- published: 22 Jun 2012
- views: 536415
Routes is a commune in the Seine-Maritime department in the Haute-Normandie region in northern France.
A small farming village in the Pays de Caux, some 33 miles (53 km) northeast of Le Havre, at the junction of the D88 and D420 roads.
Alpha Diallo better known by his stage name Black Mesrimes or more commonly Black M (born 27 December 1984), is a French rapper and singer-songwriter of Guinean descent. He grew up in the 7th and 13th arrondissements of Paris. He is famous for his membership of the French rap and hip hop collective Sexion d'Assaut in addition to his solo work and collaborations with various artists. His moniker Mesrimes is a reference to French criminal known as "The Man of a Thousand Faces" and French anti-establishment wanted man "Robin Hood" Jacques Mesrine. Black M uses many punch lines and onomatopoeias in his works.
In 2006, he had a joint released Bakry & Black Mesrimes presente Le Pact. In 2013, he released "Ailleurs" as an early release from his solo album titled Les yeux plus gros que le monde that followed in 2014, becoming his first official studio album. Black M states in his latest music video a famous punch line; "Alexandre de L A, il est super stylé". Follow-up big hits from the album included "Mme Pavoshko", "Sur ma route" and "La légende black". He later rereleased the album with 8 additional track renaming the new special release Le monde plus gros que mes yeux
Wide Receiver Training - Pro Route Running Examples
Les routes de l'impossible - Senegal, la tete hors de l'eau
Les routes de l'impossible : Cameroun les débrouillards de la jungle
ROUTES(フル) 秦基博
Les routes de l'impossible, Timor oriental l'île mystérieuse
Black M - Sur ma route
Routes OP フル
Most shocking train routes in the world | Dangerous train routes | Scary train routes
Premium route running training videos: http://fbmentor.me/wrt4 The Art of Playing Wide Receiver by Coach Eric Van Tassel: PDF eBook with videos: http://fbmentor.me/ebwr iBook for iPad: http://fbmentor.me/ibwr This video gives examples of Professional receivers running pass routes. A detailed explanation on how the route is being run against the coverage is given prior to every pass route example so that the viewer has an understanding of what the receiver is trying to do against the defensive back. These pass routes show how a receiver must be able to release to either side of a defensive back in press coverage regardless of the pass route and how a receiver must stem an off-man defender to keep that defender off-balance. There are great examples of stacking, stemming, pressure techniq...
̅ Au Sénégal, chaque année, à la saison des pluies, des régions entières, ainsi que leurs villes, se retrouvent sous les eaux. Cette situation pousse la population à s'exiler vers la Casamance. Pour atteindre leur destination, les voyageurs empruntent une route qui passe par la Gambie, petit pays enclavé, traversé par le fleuve du même nom, qui fait figure de barrière au milieu du Sénégal. Dans cette zone, le racket est légion et les exilés saisonniers, piégés au milieu des pistes boueuses, doivent affronter de nombreux obstacles. Les routes de l'impossible - Senegal, la tete hors de l'eau _
ACH nature
HEYYYYYYYYYY, Salut ! Dans cette épisode on va voir 5 ROUTES les plus DANGEREUSES du MONDE ! OUVRIR LA DESCRIPTION APPORTE UNE MEILLEURE VIE ! ►Chaine Communautaire : http://urlz.fr/3p29 ◄ ► ME SUIVRE PARTOUT ! ◄ - TWITTER : http://urlz.fr/3lL6 - YOUTUBE : http://urlz.fr/3ig4 - FACEBOOK : http://urlz.fr/3ngh - SKYPE : fiiuzrt - XBOX : FaMe FiiUz ► LES PLAYLISTS ! ◄ - LUNDI : http://urlz.fr/3rVy - MERCREDI : http://urlz.fr/3lL8 - VENDREDI : http://urlz.fr/3lL7 ► INSPIRATIONS ! ◄ - Alltime10s : http://urlz.fr/3lLg - TopTrending : http://urlz.fr/3lLh - list25 : http://urlz.fr/3lLi ► LOGICIELS UTILISÉS ! ◄ - After Effect - Sony Vegas Pro - Photoshop
視聴制限がかかってしまいました。動画は、スマートフォン、ゲーム機、セットトップ ボックスなどの一部端末では再生できないようです
Laquelle de ces routes trouvez-vous la plus dangereuse? Abonnez-vous, quatre vidéos par semaine : https://goo.gl/KOb7Ns ----------------------------------------¬----------------------------------------¬--------- AVEC : - La route de l’atlantique, Norvège - La route Manali-Leh, Inde - Bayburt D915 Road, Turquie - Clinton road, New Jersey - Fairy Meadows Road, Pakistan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retrouvez nous sur les réseaux sociaux : Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lamafachetv ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pour voir les sources de la vidéo, cliquez ici : http://pastebin.com/G7yhQbWb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Les routes de l'impossible Diffusée Le 04 août 2017 sur france 5 Coincé entre Bali et l'Australie, le Timor Oriental est une petite île qui tente de briser son isolement mais les ressources sont presque inexistantes.
