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mike kenworthy
mike kenworthy ha retuitat
Uppr Edmonton Police 3 h
So far so good around the ward. All the hotspot areas have been patrolled. Frustratingly though someone has tried to break into the recently demolished garages area in Upton Road & then decided to make the outside a new lounge space by dumping a 3 piece suite
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mike kenworthy ha retuitat
WMercia Conduct Lead 23 de jul.
Can you help raise the profile of this caplo account? Supporting officers through conduct, performance, equalities, PIP and more. Advice & support for supervisors too.
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mike kenworthy ha retuitat
mike kenworthy 16 d’ag.
En resposta a @DC_ARVSgt
Have you got ANPR running as that blue car is uninsured :)
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mike kenworthy 6 h
En resposta a @Born2BSalty
Cheers to you :)
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mike kenworthy ha retuitat
Born2BSalty 6 h
Hey mike kenworthy(), thank you for following me
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mike kenworthy ha retuitat
Marathon Runner Surinder Fowler(60)Fav-Pet-🐍 7 h
Good morning hope you have a very happy Sunday and all my Twitter followers and New followers ☕🌞🍳🥓🥚🥀🐍🐕🌺 very busy Police Officers always making sure everyone is safe and sound 🙏👮‍♂️
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mike kenworthy ha retuitat
Uppr Edmonton Police 8 h
Morning all from a very wet & raining, bit chilly, grey, typical 🇬🇧 Summer day here in London. As you can see from the gif I'm raring to go after yesterdays shift! Hope you have a great in whatever you are doing?! Oh & if you're having .....
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mike kenworthy ha retuitat
Uppr Edmonton Police 19 h
Lots of places to have a dance and "Make Some Nooooooooise"
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mike kenworthy 7 h
En resposta a @PeekieCaz @wmpfcaplo
Thank you :)
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mike kenworthy ha retuitat
Peekie (MOP) 📱+🚗=☠ 18 h
En resposta a @kenworthy39 @wmpfcaplo
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mike kenworthy 7 h
Good day to you :)
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mike kenworthy ha retuitat
Marathon Runner Surinder Fowler(60)Fav-Pet-🐍 12 h
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mike kenworthy ha retuitat
TravelsafeSgt 23 h
Thank you for doing this, communities standing together. Sorry I can't be there but hopefully some of my colleagues can Please retweet 🚓
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mike kenworthy ha retuitat
mike kenworthy 17 d’ag.
Can we please help out with a few followers, please follow RT!
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mike kenworthy 18 h
Thank you for the follow!
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mike kenworthy ha retuitat
Anne Bennett 17 d’ag.
Sleeping on nights last night tonight and tomorrow 🥴
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mike kenworthy ha retuitat
mike kenworthy 17 d’ag.
Can we please help out with a few followers, please follow RT!
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mike kenworthy 17 d’ag.
Cheers :)
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mike kenworthy 17 d’ag.
Good evening to you :)
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mike kenworthy ha retuitat
Marathon Runner Surinder Fowler(60)Fav-Pet-🐍 17 d’ag.
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