortured or killed for devoting themselves to the project of
social liberation, without bowing their heads, can perceive the nobility
of soul and motivation in all its glory; where the consolidation of fear
as a permanent emotional state does not find fertile ground and its
every germ is forcibly uprooted as a parasite that sucks the evergreen
tree of the Revolution; where, at present, the theory meets practice and
any trace of doubt regarding answer to the dilemma of the Selection of a
submissive life or a life in Battle is nullified in front of the rise of
anarchist conscience; we are at the point of no return …

We are inspired by the shooting stars and the fortitude of the people
who fought with the Beast. By night embracing us we swoop in hostile
grounds, creating oases of fire within the social desert. So, in the
morning of 1/12, we torched a school bus owned by St. Lawrence College
in Ag. Dimitrios. Also, we claim responsibility for the attack with gas
canisters, shortly after midnight on 6/12, against a car owned by the
construction company Aktor Facility Management (subsidiary of ELLAKTOR
group, known for its involvement in mining gold in Skouries, Halkidiki
and several cases of pillaging of the natural environment). The attacks
will continue.






For the widespread (anti) – social insurgence,

*Eternal students at the University of Anarchist Insurrection/FAI – IRF*

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Victory or Death: Nikos Romanos, 29th day of hunger strike – 8/12/14 (Greece)

Tuesday, December 9th, 2014


via actforfree:

Nikos Romanos has been a prisoner of the State since the dual expropriation of a bank and an ELTA post office in Velventos, Kozani on 02.01.2013.

The action is part of a polymorphous anarchist struggle against those responsible for the looting imposed upon society as a whole by the State and capital.

The political choices and struggle of Nikos Romanos follows the uprising of December 2008. He strives for a world without power, exploitation and bosses.

The struggle of the prisoner on hunger strike for a breath of freedom and against the brutality of confinement and the intensification of punitive repression (termination and refusal of licenses, generalization of the isolation status, type C prisons) alongside the struggle of all the oppressed against repression and the plundering of their lives.

The doctor monitoring the comrade revealed that Nikos has been examined by a psychiatrist, who diagnosed that he is not mentally ill and has no suicidal tendencies. Therefore there is no need for him to receive psychotropic drugs or to be force fed. Even the doctor had difficulty in gaining access to the hospital, despite having repeatedly certified that she is the personal doctor of Nikos Romanos.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Political statement of anarchist comrade Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, in the trial for the Velvento, Kozani double bank robbery case (Greece)

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

Background: Text by the 4 arrested anarchists concerning the double robbery in Velvento, Kozani + Anarchists sentenced for the double bank robbery in Velvento + Letter from Argyris Ntalios & Fivos Harisis

via actforfree:


Comrade A.D. Bourzoukos made his political statement today. Comrades D.Politis, G.Mihailidis, F.Harisis and A.Dalios were also present in the court room.

To begin, I would like to clarify the reason I am here today, by taking advantage of the procedure of statements. What will follow therefore, will in no way have an apologetic character, since my acts and choices are included in the wider anarchist struggle, the struggle for life and freedom. Consequently, they are acts that I support with every aspect of my being and I will continue to do so as long as this world remains as it is.

So, no, I am not apologizing, I have to nothing to say and analyse on a procedural level about my actions. I refuse the charges exactly because I refuse civil legality. I refuse to legitimize your role and your justice which is driven and instructed by those governing.

I therefore do not hope for your leniency, I will not bend before the threat of your laws and the many years of prison that await me, even in the worst of conditions that your state reserves for those who refuse to bow their head. These new prisons called “C- Type prisons”. I am here to highlight the characteristics of my choices and exacerbate the dispute between us. You, a part of the judicial authority, and me, a part of the anarchist struggle. And when I say “you”, I do not mean just you specifically, but all the people who hold positions of authority. It is a dispute that escapes the narrow frames of a inter-personal clash, it is a class and social war that spreads in the space-time continuum, it finds its roots in the initial forms of capitalism and the relations of exploitation and authority which for centuries now have defined the human race. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: Update on the trial of the Velvento robbery case (Greece)

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

via actforfree:

On July 4th continued the terror-court in Koridallos for the robbery in Velvedo, with the reading out of the indictment documents, a procedure that began in the previous session. Two sessions came before that, in which the witnesses that were examined were the cops of the DIAS group and cops from the cop car that sped to arrest comrades G.Mihailidis, N.Romanos and A.D.Bourzoukos. All these witnesses, in order to cover the torturing that took place in Veria police station, testified that in order to immobilize the comrades they clashed with them and in the scuffle the comrades were injured. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: "CONTO ALLA ROVESCIA" – Edizioni Sole Nero #5 (Italy, Greece)

Friday, January 10th, 2014

It is out now the 5th issue of Edizioni Sole Nero, it’s an Italian translation and collection of writings from the Greek anarchists accused for the double robbery of Velventos-Kozani and other robberies.

