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Experience Points
It builds character. An episodic webseries about Dungeons & Dragons and the people who play it. New podcast – ALL HAIL YOG – is out now!
Experience Points 1 時間
返信先: @DiceEnvy
Shoot! In all the excitement yesterday, I forgot to post another one of these. Okay. How's this? Can you guess which villain uses this theme?
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Experience Points 1 時間
返信先: @adam_j_pearson
Made possible by support and patronage from the very best people!
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Experience Pointsさんがリツイート
Adam Pearson 3 時間
返信先: @XPWebSeries
Awesome! Such a great show made by even greater people!
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Experience Pointsさんがリツイート
AltStories Podcast 18 時間
返信先: @XPWebSeries
Congratulations ! That's a great achievement. Better go and listen to see what all the fuss is about ! (long time lapsed D&D player!)
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Experience Points 17 時間
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Experience Points 19 時間
Why was I up at 4:06 AM? To watch this happen. Thanks to all our dark acolytes for listening. 30 episodes, 3,000 downloads ain't too shabby.
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Experience Points 20 時間
It’s that time again! Can’t wait to record another Yog adv...ent... S̡̫̙̱̲̐͂̅̇͆N̹̦̦͓͒̈̿͂͗́̇̐̾͜͞Ị̷̛̼̠̖͔̯̥̾̄̅̑͐́͘ͅT̵̨̨͙̩̰̙̟͎͐͒̃̄̈͘̕͜͜Ç̙̖̙̲͋̅̏͋̒́ͅH̜̬̭̝̮̅̒͋͑͒̓̂͟ES... G̵͓̗͇̥̻̭̪̱͎̼̈́̇͗͂̅̀̑̾͞E̡͓̞̺̲̺͐͗͆́̒́̽̿T̝͍̟͔̟̬͎̗͗̌̔̇͛̌...STIT Ç̵̧̛͚͙̞̦̙̘̉͗̑̚̚͜͢͝Ḩ̷͓͖͇̬͔͈̈́̈́̔̐͊̄̇͆̚͜ES
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Experience Pointsさんがリツイート
Brent Jans (he/him) | UNCAGED Vol 2 20 時間
Watch it if you haven't, it's pretty swell! But tuck into Season 1 as well; not 100% needed to follow S2, but well worth it if you do.
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Experience Pointsさんがリツイート
The DM behind the screen 20 時間
I really enjoyed this series over on YouTube. If you haven't watched it, check it out! Start with Season 1 if you haven't see it!
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Experience Points 20 時間
It turns 1 today. Happy birthday, .
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Experience Points 7月23日
返信先: @DorklordCanada
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Experience Points 7月23日
返信先: @CriticalBard
My favorite build is Star-Lord as a bard. Gets all his power from music, dancing and insults.
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Experience Points 7月22日
A brand new Previously On is live! This week, our sleepless heroes battle ghouls, awaken a slumbering sphinx and discover the clock ticking until an astrological event ends the world.
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Experience Points 7月22日
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Experience Points 7月22日'll have to wait and SEE...
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Experience Pointsさんがリツイート
The DM behind the screen 7月22日
I recognize a handful of these fine folk from Experience Points. I'm curious what this film is about.
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Experience Points 7月22日
返信先: @skooshtastic
Nobody has currently! Plus, we've got room for up to three more, if there's interest. No hard time has been decided but, if you're interested, I'm sure we could figure something out that'd work for you!
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Experience Points 7月22日
You! Follower! We're still looking for more players to join our upcoming campaign! All this – and more! – for merely $5 a month. Know anybody who'd be interested?
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Experience Points 7月22日
返信先: @kirksays @DiceEnvy
DING DING DING DING We have our first winner – congrats, dude! Drawing'll be next Sunday, I think. Might as well get window-shopping now...
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Experience Pointsさんがリツイート
Kirk 7月22日
返信先: @XPWebSeries @DiceEnvy
Oh hahaha, my second guess was gonna be the Phantom of the Opera, but if we're talking , then I'd say Phantasmagoria.
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