- published: 16 Dec 2017
- views: 2230
The thumb is the first digit of the hand. When a person is standing in the medical anatomical position (where the palm is facing to the front), the thumb is the outermost digit. The Medical Latin English noun for thumb is pollex (compare hallux for big toe), and the corresponding adjective for thumb is pollical.
The English word "finger" has two senses, even in the context of appendages of a single typical human hand:
Linguistically, it appears that the original sense was the broader of these two: penkwe-ros (also rendered as penqrós) was, in the inferred Proto-Indo-European language, a suffixed form of penkwe (or penqe), which has given rise to many Indo-European-family words (tens of them defined in English dictionaries) that involve or flow from concepts of fiveness.
The thumb shares the following with each of the other four fingers:
Sabrina Ann Lynn Carpenter (born May 11, 1999) is an American singer, songwriter and actress. She stars as the young version of Chloe Goodwin in The Goodwin Games and as Maya Hart in the Disney Channel series Girl Meets World. She is signed to Hollywood Records.
Carpenter was born in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania. Sabrina Carpenter placed third in a singing contest run by Miley Cyrus, "The Next Miley Cyrus Project."
Carpenter booked her first acting role in 2011, a guest role on NBC drama series Law & Order: SVU. She played a young rape victim interviewed by Detective Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni). Around the same time, she performed live on the Chinese television station Hunan Broadcasting System, for the Gold Mango Audience festival. She performed Etta James' "Something's Got a Hold on Me", in the style of Christina Aguilera from the movie Burlesque. Less than two years later, Carpenter booked a series recurring role on Fox's The Goodwin Games as Young Chloe, a series regular role on Disney Channel pilot Gulliver Quinn and the ABC pilot The Unprofessional.
Kënga Magjike (Magical Song in English) is a major musical event in Albania. Throughout its history, different broadcasters have been credited with the production and airing of this event, including RTSH, Klan TV, TVA, RTV NRG (Albania) and RTV21, RTK (Kosovo), as well as many radio stations.
Kënga Magjike was created by singer, composer, host and organizer Ardit Gjebrea and began airing in 1999. It usually airs on the November of each year, with a few exceptions. In 2005, a new format of presenting the songs was introduced. Each song was broadcast one month prior to the semi finals and the final in a special edition called "Duke Pritur Kënga Magjike..."; "(Awaiting Kënga Magjike...)", giving the viewers a chance to vote for the songs that would pass on to the semi finals through phone, text or online in the official website. A jury is also used when determining which song makes it to the next stage.
While the contest is criticised for the use of playback in the delivery of each song in the competition, it has been praised for the diversity of music it has brought to the public. The biggest achievement of Kënga Magjike is the great mixture of singers and bands from Albania with those in neighboring countries, a large portion coming from Kosovo as well as other areas. Kënga Magjike has also been the stage for many comebacks of famous Albanian singers who reside in other countries, as well as artists which have contributed to the music industry in the past. Songs from this contest have resulted in many hits for Albanians throughout the world.
Thumb al-Era Rusi ka folur kete here per jeten e saj personale? 16 dhjetor 2017
Thumb al-Klint Collaku tregon per cmimit Jon Music ne Kenga Magjike
Sabrina Carpenter - Thumbs (Official Video)
Thumb al Olsin dhe Fiorentinen ne "Thumb"
Thumb al-Elita Rudi tregon per lidhjen e saj me Gjikon
Thumb al Ku eshte shfaqur Xhensila Pere dhe nuk ka bere namin?!
Thumb al-Adelina Ismaili na ka rrefyer mbi jeten e saj si nje nene.25 nentor 2017
Thumb al -Big Mama ka qene e ftuara e Aulones dhe Fatmes.
Thumb al Aurela Hoxha i heq te gjitha ne Thumb...domethene barrierat!
Thumb al - Inis Gjoni vjen ne Thumb per te folur,
Sabrina Carpenter - Thumbs (Official Lyric Video)
Thumb al -Ledri VULA i bukuri, i keqi, kingu, "kacurrelsi 4-nentor 2017
Thumb al- Ylli Limani ka treguar prapaskenat e klipit te ri "Dritat
Thumb al Jemi mesuar gjithnje ta shohim e degjojme ne kornizat e profesionit
C'est la vie! - Thumb & Offchestra (Nata 1)
Thumb al Ronela Hajati a.k.a "mamma" rikthehet ne Thumb
Thumb al Robert Berisha per here te pare ne Thumb.