“CONTO ALLA ROVESCIA” Edizioni Sole Nero nr. 005

Link for downloading:


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Posted in Library

Athens: Responsibility claim for explosion at the Kifissia tax office (Greece)

Monday, December 9th, 2013

via contrainfo & parabellum

In the early hours of Thursday, September 26, 2013 we placed an explosive device at the tax office located in Kifissia [a northern suburb of Athens], as a first response to the efforts of the State to be portrayed as the referee and punisher of its Golden-Dawn employees, and its creation of a spectacle that can serve as a smokescreen, aiming to conceal its own fascist style of governance, as well as the murderous new austerity measures. Fascism, just like presidential parliamentary democracy, is a model of Power that’s based on the current economic organization and promotes capitalist interests. The policies which are implemented are those mandated by the free market, interests of which will never be democratic—in reality, we neither see democracy and freedom applied in working environments, nor in everyday life, which is organized by capitalism. Modern totalitarianism is imposed by concentration camps, shootings of migrant farm workers, as happened in Manolada [in the Peloponnese], the shutdown of public hospitals, layoffs, movie-inspired invasions of squats, starvation wages, the imprisonment of fighters, the defamation of leaderless social struggles, the public stigmatization of [alleged]HIV-positive women, tax raids, and the existing and future memoranda with the IMF/ECB/EU Troika. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Athens: Responsibility claim for attack on internet café (Greece)

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

On Tuesday evening, November 26th, 2013 we raided the Palladium internet café, located on Solomou street in Exarchia. We vandalized its interior, smashing the screens and the storefront glass-windows, and we torched the server, taking appropriate measures to prevent accidents. Then we left all together in a coordinated manner and absolute safety, in order to avoid any unfortunate encounter with dogs of the DELTA motorcycle police team.

Several incidents have reached our ears in relation to this internet café, including the fact that it was one of the cops’ favorite spots in downtown Athens, something that even the owner himself admitted during the attack.

Every peaceful citizen who voluntarily dress themselves in police uniform, everyone who are looking forward to receiving a pat on the back from cops for offering their “services”, everyone whose misery and subservience have permeated every inch of their personality should keep in mind that nothing goes unanswered. We will do everything in our power to give snitches what they deserve: the realization of their worst nightmare, a response to their intentional submission. They have a name, an address, they run their shops, and we know them very well. Their logic is dangerous; they have worn-out ideals, and have consciously taken on the submissive role of an informant. If they think we will allow them to perform their task without bearing the consequences, then they are woefully mistaken. Let individuals like the owner of the Palladium internet café know that they will constantly be targeted by us, because we will keep showing our aversion at well-meaning informers and associates of all sorts of cops. We owe this to our imprisoned comrades, those who left us early and did not fulfill their insurrectionary vision, those who ran into “bad luck” due to the work of advocates of intentional submissiveness, as well as those who continue the fight for the disorder and deconstruction of social inaction.

We dedicate this attack to the 4 comrades arrested in Nea Filadelfeia (Argyris Ntalios, Fivos Harisis, Grigoris Sarafoudis, Yannis Naxakis)

Strength to the 6 anarchists currently on trial for the Velventos case (Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, Dimitris Politis, Nikos Romanos, Yannis Michailidis, Argyris Ntalios, Fivos Harisis), and to those who continue their struggle on the inside


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Dark Nights #38 : ‘Letters of Nicola Gai & Alfredo Cospito’ – Nov 2013 (ACN)

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Another issue of the international anti-prisons anarchist newsletter. Download and distribute as you like…

Dark Nights #38


1. Genoa, Italy – Court declaration of anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai at the trial for the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare managing director Roberto Adinolfi.
2. ‘I want Comrades, not the mob…’ by the imprisoned members of CCF, plus Andreas Tsavdaridis and Spyros Mandylas.
3. CCF trial updates.
4. Italy: Communiqué of counter-information group Culmine, target of ‘Operation Ardire’.
5. Italy: Comrade Gianluca Iacovacci transferred to the AS2 unit of the prison of Alessandria.
6. Italy: Comrade Francesco Carrieri imprisoned in Savona.
7. Switzerland: Update on anarchist comrade Marco Camenisch.
8. Mexico: Eco-anarchist and vegan straight-edge prisoner Braulio Duran is free.
9. UK: New zine ‘On the Out’ by Bristol ABC.
10. Greece: Letter from anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos.
11. Greece: Text by the detained anarchist comrades of the Nea Filadelphia case in Athens.
12. Greece: Letter from anarchist comrades arrested in Velvedo, Kozani about their trail on 29 November.
13. Greece: Letter of captive anarchist Spyros Mandylas.
14. Greece: About the case of imprisoned anarchist Tasos Theofilou.
15. Direct Action News.


