Phoenix Project #6: Parcel bomb arrives for Dimitris Mokkas, chief prosecutor in the CCF case (Greece)

Translated by the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire


Once again we meet in the Fire, with old and new comrades, determined to overthrow the police estimations which wanted us to be a closed chapter of an ended story. The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire is a never-ending story. It is the inner flame that burns within us, it is the Phoenix which is born from its ashes again and again… it is the Fire of Refusal and Nihilism which cry “I cannot stop, I cannot be burnt, no one can put me out.”

About a month ago, both our brothers Andreas and Spiros were arrested in Thessaloniki accused of sending a parcel bomb to the former commander of the Anti-terrorist force. There is no need for many words. Brothers remember that the sun will continue to rise for all of us whose homeland is the New Anarchy. The Phoenix is born from it own ashes and continues to mock the silence of the cowards, providing Promethea’s fire to the eternal insurgents.

Thus, the sending of the trapped parcel bomb to inquisitor Mokkas is a first minimum and reflective response. It is the answer that for us the only way to escape is to set fire to the reformist defence positions and to proceed to attack first again.

Moreover, Damianos, Panagiotis, Theofilos, Christos, Haris, Giorgos.P, Giorgos, Michalis, Olga, Gerasimos, namely the ten brothers and sister of the CCF, all of who are already being held in captivity with double, triple and quadruple sentences that even surpasses the 36 months, are now persecuted by the prosecuting circles with the charge of inciting.

Dimitris Mokkas is exclusively entrusted with cases related to “terrorism” on Greek territory. Which means exclusively our organization. The career of this slimy object does not have any differences from that of any typical juridical officer. Faint hearted little people which evolved into justice officials in order to satisfy their own complexes. This specific clown did a bit better in than other worms of the appellate court in kissing his superiors ass. His vanity to get a higher position was satisfied. Now he is in charge of calls, interrogations and detentions, always with a vengeful smile on his mouth. The peak of his ridiculousness and cowardice was the postponement of the detention of our comrade of the CCF Gerasimos Tsakalos a few hours before the expiry date, above his bed, while he was also going through his 23rd day on hunger strike.

For all this that he has done we decided to also send him our own revenge gift. Of course, not to the glass tower of the appellate, where with the attitude of a thousand cardinals behind his office he signs the shitty legal papers against our brothers and sister, but sending our parcel to his personal residence, where he feels safe. We know that all these scumbags, such as Mokkas, after their sacred duty to hold captive the lives of dozens of people, go back to the warmth of their own home, pretending to be an honourable husband and parent. Thus, we followed the specific target, located his house and chose to send the parcel bomb there. In this way we sent him our performance signed the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

It is a fact that there is an insolence in this sector in the previous years. Parody trials sentencing people to dozens of years in prison with no evidence. Repeated detentions deprive freedom from whoever the cops consider a problem. And we are not just talking about armed guerillas. It is a tactic founded with anti-terror laws and is now used openly in dozens of cases. For all this insolence are responsible also all those who are released from prison and forget the big words of revenge against judges and prosecutors. Prisons therefore are also full with people who although feel wronged from the decisions of this sector, never transform this dissatisfaction into rage and rage into action.

Let this attack become an invitation for such acts of revenge, to all, inside and out of the prison walls, who have experienced the rot of juridical authority. It is not something unattainable. There are hundreds of juridical workers. They do not guard themselves, and it is not that hard to find them. Lets all attack them with whatever everyone can. From beatings and arsons up to bombs and executions. Only in this way will they understand there is a war. And if they do not understand, surely we will feel better that we avenged these inquisitors of justice. As for those inside the walls, the only decent attitude towards these scumbags is the discrediting of this farce called a trial. Let alone, when we speak of hostage revolutionaries and special terror trials.

With this attack we want to send our friendship and respect to our imprisoned brothers and sisters in Latin America. To dignified comrades Freddy Fuentivilla, Marcelo Villaroel and Juan Vega, who are accused in “caso security”. The three comrades participated in the armed struggle against the state of Chile in the 80s and 90s. Now they are in prison accused of bank robberies and the execution of a cop during a shoot out.

We also dedicate it to unrepentant comrade Jose Miguel Sanchez Jimenez. An urban guerilla who continued his struggle after the fall of the junta in Chile, because as he wrote “i do not believe in their democracy”.

Also to anarchist vegan Braulio Arturo Duran Gonzalez, who is in prison in Mexico accused of attacks on ATMs.

To Hans Niemeyer who is accused of subversive action and attacks on symbols of authority. The Chilean state bailed him under house arrest. Hans, broke his bail though, escaping into clandestinity. Unfortunately, a few months ago he was arrested and imprisoned.

To our brother Henry Zegarrando, who is accused by the Bolivian state for attacks of FAI-Bolivia which took place in the country’s territory a while ago. Henry, was transferred from prison to special regime of house arrest.

As well we send our warmest greetings to our recently released brothers Mario Lopez, Ivan and Carlo. And of course a big hug which will hide from the cops our wanted friend and comrade Felicity Ann Ryder, for whom an arrest warrant has been put out for her in Mexico.

The Black International of Anarchists of Praxis through the FAI-IRF, is everywhere. In the imprisoned comrades, the wanted anarchists, the anarchists fighters of the streets.

This is why we want our voice and fires to travel to the other side of the globe, to far Indonesia, strengthening the actions of our brothers and sisters, in the FAI cells there. Recently, the cells of FAI-Indonesia, besides attacks against the system, carried out a campaign of counter-information concerning the execution of four prisoners by the special forces of the police. The four young prisoners were accused of a clash which took place in a bar and during which they killed a cop of the police special forces. A bit after their imprisonment there was a night time raid in the prisons where they executed the four prisoners in their cell, with kalashnikovs.

The comrades in Indonesia are not alone… All together, anarcho-individualists, nihilists, chaotics, we meet there where the new anarchy becomes practice. We want to meet through our actions and experiment with the diffuse of the Informal Anarchist Federation FAI. To mock the police control, become more dangerous, support the international anarchist solidarity and attack for it. That’s why -just like fire unites us- we share the same joy for an anarchist attack as well as the sadness for a captivity or death of a comrade.

Concluding, we would like to dedicate a few words to those who the echo of attack makes them feel the desire of action. We therefore send a guerilla signal of fire to the comrades of anarchist steki Nadir in Thessaloniki, which was once again the target of oppression. Towards a “movement” where the plague of reformism and communism is spreading constantly in order to completely take it over, anarchist steki Nadir, with all of its possible contradictions, remains an annoying reminder which says that “anarchy is not a product for sale on the ideological shelves of the supermarkets of the ‘veterans’ of the ‘movement’, but it is insurrectionist violence in the street… ”

Finally, we know that our comrades in Indonesia a few months ago dealt with a loss. Their, and our, brother Ryo, was stabbed to death in a clash. Their loss is our loss. This is why we decided to call the cell of the Conspiracy which sent the parcel bomb to the inquisitor, “Ryo” cell, as a token of honour and remembrance to the comrade who was killed…

Today the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire is reborn from its ashes, promoting The Phoenix Project. New cells of the Conspiracy are ready to unleash themselves into the new anarchist urban guerilla warfare. And to those reformist anarchists who slander us saying that our methods seem more more mafia-like, it’s only because they start to resemble leftist hippies…

STRENGTH and SOLIDARITY to the new nihilists, the anarchists of Praxis, the chaotics of Refusal, the armed minorities
of anarcho-individualists…


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This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 at 10:46 pm and is filed under Direct Action.