Thumb al-Jonida Vokshi ka rrefyer te pathenat e profesionit dhe jetes se saj.25 nentor 2017
Thumb al- Andi dhe mikrofoni i "Thumb" kane intervistuar disa nga kengetaret 18 nentor 2017
Thumb al Bes Kallaku rrefen arsyen qe do ta bente te ndahej nga Xhensila. ? 10 qeshor 2017
Actors: Charley Rossman (actor), Mark Arnold (actor), John Kassir (actor), Alison Lees-Taylor (actress), John Henry Whitaker (actor), Carl Petersen (actor), Hidekun Hah (actor), Darrel Guilbeau (actor), Paul McKinney (actor), Angela Elayne Gibbs (actress), Patrick Hume (actor), Holgie Forrester (actress), Darren Kendrick (actor), May Wang (actress), Jack Dimich (actor),
Genres: Sci-Fi,Era Rusi ka folur kete here per jeten e saj personale. Perse nuk ka nje te dashur Era? Kush eshte kengetari qe nuk i ka folur per 2 vite sepse nuk i dha pike ne "Kenga Magjike". Era Rusi paska rrahur dhe ish-te dashurin! Eh, cfare nuk ka rrefyer kjo vajze... Shihni videon me mire
Klint Collaku tregon se si u ndje pas fitores se cmimit "Jon Music" ne "Kenga Magjike". A po e ngacmojne gocat tashme qe eshte i famshem? E dashura cmendon? Kozeta Kurti rrefen detajet e fundit nga festivali i Kenges ne RTSH. po me Kastron dhe kengen e tij cfare ndodhi? A ka ne plan te martohet nje dite kjo vajze? Keto dhe shume te tjera i gjeni ne videon e meposhtme.
EVOLution featuring “Thumbs” is available now! Download http://hollywoodrecs.co/SabrinaEVOLution Streaming http://hollywoodrecs.co/SabrinaEVOLutionWS Follow Sabrina: Facebook http://facebook.com/sabrinacarpenter Instagram http://instagram.com/sabrinacarpenter Twitter http://twitter.com/sabrinaannlynn Music video by Sabrina Carpenter performing Thumbs. (C) 2016 Hollywood Records, Inc. http://vevo.ly/bJmuOq
Cfare nuk ka ndodhur me Olsin dhe Fiorentinen ne "Thumb"! Si reagoi ajo kur Olsi ftoi per kafe Ambren? A kane ne plan te martohen ata? Nuk keni degjuar ende asgje! Fiorentinen e kane kercenuar ish-te dashurat e Olsit. Kane thene dhe shume gjera te tjera. I keni te gjitha ne "Thumb"!
Elita Rudi tregon per lidhjen e saj me Gjikon. A kane ne plan te martohen ata te dy? Si arriti reperi ta bente per vete moderatoren bukuroshe? Mikrofoni i THUMB ka qene kete jave ne eventin e Sofres Tironse ku ka intervistuar disa nga artistet me te njohur si Bujar Qamili, Reshit Boka, Olta Boka, Valbona Halili etj. Ndiqini ne videon e meposhtme.
Ku eshte shfaqur Xhensila Pere dhe nuk ka bere namin?! Shtoji kesaj edhe dozat e javes te "Thumb" dhe merreni me mend c'nam e c'perla jane thene sonte ne Thumb bashke me Aulonen dhe Fatmes. C'prisni?! Klikoni linkun dhe do t'i mesoni te gjitha
Per here te pare pas lindjes, ne nje rrefim ekskluziv per Thumb, diva e muzikes shqiptare Adelina Ismaili na ka rrefyer mbi jeten e saj si nje nene, bashkeshorte dhe kengetare e mirenjohur. Cila eshte surpriza me e madhe qe i ka bere bashkeshorti i saj, Vali? A kane ata ne plan te behen me nje femije te dyte? Kur do ta shohim serish ne skene Adelinen? Po Uliksi, kujt i ngan me shume mamit apo babit? A do te kthehet Adelina te jetoje ne Kosove? Kush e ka zhgenjyer? Adelina ka thene kaq shume sa me mire ndiqeni ne videon e meposhtme :)
Kete jave ne Thumb, Big Mama ka qene e ftuara e Aulones dhe Fatmes. Ajo ka treguar detaje mjaft te rendesishme nga jeta e saj. A do te martohet apo ka hequr dore? Pse nuk e ngacmojne meshkujt? Ku ka qene Big-u keto kohe qe nuk ka publikuar asnje kenge? Keto dhe shume te tjera Big Mama i kishte rezervuar vetem per Thumb!
Ne intervisten e saj me te sinqerte, Inis Gjoni vjen ne Thumb per te folur, jo vetem per shfaqjen e saj me te re, "Cifti i Cuditshem", por edhe per jeten private, Coco Chanelin e vogel dhe shumeeeee te tjera qe i mesoni vetem duke klikuar ne videon e meposhtme! :D
EVOLution featuring "Thumbs" is available here: Download: http://hollywoodrecs.co/SabrinaEVOLution Streaming: http://hollywoodrecs.co/SabrinaEVOLutionWS "Thumbs (Acoustic)" is available here: Download: http://hollywoodrecs.co/SabrinaThumbsAc Streaming: http://hollywoodrecs.co/SabrinaThumbsAcWS Follow Sabrina: Facebook: http://facebook.com/sabrinacarpenter Instagram: http://instagram.com/sabrinacarpenter Twitter: http://twitter.com/sabrinaannlynn Music video by Sabrina Carpenter performing Thumbs. (C) 2016 Hollywood Records, Inc. http://vevo.ly/dHgoyk
Thumb al -Ledri VULA i bukuri, i keqi, kingu, "kacurrelsi
Thumbi kete jave ka qene plot me surpriza :) Ylli Limani ka treguar prapaskenat e klipit te ri "Dritat" dhe arsyen se perse familjaret e tij refuzojne ta shohin videoklipin. Po vete Ylli, cfare pelqen te beje kur ndalen dritat? Si i ka marredheniet me Tunen? Po me Patrisin? Hygerta Sako rrefen jeten e saj mes profesionit dhe familjes. A ka nje njeri ne jeten e Hygertes? Po me Panuçin si i ka marredheniet? Shume detaje te tjera mjaft interesante nga dy personazhet i gjeni ne videon e meposhtme.
Jemi mesuar gjithnje ta shohim e degjojme ne kornizat e profesionit te jursites. Eshte ajo, zonja Eni, e preferuara juaj e cila mberthen pas ekranit ne rubriken e saj 'Shihemi ne Gjyq' te gjithe shqiptaret brenda dhe jashte Shqiperise. Sot ne "Thumb" ajo ka treguar gjithcka, jashte profesionit dhe jashte asaj qe jemi mesuar ta shohim, duke qene me shume Eni Cobani se sa Zonja Eni, me sportivitet dhe ciltersi sic asaj i shkon me se miri!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvklan Talent show nga Pandi Laco, Adrian Hila dhe Bledar Laco, nen prezantimin e Marina Vjollca. 8 personazhe të famshëm shqiptar në duet me 8 yje këngëtarë profesionistë. Spektakël, interpretime LIVE, emocione pafund dhe ethet e një gare mes yjesh...
Ronela Hajati a.k.a "mamma" rikthehet ne Thumb, por kete here me nje interviste ndryshe nga heret e tjera. Mikrofoni i Thumb e ka ndjekur ne nje nga qendrat tregtare dhe i ka drejtuar nje sere pyetjesh. Por si i eshte pergjigjur ajo? Nga ana tjeter, Thumb ka ngacmuar nje sere personazhesh te njour ne eventin e "20 Vjet Opinion". Por, si kane reaguar ata? Keto dhe shume te tjera i mesoni ne videon e meposhtme!
Robert Berisha per here te pare ne Thumb. Ai rrefen te vertetat rreth marrdhenies me Nora Istrefin, endrrat e deshirat per vajzen e tij Renee ne te ardhmen, arsyet pse nderpreu bashkepunimin me Sinan Vllasalliun pas 20 vitesh, arsyen pse ka qene ne burg dhe shume gjera te tjera qe nuk i keni ditur me pare. :D
E ftuara e Aulones dhe Fatmes kete jave ne Thumb ka qene moderatorja e njohur dhe simpatike Jonida Vokshi. Jonida ka rrefyer te pathenat e profesionit dhe jetes se saj. Shpenzimet e dasmes do ti ndaje se bashku me te dashurin, ne premieren e filmit "Dere Hapur" do te shfaqet shtatezene ! Vec ketyre,si eshte marredhenia me Kastro Zizon? Po nxenesit e ngacmojne?