Anti-Copyright Network 2013

International Network of Counter-information and Translation

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Posted in Library

Barclays bank firebombed in Bristol – statement and reflection by a FAI group (UK)

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

Censored by the reactionary civil servants who administer Bristol IMC:

The full weight of our entrapment in within this society presses down on us unbearably. Un-named grief, frustration, loneliness and insecurity are the stories of our lives for the most part, stretching back generations. Like money talks loudest and silences all other principles, like concrete and tarmac isolate us from the rest of the planet as it sickens, and like the dominant culture casts humans as robots to work-consume-reproduce-obey… we are physically and emotionally smothered every day by a cheapened, artificial existence keeping us far from our dreams outside the mould.

Awakening anger pierces the fog of confusion from our alienated condition, seeking out worthy targets for the rage. Any notion of truce with the ruling institutions aiming at reform only conforms to the disarmed roles they would coerce us into. Immediate insurrection seems vital. We raise our masks and step out into the night to speak through a language as old as Domination: sabotage and conspiracy. (more…)

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Phoenix Project #5 : 'ICR-FAI-IRF / Free Mandylas and Tsavdaridis Cell' take responsibility for the incendiary attack against a school for police in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan (Indonesia)

Wednesday, August 28th, 2013

Brief Message To The Enemies (Phoenix Project part 5)

[Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4]

We will not talk about “unfair prosecutions”, about “the climate of terror against those who fight”, nor about the “new totalitarian-ism” and things like that. That’s because we know that none of these is new. These are simply snapshots of the ancient war between two incompatible words: on the one side lies the disgusting world of the Authority, of the submissive crowd and of the social cesspit and on the other side, the anarchist insurgents, the insubordinate fighters of the Negative, those who do not bow down to nobody. We will neither talk about the others. The ones who these days feel secretly happy and relieved. Now it’s not the time nor the place to do so. They should bear in mind, however, that the time will come to talk about these things. –
Freedom To The Wolves of The North

When we said “nothing is over”, it’s not only just words. Our threats will turn into action, time by time, every second we get the chance. And every time, we will bring our actions closer to your face. Directly in front of your guns, uniforms and prison – repressive tools that are often used to kidnap our revolutionary comrades. We will never let you sleep well, because our war is not over yet. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Jakarta: Anger Unit / ICR-FAI-IRF burn down the third floor of former Sheraton Hotel, 'The Media Hotel and Tower' (Indonesia)

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

“Brothers in chains, comrades in suffering, the battle is at hand. Soon we will launch our attack, intoxicated with vengeance; the enemy will flee, because the Federation of Sorrow is terrible.” Bruno Filippi

Our action (if it can) can be named PHOENIX PROJECT-PART 3. This is our collective decision to respond to the call from our Greek comrades – (1), (2).

Tonight (June 26) we moved out and brought the fire and burned down the third floor of former Sheraton Hotel, ‘The Media Hotel and Tower’, in Sahari Mountain Street, Jakarta. Our fire is to respond to the call from our brothers in Greece in the Phoenix project and as a gesture of solidarity to K. Sakkas, anarchist in hunger strike action to reach his freedom. We put the incendiary with timer in one of the trash cans in the karaoke room (which is located on the third floor) and let the fire speak for us.

Bring far our revolutionary greetings to the members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire; Imprisoned Members Cell, to the 4 anarchists who were arrested in Kozani –we never forget you, for Cospito and Gai, to Carla, Ivan, Juan, Marcelo and Freddy, and to Henry and always to the anarchists prisoners in Greece and Italy, and to other cells of FAIIRF around the world.

We will never say that we are just a few, but we will let the fire speak on our behalf.

Let’s make the Phoenix project as an international project for revenge!


News media link:


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Posted in Direct Action

Anger Unit / ICR-FAI-IRF torch 3 buildings owned by the Major of Aceh Tamiang, Hamdan Sati (Indonesia)

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

We speak through fire. To remember and always keep on our mind, our sisters and brothers who are kidnapped by the state and seized behind bars. To continue the urban guerrilla warfare against enemies of freedom. Let the action speak for us.

On March 31, we burned down 3 buildings owned by the Major of Aceh Tamiang, Hamdan Sati. This is our first action done in Aceh, a region where religious fundamentalists in the past threw 64 punks into a rehabilitation camp and made them ‘normal’. But, we want to clarify that we aren’t Acehnese. We have no citizenship because we are borderless. We are the angry ones who light the fire of freedom.

