Posts Tagged ‘Carlos López Martin’

From some corner of the world: A letter from comrade Carlos López “Chivo” (Unknown)

Friday, April 10th, 2015

Comrades, I am writing these few lines to let you know about my present condition of life, which I have decided upon from a very particular perspective following a series of situations that have arisen in the recent context of individual and / or social struggle and the repression against it.

There is a long list of comrades who have been harassed and investigated for anarchist activity recently in this country, more specifically in the centre and the south, putting them under surveillance to observe their movements and the people with whom they organize, sending vile bastard informers to gather information, accusing foreign comrades of financing struggles and so on. Also at the time of the arrest that led me to prison with my comrades in affinity Amélie and Fallon, there was an attempt to link many people of the libertarian / anarchist milieu with our case (5E), upturning some houses to find “evidence” (without success) and thereby have more arguments to mount a serious blow within the anarchist scene. (more…)

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Carlos, Amelie and Fallon have been released (Mexico)

Thursday, March 26th, 2015

According to a report by ABC Mexico, anarchist prisoners Carlos, Amelie and Fallon were released March 13th, Amelie and Fallon were transferred directly to an immigration prison to be deported back to Canada. Given the condition of the place: restricted visits and lack of information, the situation of the companions was unclear until March 23 when they were deported.

Recall that the comrades were sentenced for an incendiary attack with molotovs against a Nissan dealership and the Ministry of Communication and Transportation in Mexico City.

The fire still burns

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Open letter of Amélie Pelletier and Fallon Poisson about an event taking place at the 'Museum of Tolerance', State Institution (Mexico)

Thursday, February 19th, 2015

On February 14 there will be an event in the Museo de la Tolerancia [museum of tolerance] that aims to raise money for political prisoners and anarchists.

Being in prison we have little information about the event.

We don’t know who is organizing it, but we know our names appear on the list of prisoners for whom the event is done.

We wanted to clarify that it seems strange that people we do not know and with whom we do not share affinities are using our names without notifying us. That we’re in jail doesn’t mean we have no voice. These acts of solidarity where all prisoners are mixed make us think of the blind recuperation of imprisoned people. Whether they are “Political” or “Anarchists”. Since the beginning, we always remained firm in our positions and ruptures. It seems rather strange to see our names beside those of Brian Reyes, Jacqueline Santana and Jamspa at a public event of solidarity. Perhaps their intention is to build relationships between different bands of people. That we understand, but we also know that there are reasons for this lack of relationship. There are very different methods and intentions and probably irreconcilable schisms. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Plakat: Revolutionäre Solidarität mit Amelie, Fallon und Carlos (ABC Wien)

Saturday, January 17th, 2015


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4 imprisoned anarchist comrades end hunger strike (Mexico)

Sunday, October 19th, 2014

On October 17th, 2014, comrades Carlos López, Mario González, Fernando Bárcenas and Abraham Cortés called off their hunger strike that began on October 1st.

The comrades are well, without complications or physical damage. They will soon make the reasons and motives for ending the strike public.

For now this is all the information we have.

Freedom for all! Down with the prison walls!

Anarchist Black Cross of Mexico

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Video informativo de los companerxs anarquistas en huelga de hambre (Mexico)

Saturday, October 11th, 2014

A short video from instinto salvaje about the hunger strike in Mexico (in Spanish):

Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_og-9ajKEU

Solidarity with the comrades!

Fire to the walls!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

“Chivo” Y Mario Gonzalez al 8 día de huelga de Hambre (Mexico)

Saturday, October 11th, 2014

An update on the health of the comrades on hunger strike in mexico via cna mexico:

A 9 días de iniciada la huelga de hambre de 4 anarquistas presos en la ciudad de México, un médico del equipo de seguimiento revisó al compañero Carlos López “Chivo”, preso en el Reclusorio Oriente. Al llegar a la puerta del penal, los custodios que resguardaban el acceso dijeron no tener orden de dejar pasar, pero debido a la insistencia de los solidarios que acompañaban al equipo, este logro entrar. Después de permanecer casi dos horas con Carlos, esto es lo que nos comentan:


Mario González no ha sido revisado aún por médicos del equipo de seguimiento, sin embargo sus familares informan que sus síntomas son dolor abdominal,mareos, debilidad e irritabilidad. Ha bajado aproximadamente 5 kilos. Sus signos vitales se mantienen estables.Sigue el acoso y amedrantamiento por parte de custodios.

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Solidarida anarquistas huelga de hambre (Mexico)

Thursday, October 9th, 2014

Mensaje solidario a los compañeros anarquistas en huelga de hambre en México

A Carlos López, Fernando Bárcenas, Mario Gonzáles y Abraham Cortés

Salud compañeros! Nuevamente nos encontramos en este sendero de lucha y de vida que elegimos, donde los aromas y deseos de solidaridad se desplazan intransigentemente sobre los vientos de libertad que se extiende hasta los escondrijos más oscuros de esta pútrida civilización.