Andi dhe mikrofoni i "Thumb" kane intervistuar disa nga kengetaret me te njohura te muzikes shqiptare per tu marre opinionet e tyre per debatin e shumeperfolur gra vs burra. Aurela Gace, Myfarete Laze, Eneda Tarifa, Irma Libohova, Marsela Cibukaj etj Ndiqini te gjitha ketu !
Bes Kallaku rrefen arsyen qe do ta bente te ndahej nga Xhensila. Cfare plane ka ai pas largimit nga Portokallia? Jo vetem kaq, po ka treguar dhe nje nga skenat e xhelozise se Xhensiles. Eh dhe sa shume te tjera. te gjitha ketu ne "Thumb" :)
One basic rule of thumb is that the death benefit on your policy should equal seven to 10 times the amount of your annual salary. But, like any rule of thumb, that isnt always particularly accurate. How much life insurance do you need? Kiplinger. How big should my life insurance policy be? Ultimate guide to how much do you need? need some rules of thumb i Money really. How much life insurance do i need? Nerdwallet. Read about a couple simple rules of thumb for determining how much choosing too or little life insurance cover can lead to significant an extremely rough rule could put the amount you need at 19 jul 2016 start by figuring out what afford and long will it says need, most important factor is 26 feb 2013 requires bit thought. How could 23 sep 2006 figuring out how much life insuran...
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You Blow Air On Your Thumb, Something Amazing Will Happen to Your Body Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpnXf5fjZJW91i2_0O3wN3A Keyword : health,healthy,fitness,diet,diet recipes,lifestyle,food,Thumb,blow,feng shui,china medicine,home and natural remedies,health
Some mail from some awesome people link to Sharon Simply Southern channel-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGvxoDhjl4yOqKSGuK-5tLA link to Bitching and Eating Channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGvxoDhjl4yOqKSGuK-5tLA link to Hazzel Urey- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGvxoDhjl4yOqKSGuK-5tLA Thanks to debbie Davis and the Pratts also. Contact Me At or Email me at TPG(Bradley W) Badbradsc2000@yahoo.com Po box 127 Montmorenci, Sc 29839 Merchandise https://teespring.com/stores/trailer-park-guy Pay Pal https://www.paypal.me/TrailerParkGuy Amazon Wish list https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/BODQY65NC7JC/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_1
Como estan amigos y suscriptores hoy les traigo un nuevo video sobre el juego: Thumbdrift v Link de la plataforma: Mediafire Apk:http://skamaker.com/Anta Como instalarlo :solo instalen el apk Apk : si Datos OBB : no * Mod del juego : monedas infinitas Cancion utilizada : Jim Yosef Anna Yvette - Linked [NCS Release] Gracias por ver pueden apoyarme suscribiendose y apoyandome con un like Peso aproximado: 115 mb aproximado Ya instalado Desde hoy le voy ha meter acortadores para poder mejorar el canal y haci traerles mejores juegos gracias por ver.
Please like and subscribe there will be more thumb chuck's videos
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Klint Collaku tregon se si u ndje pas fitores se cmimit "Jon Music" ne "Kenga Magjike". A po e ngacmojne gocat tashme qe eshte i famshem? E dashura cmendon? Kozeta Kurti rrefen detajet e fundit nga festivali i Kenges ne RTSH. po me Kastron dhe kengen e tij cfare ndodhi? A ka ne plan te martohet nje dite kjo vajze? Keto dhe shume te tjera i gjeni ne videon e meposhtme.
Nje nga personazhet me te komentuar te momentit, Linda Rei eshte "perballur" me thumbat e mikrofonit ashtu sic di vetem ajo. Qe nga "Dance With Me", marredhenia me Robert Aliajn, marredhenia me te dashurin, meshkujt e showbizzit dhe politikanet shqiptare. Nderkohe fituesit i Big Brother 1, tashme biznesmen dhe moderator, Arber Cepani vihet perballe Kildes duke rrefyer pse u nda nga e dashura. Po me Niki Delijorgjin cfare marredhenieje ka? Te tjera si keto i mesoni ne videon e meposhtme. Por mos harroni! Merreni edhe ju nje teke raki... Dhe per te mos harruar, deshifrimin e "Ca ka dashur te thote autori" me rrefimin mbreselenes te Jolanda Dhamos ne "Rudina". Te gjitha keto ne THUMB!
Hey guys, This is Thumb Wars the full movie!! Not a skit or the TV-Cut version!! This is the real thing!! All credit and copyright material goes to Steve Oderkirk not me. Special thanks to Steve Oderkirk and the other people who made this! Also, if you haven't seen Franken Thumb click this link if you want to watch it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDYzLJk36VI If you want Contact me about my videos you can do it at thumbheaven@gmail.com Thank you for your support.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/KUUS5c THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING! The Dudesons Season 3 Episode 7 "Return of Jarppi's Thumb" Webpage: http://www.dudesons.com Facebook http://www.facebook.com/dudesons Twitter http://www.twitter.com/the_dudesons Store http://store.dudesons.com Buy full season here: http://bit.ly/Lj8xWw Balls to the walls every tuesday and friday!
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM FOR A FOLLOW BACK: https://instagram.com/Lance210/ *TURN ON MY POST NOTIFICATIONS SO YOU DONT MISS A VIDEO!* YESTERDAYS VLOG ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbYeaCO9yhY&index;=1&list;=PLp8BmukTTg9uLlh3QYCtuprV5okqcoTdE SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY VLOGS! ►► http://bit.ly/1o0q4Lk Follow me on Twitter to stay updated when I post! https://twitter.com/Lance210 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/itsLance210 Vine: https://vine.co/Lance210 Snapchat: itsLance210 FAN MAIL: BOX #203 1134 SO BLACK HORSE PIKE BLACKWOOD, NJ 08012 Business Email: imLance210@gmail.com
This is part of a tutorial pattern for fingerless mitts. If you have any questions about the tutorial, please contact me through Ravelry - KnittingSuzanne - http://www.ravelry.com/people/KnittingSuzanne. The tutorial does not give stitch counts, but guides you through creating your own mitts using your gauge and hand circumference. The tutorial covers tubular cast on, tubular bind off and thumb gussets, picking up stitches for the thumb, as well as how to create your personal mitt using your yarn, needles, and gauge, based on your hand measurements. You can help translate this video by following this link - http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?ref=share&v;=RJQswKVPF5k
Namaskar/Sat Shree Akal,In this video, I am going to show you knitting of thumb socks step by step in easy /simple way to understand.I hope you all like these socks. For knitting socks we need- wool-100gm [If we have to make long length than 150gm] Knitting needles -10 no.[for normal wool] 9 no.[For thick wool] Size-For 7/ 8/9 Shoe size However, size depends on your knitting. .Like/Share & Subscribe my Channel, Thanks for watching.
IN THIS VIDEO YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO MAKE THUMB SOCKS DESIGN WITH KNITTING. THIS IS VERY BEAUTIFUL AND EASY DESIGN. YOU CAN MAKE THIS FOR YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS. NOTE :- This Socks for adults & Size no is 6 If you have any question please comment below I hope you will like this video keep supporting :) like...comment...share...subscribe My Youtube Gear Kit : 1. Mini Lapel Mic for recording - http://amzn.to/2xaHD4s (on amazon) 2. Flexible Mini Tripod for Mobile - http://amzn.to/2j3fAOg (on amazon) 3. Photron Tripod for mobile with 4.5 Feet - http://amzn.to/2wFuFKA (on amazon) 4. Lenovo K3 Note - http://amzn.to/2eLb6u9 (on amazon) आप हमारे चैनल को subscribe कर के आने वाली वीडियोस की जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं || सब्सक्राइब कर के, देखते रहिए और सीखते रहिये! You can subscribe to this ...
Hello everyone! So, had a few issues with this one. Lighting was not on my side and had some noisy neighbors. Hopefully, you'll still enjoy it. Also, let me know how the new addition of music seems for this! Thought I'd try something new. Also, expect an upgrade to this segment as I'll be getting a new camera at the end of the month! And...with night shooting! So the dark shouldn't be a problem. Anyway, even with the problems, I hope you still enjoy. Music by: http://www.youtube.com/myuuji Game Found Here: http://www.scaryforkids.com/thumb-game/ Also, be sure to check out my facebook, twitter, and tumblr for more exclusive contests and updates! http://facebook.com/lupuscreepus http://twitter.com/lupus_creepus http://lupuscreepusblog.tumblr.com
Nu Metal/Rapcore July 10, 2001. 1. Upside And Down 0:00 2. Down Like Me 3:12 3. Stupid 5:49 4. Lie To You 9:58 5. Youth 13:51 6. Break My Back 18:14 7. Fade Away 21:29 8. Migraine 25:07 9. Suck Me Dry 28:19 10. Shorty 31:54 11. More 35:01 12. Confidence 38:52
So Ethan was wrestling with Elijah the other day and BAM out of nowhere he was complaining of his thumb hurting. We noticed it swelling and took him in to Urgent Care....he received some X-rays and they said there was a POSSIBLE fracture...so here in this video we take him to the ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON to check out his thumb to make a final assessment to see if it is SPRAINED, FRACTURED, or BROKEN. Tina also has the Relief Society Christmas party tonight. Come along during some of the preparation and watch some clips of the event planned for about 60 women. OH YEAH...you can't miss EMBERLYNN...she picked up the camera to start vlogging when she saw I was sleeping on the couch....You've got to see what she does. Thanks for watching and don't forget to CHOOSE YOUR DAY!