Extrait de l'album Les yeux plus gros que le monde - disponible en téléchargement sur iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/fr/album/les-yeux-plus-gros-que-le-monde/id834398623 Ecoutez l’album Les yeux plus gros que le monde » sur Spotify https://play.spotify.com/album/1D2Rs9qcENebbiDR5wk88T Ecoutez l’album Les yeux plus gros que le monde » sur Deezer http://www.deezer.com/album/7575033 Regardez toutes les vidéos de Black M https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLLXWPtKay8NjF4Gjt_nMFvnKTtGp5a08 Music video by Black M performing Sur ma route. (C) 2014 Wati B
These train routes are insane. You have to be courageous enough to travel on these train routes. Watch the amazing, breathtaking and the most shocking train routes in the world. lignes de train Shocking dans le monde. rutas de tren impactantes que existen. linee ferroviarie Shocking del mondo. Shocking Zugstrecken der Welt. Шокирующие железнодорожных маршрутов в мире. Subscribe worth sharing videos for amazing videos.
The famous Route 66 was one of the original federal routes between 1926 and 1985. It started in Chicago and lead through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California ending in Los Angeles. The length of this historical route is around 4000 km’s. Let us visit the shops, the gas stations, motels, and restaurants along the Mother Road. Let us stop at a secluded spot and listen to the sound of the million wheels traveling on this road. Let us visit the cities of Chicago and St. Louis, the Museum of the West and the western movies, the Native American villages, and the great river, the Mississippi. Let us think of Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, Jack Keruac, John Steinbeck, and the ’Easy riders’. Let us see the wonderful colors of Santa Fe and the fantastic Grand Canyon. Let ...
Overwatch Route 66 Map Guide! Both Attack and Defense sides of the Route 66 Map are covered in this guide video. ♥ PATREON CAMPAIGN! http://www.patreon.com/unitlost ♥ Twitter https://twitter.com/unitlostgaming ♥ Live Stream http://www.twitch.tv/unitlost ♥ http://www.unitlost.com - Join our AWESOME community forums!
🌏 THE BACKPACKERS GUIDE TO SOUTHEAST ASIA EBOOK ➟ https://getaroundsoutheastasia.com/home 📍Everything you need to know if you are going to backpack Southeast Asia ➟ Instagram: https://instagram.com/jonxmia ➟ Blog for more on Southeast Asia: http://jonxmia.com/ ➟ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonxmia ➟ Snapchat - jonxmia Travel book we used; http://amzn.to/2h630aE Backpack we used; http://amzn.to/2hX3MIV TIMES FOR THE TOPICS: 5:08 Route Overview 5:42 The Budget 7:29 Accommodation 8:14 Travel/ Transport 12:16 The Food 13:11 Overall Tips
► Leh, Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir, India Helping you decide the basic route plan for your road trip and works as a Guide. I have given my favorite 4 routes to reach Leh & Ladakh, The budget, things to carry for ladakh roadtrip and basic Itinerary for Leh Ladakh bike trip are being covered in my series of Ladakh Videos. from himalayan roads of Leh Manali highway to my ride this year of Leh ladakh 2017 will be presented to you in ladakh diaries ► 4 Amazing route to reach Leh Ladakh including new route from Delhi starting point are: 1) Srinagar-Kargil-Leh 2) Manali-Keylong-Sarchu-Leh 3) Shimla-Theog-KumzumLa-Koksar-Keylong-Leh 4) Sachpass-Keylong-Leh ► Action Camera I use : Main Action Camera SJ5000+: http://amzn.to/2jpMKUg Secondary Action Camera GoPro 4: http://amzn.to/2j6vfbQ ► Main Came...