Solidarity to the imprisoned members of CCF and Th. Mavropoulos, Camenisch, da Silva and Italian comrades arrested during the Ardire, Thor, and Mangifuoco operations and to Cospito and Gai. And last but not least, we salute our fire to comrades of Kozani 4 who were recently arrested.

War continues

Anger Unit

Mass media video links about the action:

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Posted in Direct Action

Berlin: Incendiary attack against the Deutsche Bahn in solidarity with Kozani 4 (Germany)

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

The DB burns as a solidarity token for imprisoned anarchists in Greece!

In the early hours of February 27th, in search of a suitable target for a solidarity action with Nikos Romanos, Dimitris Politis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos and Yannis Michailidis, we spotted a vehicle belonging to the Deutsche Bahn in the neighbourhood of Prenzlauer Berg, in Berlin, which we wrapped up in the flames of international solidarity.

At the Deutsche Bahn AG (German railway corporation), ten managers of its subsidiary DB International have bribed public officials for engineering services contracts in several African States and in Greece, as the Frankfurt judiciary confirmed (according to a report of the ‘Süddeutsche Zeitung’ in April 2010).

Since 2008, in a number of legal battles, it has been documented that the German companies Siemens, MAN Ferrostaal and Deutsche Bahn have bought off politicians in Greece on a large scale, and thus ‘financed’ political decisions in their favour. So, the Siemens Group alone ‘invested’ since the mid-1990s and for about a decade 15 million euros per year in Greece, in order to propitiate in this way politicians of both major parties, Nea Dimokratia and PASOK.

While another Deutsche Bahn subsidiary, the Schenker logistics company, transports war supplies for the Bundeswehr (German armed forces), the Deutsche Bahn and the Defense Ministry are running a symbiotic cooperation: “The BwFuhrparkService GmbH has developed and implemented an economical and customer-oriented mobility concept for the German military. […] The company is a joint venture of the Ministry of Defense as well as the Deutsche Bahn AG. The BwFuhrparkService guarantees customized logistic concepts, reduction of costs and an increase of the utilization and provision of secure vehicles. As a mobility services provider of the German military, the company offers comprehensive experience in the management of more complex fleet vehicles and the production of individual fleet solutions” (excerpts from dbfuhrpark.de/index.php?id=131).

In January 2013, Dr. Rüdiger Grube spoke on the topic ‘The Deutsche Bahn AG – Current Challenges and Perspectives’ at the military academy of the German armed forces, while 61-year-old Moorburger—chairman of the board of the Deutsche Bahn in Berlin since May 2009—explained to over 200 guests the DB AG corporate strategy and processes.

On the 16th of April, the DB Mobility Logistics and the Berlin’s BFD (‘Vocational Advancement Service’ for the education and training of military personnel) will hold a Soldiers Day under the motto ‘No job like any other.’ The event is aimed at men and women soldiers who are interested in being trained and employed by the Deutsche Bahn.

Therefore, we classify the Deutsche Bahn as a de facto belligerent power and component of the German military/NATO, that will not allow any social changes in Greece but will rather go to any lengths in order to assist the suppression of a revolt. The Deutsche Bahn is one of the German enterprises that profit from the crisis in Greece, as was its predecessor, the Reichsbahn during German fascism.

Last night’s fire was meant to show to the prisoners Nikos Romanos, Dimitris Politis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos and Yannis Michailidis that we are aware of their arrest and torture on the 1st of February after the double robbery in Kozani, and here, in the heart of the beast, we will try everything possible for the downfall of capitalism and its helpers.
Long live Anarchy! Death to all States!

Chaotics of the Night

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Anarchist solidarity demo for the 'Kozani 4' in Veria (Greece)

Friday, March 15th, 2013

A solidarity demo for the Kozani 4 took place on 23 Feb 2013 in Veria, Greece. Around 400 people attended the demo which took place in the midst of repressive police occupation.

The ‘Kozani 4’ are 4 remanded anarchists who are accused of double robbery in the towns of Velventos and Kozani.

See the report on Actforfree:

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Posted in Direct Action

Affinity to the CCF & Kozani 4 from Edizioni Cerbero (Greece, Italy)

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013


In Egoist Affinity with Nikos Romanos, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukus, Giannis Mihailidis, Dimitris Politis and to the individualist and nihilist comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

The action-practice of armed robbery – destroys every inscribed order of the petrified moral to the conformed time.

Our Egoist affinity-goes right to the focus point.

Acting destroying an imposed limit-puts the individual as the direct precursor of his destructive force!

Acting- the comrades destabilized the dozing off and the normality of imposed life. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle