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Xavier is obsessed with D&D Dec 4
How to write a one-shot campaign: 1. Come up with a mundane activity (i.e. getting an old lady's cat out of a tree) 2. Put it in a world where magic exists 3. Give the players too little information 4. Watch the chaos unfold
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ExplodingDice 20m
I totally forgot to post the Day 7 topic, so here it is, late! My current PC is Fern the Ratfolk Druid who grows mushrooms on his back, and wildshapes into a swarm of rats! Tell me about yours!
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DMily Dec 6
How to DM: 1. Read several books 2. Write some notes 3. Abandon notes immediately 4.???? 5. Nod wisely when your players make some deep, brilliant connection about the narrative. Do not reveal this was never your plan. 6. Profit? This step is theoretical.
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Goblin Leg Gang Dec 6
Wiz: "That was my least favorite fight ever." Druid: "Sorry, guys. I didn't know my ex had become some kind of bee swarm monster thing." Bard: "I'm sorry we had to kill your ex." Druid: "Ugh... I just want to meet a guy who is emotionally available and not filled with bees."
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Grand DM Dec 3
Some DC rolls are harder then others!
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Lewis Dillingham 19h
It's my birthday today! Here's hoping for some goodies in my birthday loot!
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Zac Speaks Giant 8h
Guard: Now, then, please remove all weapons before entering- Bard: Smuggling!? How dare you accuse me of smuggling! Where would I even hide my entire party's weaponry, this is preposterous!
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Jen 🐉 Pixelscapes Dec 6
When your DM doesn't give out loot often....
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Atomic Straw 16h
“Explain your DM style with one GIF”
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🎄Santa Matty🎄 46m
With or without the new billing, I have started to support a few people there. I am not pulling my pledges! I may add a couple more! If you know a great creator within the Twitter community that is deserving of help via Patreon, comment below! Thanks 😄
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Chilli vs. Universe 16h
Trickle down economics, edition.
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Santasox Dec 1
Alright, time to do this thing! Who wants a copy of Guide to Everything? All you have to do is follow me and RT this tweet. Winner picked when I hit 902 followers!
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Jasmin MedievalMinis Nov 30
Finally finished Xanathar with his little pet Koi, V challenging to do but enjoyed every minute. All this goes to someone on my Patreon later and I'm excited but will be sad to see him go 😅few annoying air bubbles etc, I've learnt a lot from this 😀
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🌌liqquidfire🎄 Dec 4
🐲 Dice tray 🎲 Please RT & go follow for the creative talents & who had perfectly matching dice! 💜 Bonus entry if you comment with your favorite Ends after December 8th. Good luck!
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Grand DM Nov 29
YES...OK, you can ALL be druids!
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Tabletop Loot Dec 2
Want free ? We're doing a 12 set giveaway to celebrate the 12 days of ! RT this Tweet and Follow us for your chance to win ALL 12 SETS! Drawing will be held on Friday December 8th, 2017 at 8pm CST.
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Amber 16h
players, make sure you give your DM some positive feedback here and there. It’s nice to know if we are doing our jobs well 😊🎲✨
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Shawn G. Wood 13h
For a friend's friend.
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JayPaulus⚔️⚽️🍺 15h
fam, it's question time. I have a major block when it comes to playing evil characters. I want to explore that side of RPing, but I can never come up with a concept for a character that is a) evil and b) doesn't gross me out. Any advice/success stories?
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Kobold Press Dec 5
Behold! The Creature Codex, a compendium of over 300 new terrifying and powerful monsters for .
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