Acompañamos atentos la decisión de huelga de hambre que iniciaron desde el 1 de octubre, entendemos este acto –como bien lo afirman- no como un intento de victimización sino como una respuesta consecuente de la lucha. Sin duda alguna los pasos que están dando sientan un avance en la solidaridad anárquica y la lucha anti carcelaria desde dentro de las mazmorras del Poder. (more…)

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Update on the health situation of the 4 anarchist comrades on hunger strike (Mexico)

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

“If you asked me what prison is, I would answer without a doubt that it is a wasteland of defined social-economic plans, where they throw all those individuals that bother them within society: this is why prison mainly houses mainly poor people” Xose Tarrio

“A movement that forgets its hostages is condemned to fail” Harold Tobson

As of October 1st, comrades Mario Gonzalez, Carlos Lopez ‘El Chivo’, Fernando Barcenas and Abraham Cortez, imprisoned in different prisons in Mexico City, are carrying out a hunger strike indefinitely.

Four days in to the hunger strike, we make a call for solidarity to the struggle that the comrades are carrying out, fighting the society of incarceration in its heart. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

4 anarchist comrades begin hunger strike (Mexico)

Thursday, October 2nd, 2014

via cna mexico:

To free media
To the peoples of the world
To all those oppressed

Driven by a sense of rebellion and a declared rejection and true repudiation of all control mechanisms, including the prison system, we, anarchist and libertarian individuals, in our condition as prisoners abducted by the Mexican government, have decided to exercise one of the few tools of struggle which we can assert from inside prison: the hunger strike. From today, October 1st, a year after the arrests on October 2, 2013, 10 months of the kidnapping of Fernando Barcenas and 9 months after the detention of Amelie, Carlos and Fallon.

For us the hunger strike is not synonymous with weakness, much less do we seek to fall into a position of victimization; however, we assume it as an alternative of fighting that we consider conducive in a logic of protest and disobedience to the imprisonment of our bodies and the humiliation, isolation and frustration it means to be held in these centers of terror. We opted to take action rather than accept prison as “normal”.

The State seeks to train docile and servile citizens to maintain their established “social order” and thus be able to support the structure of capitalist production only beneficial to the ruling class. Prisons have a key role in shaping these good citizens. It is to the bourgeois society that the prison actually seeks to readjust. (more…)

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"Luddites" conduct solidarity sabotages in southeast Quebec / Des "Luddites" font des sabotages solidaires dans le sud du Québec (Canada)

Thursday, October 2nd, 2014

via antidev:

‘We retransmit this message sent to us from visitors… On retransmet ce message qui nous a été envoyé par des lecteurs-rices…’

So the other night on September 21, we’ve set fire to a railroad telecomm cable linking Brigham to Sherbrooke (Qc) to the US, thinking about the Algonquins people recently evicted from a resistance camp and detained in Gatineau. We took the time to select a railway bridge in the middle of nowhere near Waterloo, so we’d not have to dig to get to the cables or attract too much attention. Some fuel was dropped through an opening in the steel casing of the cables, then set on fire. Nothing fancy. It worked better than we’d guessed, as a few seconds later it already smelled of burning rubber a few meters away. The enclosed air in the conduit apparently turned the fire into something like a blow torch. Kind of an easy game to be reproduced elsewhere by others, we told ourselves… so that’s a reason to let others know.

Of course it didn’t cause the whole techno-industrial system to collapse! Society is still pretty much functional today. But you gotta start attacking it somewhere. Though it did feel as if an important nerve deep below society had been severed. And this felt good getting off our asses in the middle of the night for this. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Dark Nights #41 : ‘Against all States – Against all Gods’ – Sept 2014 (ACN)

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014

24 pages B&W : Dark Nights #41

International anti-prisons insurrectional newsletter Dark Nights is back after a summer break. Front page news is the communique by ‘FAI “Sacco & Vanzetti” Circle of Propaganda by Life & by Deed’ for the incendiary attack prior to the NATO summit in Wales, against BAE Systems Arms Development Centre. News of this new anarchist urban guerrilla attack taking place has been suppressed by the regime, as they are frightened of the spread of the anti-system attacks and the damage to the image of the blood-soaked company. The fiery attack took place in Filton, Bristol, where many military-industrial-technological companies are situated, and proved that the direct action groups can strike the military-industrial complex in their closed sites.

Primary article by individualist nihilist-anarchist comrade Venona Q. is about authoritarian fundamentalism and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The brief article is about raw power and the total liberation war against all Gods and States. Against “progress”, the “West”, “democracy” and “civilisation”, the writer sounds a sharply critical and vengeful cry against the mullahs, militias, bureaucrats and fundamentalist murderers of the Middle East and the West alike. Reminding us of the continuous visions of the fight for human dignity against dominion by concepts, authorities and the power of death.

