This is the Earth First! Action Reports web site. If you've set-up a group, taken ecological direct action, or want to publicise campaigns or projects, please let everyone know. No matter how big or small it seems, we'd like to share your news and inspiration - click on 'submit report' and go to story.

Protest camp set up against Glossop development

Row over George Street Woods rumbles on
Friday 30th June 2017

Environmental activists have set up a protest camp close to the centre of Glossop.

Earth First! Summer Gathering 9-14 August 2017 - location, help publicise & more

Liberation Gathering


9-11th June 2017

A gathering aimed at rebuilding and progressing the animal liberation movement. It will be coming from an anarchist perspective and will be especially looking at animal exploitation as a result of capitalism and domestication and how best to challenge it in this context.


A contentious land sculpture was brought to life today as it joined growing opposition to a new opencast coal mine.

Why we shut down the UK’s largest coal mine – a call to action

On 8th May 2017, we were sentenced to pay £10,000 compensation charges to Miller Argent Ltd, after pleading guilty to aggravated trespass by shutting down Ffos-y-fran coal mine for one day.

Lancaster Climate Action blockade A.E.Yates, met with violent response

PROTEST: The two campaigners lying in the road

Two anti-fracking campaigners lie down in road to prevent access at AE Yates, Lostock Industrial Estate

Snowy Beagles

In blizzard conditions (well a little light snow anyway) we went to the Pevensey Marsh Beagles, who hunt hares, this week. It didn't take too long for them to realise they had no chance of hunting with us around. They went back to the meet and hung around looking grumpy while we practiced cracking whips and cracked open the brandy coffee.

Drax power station demonstration and celebration, 22/10/16

Biofuelwatch, Coal Action Network and others will be demonstrating at Drax Power Station, to celebrate ten years of climate action (since the first UK climate camp at Drax) and calling for Drax to be shut down and replaced with genuine renewables.

webpage here

and fb event here