🌏 THE BACKPACKERS GUIDE TO SOUTHEAST ASIA EBOOK ➟ https://getaroundsoutheastasia.com/home 📍Everything you need to know if you are going to backpack Southeast Asia Questions? ➟ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/jonxmia In this video, we will be talking about HOW TO TRAVEL SOUTHEAST ASIA. The home of the backpackers... Southeast Asia is one of the best places you can go to if you want to experience backpacking fun, easy & best of all cheap. This video guide will give you information on the budget, the route, the accommodation, the tips, scams to avoid and more related to backpacking Southeast Asia. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR OTHER CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/LearnGrowAchieve ➟ Twitter; https://www.twitter.com/jonxmia ➟ Snapchat; jonxmia ➟ Email; jonxmia@gmail.com ...
🌏 THE BACKPACKERS GUIDE TO SOUTHEAST ASIA EBOOK ➟ https://getaroundsoutheastasia.com/home 📍Everything you need to know if you are going to backpack Southeast Asia ➟ Instagram: https://instagram.com/jonxmia ➟ Blog for more on Southeast Asia: http://jonxmia.com/ ➟ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonxmia ➟ Snapchat - jonxmia We discuss how to travel around Thailand. Our favorite country in all of Southeast Asia. Our Thailand route was North Part of Thailand Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai & then we traveled the Thai Islands -Koh Samui -Koh Phangan -Koh Phi Phi -Koh Lanta -Koh Tao -Phuket Travel book we used; http://amzn.to/2h630aE Backpack we used; http://amzn.to/2hX3MIV Times for the topics: The Route: 0:25 The Budget: 4:39 Accommodation: 5:45 The food: 5:27 Travel/ Transport: 6:30 Overall Ti...
🌏 THE BACKPACKERS GUIDE TO SOUTHEAST ASIA EBOOK ➟ https://getaroundsoutheastasia.com/home 📍Everything you need to know if you are going to backpack Southeast Asia ➟ Instagram: https://instagram.com/jonxmia ➟ Blog for more on Southeast Asia: http://jonxmia.com/ ➟ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonxmia ➟ Snapchat - jonxmia in this video, we talk about how to travel Vietnam. Vietnam is rich in history and has so much to offer. Make sure to go to Ha Long bay if you visit Vietnam Backpack we used; http://amzn.to/2hX3MIV Times for the topics: The route: 0:25 Accommodation: 4:17 Travel/ Transport: 4:46 Food: 5:20 Overall Tips: 5:40 Hoi An Eating Tour: http://www.hoianfreetour.com/book-a-tour/hoi-an-cheap-walking-food-tour
Follow us on our 6 month backpacking trip through south-east Asia! We will be uploading frequently throughout the whole journey. From January I will be Backpacking through Asia with my girlfriend. This will be a 6 month trip experiencing foreign culture, tradition, landmarks and exciting adventures + activities. Follow us as we travel through Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar (Burma), India, Malaysia, Kambodsja and Indonesia. Hit the like button, remember to share with friends and family, and dont forget to subscribe for more! Music: The Night We Danced Without A Care - Circ https://soundcloud.com/circ/the_night_we_danced_without_a_care
Travel video about destination Skopje in Macedonia. Skopje is the capital of Macedonia and is located in the valley of the Vardar River with a dramatic history that spans many thousands of years. It forms the junction of two trading routes in southeast Europe that unites both western and eastern civilisation. The legacy of Ottoman times is omnipresent in Skopje. One of the city’s most well-preserved mosques is that of the Gazi-Isisa-Bey Djamia. In the seventeenth century it is believed that there were up to a hundred and twenty mosques in Skopje. Between the city’s mosques is the last surviving monastery in the centre of Skopje, Sveti Spas, with a fine church and wooden bell tower. Both monastery and church were built before the time of the Ottomans and eventually they had to be reduce...