There’s an incomplete round-up of direct action sabotages, attacks and riots in our chronology, compiling incidents since late May 2014, and a complimentary section giving coverage to the International Week for Anarchist Prisoners which recently took place, that was organised by the world-wide Anarchist Black Cross groups, counter-information groups, action cells and others. During the last few months there have been intense efforts taking place in prisons across Europe, as prisoners in Greece carried out a campaign and hungerstrike against the Type C prison plans, where Domokos prison will be turned into a huge Guantanamo. The hungerstrike is finished now, but the prisoners of Greece and their friends and relatives have vowed to undertake an struggle by all means. This has now spread into the prisons of Germany and Switzerland, as prisoners there also found common cause and solidarity with the fight taking place and carried out their own hungerstrike mobilisation. This kind of trans-border action is a vital sign of a re-construction of the new internationalist struggle happening and we are with the prisoners in struggle in our hearts, words, thoughts and actions.

And there is the usual selection of prisoners letters, including the text by imprisoned anarchist Carlos ‘Chivo’ Lopez in Mexico about informality, an article by the imprisoned members cell of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire about negation, coherence and refusal in the active sense during the trial prosecuting them, plus news reports and more writings from our imprisoned comrades enabling their wishes, dreams and struggles to escape beyond the walls of the prisons.

Tamara Sol, Francisco Solar, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Graziano Mazzarelli, Chiara Zenobi, Nikos Maziotis, dozens and dozens more… To the streets!

Replicate / Organise / Resist


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¿Por qué atacamos la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes? La SCT, lxs anarquistas y la lucha por la tierra 5E: Sobre nuestros compañerxs anarquistas presxs (Mexico)

Monday, August 4th, 2014

5E: Sobre nuestros compañerxs anarquistas presxs

El 5 de enero del 2014 lxs compañerxs anarquistas Carlos López Martin “El Chivo” (Mexicano), Fallon Poisson y Amellie Pelletier (Canadienses) fueron detenidxs en la ciudad de México bajo la suposición de haber sido los responsables del ataque a una de las oficinas de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT), Carlos se encuentran en el Reclusorio Oriente y Amellie y Fallon en el Reclusorio de Santa Martha en estos momentos después de haber concluido con un arraigo de 40 días así como del fallido intento para inculparles legalmente de “Terrorismo” y entre otras pantomimas judiciales en estos momentos lxs compañerxs se enfrentaran con dos procesos penales; uno del fuero local por los delitos de Ataques a la paz pública y Daños agravados, (ataque a una concesionaria Nissan) y por el que no alcanzan fianza y otro más federal por el delito de Daños en Propiedad Ajena (ataque a la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transporte)(1). (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Olympia, Washington: Nissan Dealership Attack in Solidarity with 5E3 Prisoners Resulting in $100,000 Worth of Damage (USA)

Saturday, August 2nd, 2014

In the early hours of Friday, July 18th, we attacked the Nissan Dealership in the Olympia Automall by spraying brake fluid on and slashing the tires of new yet-to-be-sold cars. We did this in solidarity with Amelie, Carlos, and Fallon (Better known as the 5E3 Prisoners.).

These three were arrested in Mexico City in January 2014 in alleged connection the firebombing of a Government Building and Nissan Car Dealership in the center of the city. Whether these three be innocent or guilty, we know they desire a world that is free from domination, a world where anarchy has a potential to flourish and our enemies are forced to deal with consistent attacks. We know that Amelie, Carlos, and Fallon are brave individuals who will be able to handle whatever any state-force chooses to throw at them. We are inspired by their courage, and their confinement only make us wish to continue our attacks on institutions of domination, support for each other, desire for a world free of prisons and capital.

We attacked this dealership to let our comrades know that they are not alone, that despite their imprisonment the anarchist struggle still continues on. We hope to see more actions like this occur.

Remember; It’s Easy To Attack!

P.S. – According the Mainstream Media (link below) windows at the dealership were also smashed. While we wish we could say that we take credit for this, we are slightly puzzled how this action occurred, because all we used was brake fluid and knives. Perhaps the dealership was hoping to get more insurance money from this situation? As we all know capitalists are parasites. If indeed some other vandal was there that night – hats off!


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Mexico City: New charges against anarchists Amélie, Fallon and Carlos, imprisoned since January 5th, 2014 (Mexico)

Sunday, May 18th, 2014

On the morning of May 16th, comrades Amélie and Fallon were notified that they would be taken to the Reclusorio Sur (Mexico City’s Southern Penitentiary) to testify on new charges under federal order.

At around 8am, both were transferred to the court, where they met comrade Carlos.

After waiting almost all morning, they were finally informed that an arrest warrant was executed for the offense of damage to others’ property, in the form of “arson in a building with some person inside.” The three comrades did not make a statement, and once the hearing was over, they were brought back to the prisons where they’re being held since February 2014 (Carlos to the Reclusorio Oriente, Amélie and Fallon to Santa Martha), after having spent 40 days in federal custody through the arraignment procedure. (more…)

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