This week's bass lesson covers something I've been asked about quite a lot over the past few months: The Double Thumb Technique. This is a slap bass technique pioneered by Victor Wooten and involves a very different kind of slap bass thumb motion. Have fun!! Lesson material can be found here : http://www.talkingbass.net/double-thumb-slap-technique/ The previous Rest Stroke Slap lesson can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfR3p5KbR60 Visit http://www.talkingbass.net for more free online bass lessons, articles and downloads from Mark Smith and subscribe to receive the free Scale Reference Manual. These Free Online Bass Lessons from Mark J Smith are released weekly so subscribe for updates and visit www.talkingbass.net for a complete lesson map and all the downloadable less...
Hey guys! Trying a more 'stream of consciousness' type video because I've been focusing on my Melbourne recital at the end of this week, as well as planning many more concerts throughout the year. As editing and then rendering videos take a lot of time, this kind of more 'brain-dump' videos allow me to save a lot of time - so I can go practice! For those of you that would like to support me and help me perform around the world, please visit www.twosetviolin.com/kickstarter
This is the Full movie of The Blair Thumb. I just took parts 1-3 off of Youtube and put them together. :) Enjoy!! I do NOT own this movie, I am simply giving out free advertisement for O Entertainment. Steve Oedekerk is a Genius! as well as.....everyone else at O Entertainment of course.....hehe......
I now do private one on one lessons via Skype worldwide! Increase your knowledge of scales, theory, modes, chords, arpeggios, and more with me. Flexible times and great low rates. Hit me up! I've been getting requests to do a video lesson on the super cool guitar slap/thump technique for a LONG time now. Finally got around to making the most comprehensive video lesson i could! I think this will help you out for sure. This technique has been brought to the spotlight by Tosin Abasi and Javier Reyes of the band Animals as Leaders, and it seems like more and more players are sneaking little bits of this into their playing. Its a ton of fun. As i mention several times in the video, its basically just a really quick REST STROKE with the thumb. Be sure not to make a TON of contact with the string...
I value live itself in all the sizes and shapes, I try to rank all human
beings just as high as the apes or the birds and the bees what about the
flies and the fleas, may they crawl on the ground or even swim through the
seas. Way up high in the air, some swingin' in trees, such a beautiful
sites, such a beautiful peace ! Only a sick mind kills animals at any time.
How blind could you be not to call it a crime when man slaughters my sons
and my daughters to be suckin' on meat like our ancestors taught us.
Through all our lives leads a path of destruction and death, anger, pain
seem to be the construction of society, we call ourselves civilized, our
hands are covered in blood - we're cavemen in disguise !
How easy it would be to live cruelty free.
I understood one day what this meat thing is all about - I ate it all my life, I
never had a doubt. My parents fed me pig, calve or poultry, you have to eat it all
up if one day you wanna be as big as me ! - yes, I agree. We ate a whole lot of meat
in our family, but one day, 'round about 1984, it hit me like a rock, I couldn't eat
it no more !
Those screams from the slaughterhouse, they woke me up real fast, they
turned my inside out. I realized my personal taste had a high price, for
ev'rytime I ate somebody had to die, but why? I thought we're civilized...
our hands are covered in blood, we're cavemen in disguise.
How easy it would be to live cruelty free.
But instead you mindlessly take their lives. Who gave you the right to play god
himself as you decide about life. I don't fuckin' care 'bout how we used to be or
how we had to hunt and collect, 'cause I don't get the point you see. Hey, we don't
live in the stone age anymore ! You keep the slaughterhouses, so you'll keep the war
Don't you see the connection, you just kill and destroy, you're so fuckin'
stupid, 'cause you seem to enjoy... When they bleed, when they die, when
you fancifully fry... The meat in your mouth is all that I see... Just say
what you like, but it's murder to me !
I just can't forgive you !