Travel video about destination Fés in Morocco. In the early and late Middle Ages, the royal city of Fez was the capital of Morocco. Where two of the most important trading routes from the Sahara to the Mediterranean crossed, a follower of the prophet Mohammed established Fez in a delightful river valley. In the old walled town of Medina in which Muslim belief is omnipresent, everyone lives within easy listening distance of a minaret and also the relentless babble of traders and craftsmen. Through the old city gate of Bab Boujeloud, you enter the exotic world of the Arab-Islam Middle Ages. The beautifully restored inner courtyards of the city palaces show the splendor of Spanish-Moorish architecture. Arabesque wall decorations and floor mosaics represent 1,200 years of Muslim belief and r...
Premium route running training videos: http://fbmentor.me/wrt4 The Art of Playing Wide Receiver by Coach Eric Van Tassel: PDF eBook with videos: http://fbmentor.me/ebwr iBook for iPad: http://fbmentor.me/ibwr This video gives examples of Professional receivers running pass routes. A detailed explanation on how the route is being run against the coverage is given prior to every pass route example so that the viewer has an understanding of what the receiver is trying to do against the defensive back. These pass routes show how a receiver must be able to release to either side of a defensive back in press coverage regardless of the pass route and how a receiver must stem an off-man defender to keep that defender off-balance. There are great examples of stacking, stemming, pressure techniq...
̅ Au Sénégal, chaque année, à la saison des pluies, des régions entières, ainsi que leurs villes, se retrouvent sous les eaux. Cette situation pousse la population à s'exiler vers la Casamance. Pour atteindre leur destination, les voyageurs empruntent une route qui passe par la Gambie, petit pays enclavé, traversé par le fleuve du même nom, qui fait figure de barrière au milieu du Sénégal. Dans cette zone, le racket est légion et les exilés saisonniers, piégés au milieu des pistes boueuses, doivent affronter de nombreux obstacles. Les routes de l'impossible - Senegal, la tete hors de l'eau _
ACH nature
HEYYYYYYYYYY, Salut ! Dans cette épisode on va voir 5 ROUTES les plus DANGEREUSES du MONDE ! OUVRIR LA DESCRIPTION APPORTE UNE MEILLEURE VIE ! ►Chaine Communautaire : http://urlz.fr/3p29 ◄ ► ME SUIVRE PARTOUT ! ◄ - TWITTER : http://urlz.fr/3lL6 - YOUTUBE : http://urlz.fr/3ig4 - FACEBOOK : http://urlz.fr/3ngh - SKYPE : fiiuzrt - XBOX : FaMe FiiUz ► LES PLAYLISTS ! ◄ - LUNDI : http://urlz.fr/3rVy - MERCREDI : http://urlz.fr/3lL8 - VENDREDI : http://urlz.fr/3lL7 ► INSPIRATIONS ! ◄ - Alltime10s : http://urlz.fr/3lLg - TopTrending : http://urlz.fr/3lLh - list25 : http://urlz.fr/3lLi ► LOGICIELS UTILISÉS ! ◄ - After Effect - Sony Vegas Pro - Photoshop
視聴制限がかかってしまいました。動画は、スマートフォン、ゲーム機、セットトップ ボックスなどの一部端末では再生できないようです
Laquelle de ces routes trouvez-vous la plus dangereuse? Abonnez-vous, quatre vidéos par semaine : https://goo.gl/KOb7Ns ----------------------------------------¬----------------------------------------¬--------- AVEC : - La route de l’atlantique, Norvège - La route Manali-Leh, Inde - Bayburt D915 Road, Turquie - Clinton road, New Jersey - Fairy Meadows Road, Pakistan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retrouvez nous sur les réseaux sociaux : Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lamafachetv ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pour voir les sources de la vidéo, cliquez ici : http://pastebin.com/G7yhQbWb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Les routes de l'impossible Diffusée Le 04 août 2017 sur france 5 Coincé entre Bali et l'Australie, le Timor Oriental est une petite île qui tente de briser son isolement mais les ressources sont presque inexistantes.
