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David Leask
Hello, I'm the chief reporter at but also sometimes work for &
David Leask ha ritwittato
Kirsty S 27 set
Me for The National on STV, *that* article and the backlash that followed.
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David Leask ha ritwittato
stewart paterson 11 h
George Galloway says only he can defeat the SNP in Glasgow. "They can't out left me".
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David Leask ha ritwittato
Graeme Smith 19 h
Today's splash from exclusive interview with by :
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David Leask ha ritwittato
Alison Rowat 21 h
Hip, hip, hooray for as more Scots make it to 100. The Midge
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David Leask 8 h
Those would be fun points to make to someone who hadn't slagged the SNP over China in print. Away & try that.
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David Leask 8 h
A few of his followers have been accusing me of "MSM bias" since that tweet. It's sweet, really. & makes a change, I suppose.
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David Leask 8 h
I don't understand it either. It's not like he is having an easy time from media, opponents.
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David Leask 9 h
@SkyEcho7FM gets far more splashes than Mundell. But - bizarre, I know - we still have this silly idea we should report a variety of views.
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David Leask ha ritwittato
Chris Brookmyre 15 h
When you get spanked so hard you're still crying into the wee small hours four days later. Real presidential temperament on show here.
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David Leask 10 h
Is that you back on Twitter!!!
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David Leask 10 h
Eurotrash was a fun TV show. You should have tuned in. Might have been a bit of an education for you.
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David Leask ha ritwittato
Gerry Braiden 14 h
England love, admire and respect Celtic. It's why they will never invite them to join their league
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David Leask 10 h
My "wife" is a Mexican man. She/he has several boyfriends. We're cool & European that way. Now zoom off.
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David Leask 11 h
I'm a Scottish journalist who dislikes the far-right wherever it is - not a "Hillary" supporter.
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David Leask 11 h
Am I interested in far-right lunacy? Yes. But only because you guys terrify me.
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David Leask 11 h
As I said: muppet. Away & find out why European leaders don't want your dangerous clown anywhere near power. So long.
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David Leask ha ritwittato
David Pratt 12 h
My column today on why upsetting images tell an unpalatable yet vital truth
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David Leask 11 h
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David Leask 11 h
My country's leaders have indicated that this dubious individual, if elected, is not welcome in Scotland. Think on that.
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David Leask 12 h
Stolen Van Gogh paintings recovered by anti-Mafia police in Naples
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