Lao PDR's and UNDP's COP23 side event on nature-based adaptation, South-South cooperation and circular economy.
The Government, in partnership with UNDP, has launched a project aimed at strengthening Lao PDR’s readiness to cope with climate change-related events.
Haoliang Xu is currently visiting Lao PDR to attend the 2017 Round Table Implementation Meeting in Pakse.
More than 300 participants were present, including high-ranking government officials from the central and provincial levels, development partners, representatives from the private sector, as well as national and international non-profit organizations.
In a bold and breakthrough announcement today, the UN Development Programme appointed its first-ever Innovation Champion and the first-ever non-human – Sophia the robot designed by Hanson Robotics.
“Having a goal isn’t wishing. It isn’t a faint hope or a vague dream that someday we’ll have or do or be. No, having a goal is much, much more” – this is the opening message of a new film, titled This is Development.

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6.8 million


23 %

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