Extrait de l'album Les yeux plus gros que le monde - disponible en téléchargement sur iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/fr/album/les-yeux-plus-gros-que-le-monde/id834398623 Ecoutez l’album Les yeux plus gros que le monde » sur Spotify https://play.spotify.com/album/1D2Rs9qcENebbiDR5wk88T Ecoutez l’album Les yeux plus gros que le monde » sur Deezer http://www.deezer.com/album/7575033 Regardez toutes les vidéos de Black M https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLLXWPtKay8NjF4Gjt_nMFvnKTtGp5a08 Music video by Black M performing Sur ma route. (C) 2014 Wati B
These train routes are insane. You have to be courageous enough to travel on these train routes. Watch the amazing, breathtaking and the most shocking train routes in the world. lignes de train Shocking dans le monde. rutas de tren impactantes que existen. linee ferroviarie Shocking del mondo. Shocking Zugstrecken der Welt. Шокирующие железнодорожных маршрутов в мире. Subscribe worth sharing videos for amazing videos.
̅ Au Sénégal, chaque année, à la saison des pluies, des régions entières, ainsi que leurs villes, se retrouvent sous les eaux. Cette situation pousse la population à s'exiler vers la Casamance. Pour atteindre leur destination, les voyageurs empruntent une route qui passe par la Gambie, petit pays enclavé, traversé par le fleuve du même nom, qui fait figure de barrière au milieu du Sénégal. Dans cette zone, le racket est légion et les exilés saisonniers, piégés au milieu des pistes boueuses, doivent affronter de nombreux obstacles. Les routes de l'impossible - Senegal, la tete hors de l'eau _
ACH nature
Les routes de l'impossible Diffusée Le 04 août 2017 sur france 5 Coincé entre Bali et l'Australie, le Timor Oriental est une petite île qui tente de briser son isolement mais les ressources sont presque inexistantes.
̅ Dramane et Zachari, chauffeurs de camions au nord du Bénin, vivent au rythme de la récolte du coton qui a lieu d'octobre à janvier. Mais ils sont loin d'être les seuls à vouloir obtenir leur part de cet or blanc qui représente 40 % des exportations du Bénin vers les pays riches. Des centaines de chauffeurs participent au transport de cette fibre qui, dans cette région déjà très pauvre, ne fait qu'accroître la misère. En effet, le coton consomme énormément d'eau et appauvrit la terre. Tandis que Zachari charge les maigres récoltes sur son épave, Dramane conduit dangereusement pour livrer le port de Cotonou. Sur leur route, des cultivateurs, leurs femmes et leurs enfants, travaillent durement dans des conditions extrêmes. Les routes de l'impossible - Benin, coton a tout prix _
̅ Au Bangladesh, des hommes montent à l'assaut des collines du Nord pour couper les précieux bambous qu'ils assemblent en un grand radeau flottant. Pour rejoindre la capitale Dacca, trois cents kilomètres de marais et de fleuves les attendent. Au milieu de paysages sauvages, le périple de ce convoi hors norme va durer près d'un mois. Ce monstre indomptable de 80 mètres de long et 40 de large est manœuvré par six hommes. _
Les routes de l'impossible Diffusée Le 28 juillet 2017 sur france 5 Située à l'extrême nord du Pakistan, aux frontières de la Chine et de l'Afghanistan, la vallée de Hunza s'accroche aux contreforts de l'Himalaya. Durant l'hiver, les villages perchés à plus de 3 500 mètres d'altitude sont pratiquement coupés du reste du monde.
Les routes de limpossible Chine, la vertigineuse vallée des oubliés 1 2
France 5. Argentine, ça casse et ça passe - Saison 8. Un film de Daniel Lainé et Mathieu Orcel produit par Kôn Sud Productions pour Tony Comiti Productions et France Télévisions. ABONNEZ-VOUS pour plus de vidéos - Les routes de l'impossible - Saison 8 - Argentine, ça casse et ça passe ------ Cette série documentaire suit, en conduisant un véhicule. Diffusé 1 janvier 2017 Des confins de la cordillère des Andes aux pampas du sud de Buenos Aires, odyssée sur les pistes d'une Argentine de l'extrême. Qu'ils soient chauffeurs-routiers de haute altitude, tutoyant les sommets et bravant les précipices, médecins de campagne obligés de marcher des heures à plus de 5000 mètres d'altitude pour aller rendre visite à leurs patients ou gauchos trompe-la-mort se mesurant au rodéo dans l'arène des corra...
One one one one two
Yeah, yeah, P-P-5-D
I'm sayin, yo
Touch this yo, knahmsayin what?
Yo-yo, yo, 100%..
[Black Thought]
Yo! On these seventy-three keys, of ivory and ebony
I swear solemnly that I'll forever rock steadily
People wanna know where Malik? He right next to me
The weaponry, the secret recipe
Hard to peep this, deep shit, shows I eat with
Contaminated thoughts I walk the street with
I bayonnet cassettes and chop beats with
this olympic lyricism you can't, compete with
Globe travellin, throwin your verse like a javelin
Things Fall Apart and MC's unravellin
Backstage whisperin to management like
"change the order, it's no way that we can rock after them"
My man sport the 'fro like _What's Happenin?_
From the latest hi-atus, The Roots back again
Your crew practicin to catch this natural blend
They packages read "care when handlin"
It's all soft shit, batteries not included with
Matter of fact, your whole front's a re-enactment
I blow your ba-tty ass into fragments, P-5-D
The new testament, mic specialist, what?
Check it out, yo [3X]
Yo yo, Black Thought, I represent the Fifth Dynasty
Lyrical click, 100% Dundee
[Malik B]
Malik B, I represent the P-5-D
Guerilla click, 100% Dundee
[Black Thought]
Black Thought, I represent the Fifth Dynasty
Lyrical click, 100% Dundee
[Malik B]
Malik B, I represent the P-5-D
Guerilla click, 100% Dundee
The Milli-illitant-tant, 'pon cock, ready to rock
Power out, in the clout, it seems out, all through your block
Posse don't play the cut, but what, you get sheist
Got the personality named trife, ready to heist
Smashin 'graphs, snatch the ice, crush your mental device
Thought twice, shoulda thought once, got played for the dunce
Dialogues I moderate, cool out, we outta state
Just blendin in the great, give me room to ventilate
Most niggaz is fraudulent, the rap seargeant
Bargin, through your regiment, call your president
Hittin all targets cuz it's a cause that's lost
Between the killers when they probably Teddy Ruxpin talk
Droppin tears of steel, two drops up in the bucket
Facin three ? and a cop so yo fuck it
If I get abducted, trapped up in the belly
Wacked up my celly, get known like Dawn Stanley
You know the deally on the daily in the ?
If I sense you got a bend to your kite, then send it up
We press up on your corner with windows they're tinted up
Lay our props face down on the ground and get it up, what?
Face on the ground and get it up
[Black Thought]
Yo yo, Black Thought, I represent the Fifth Dynasty
Lyrical click, 100% Dundee
[Malik B]
Malik B, I represent the P-5-D
Guerilla click, 100% Dundee
[Black Thought]
Black Thought, I represent the Fifth Dynasty
Lyrical click, 100% Dundee
[Malik B]
Malik B, I represent the P-5-D
Guerilla click, 100% Dundee
[Black Thought]
Check it out
While you pose for pictures, I'm the invisible enigma
Down low, scope you off the roof like the fiddler
Cage you up in the vocal booth, you're held prisoner
Watch, while I'm bangin out this hot shit from Sigma
Illa-del-P-A, live without a DJ
And it's been that way, since Sergio Vallente
Yo, The Roots holdin it down, is all you can say
Plus the Black Thought em-cey, professional-lay
Push pen to paper like Chinua Achebe
Thumpin, what was your assumption
I lace your function, make it a Black Thought production
Word up I'm on somethin, stellar hold off course
I'm gone bluntin, travel light and broadcast
via satellite, Illa-Fifth Dynamite
Lyrically calculus in this arithametic hip-hop metropolis
But loyal fiends coppin this hot shit
Yaknahmsayin? Hot shit, word up
Illa-Fifth hot shit y'all
Black Thought, I represent the Fifth Dynasty
Lyrical click, 100% Dundee
[Malik B]
Malik B, I represent the P-5-D
Guerilla click, 100% Dundee
[Black Thought]
Black Thought, I represent the Fifth Dynasty
Lyrical click, 100% Dundee
[Malik B]
Malik B, I represent the P-5-D