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17 Goals to Transform Our World

In 2015, countries adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In 2016, the Paris Agreement on climate change entered into force, addressing the need to limit the rise of global temperatures.

Governments, businesses and civil society together with the United Nations are mobilizing efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Agenda by 2030. Universal, inclusive and indivisible, the Agenda calls for action by all countries to improve the lives of people everywhere.

Explore this site to find out more about the efforts of the UN and its partners to build a better world with no one left behind.

Launch of the World Economic Situation and Prospects 2018 (Press Briefing)

December 7th, 2017|Economic growth, News, Press material|

World economic growth has reached its highest level of growth since 2011, according to the 2018 World Economic Situation and Prospects Report (WESP), which will be launched by Mr. Liu Zhenmin, UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic [...]

Millions of babies, mostly in South Asia, risk brain damage from breathing toxic air, UNICEF warns

December 6th, 2017|Health, News|

Almost 17 million babies live in areas where air pollution is at least six times higher than international limits, causing them to breathe toxic air and potentially risking their brain development, according to a new paper released on Tuesday by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

Use fiscal stability to bolster inclusive, sustainable development in Asia-Pacific, UN report urges

December 6th, 2017|Economic growth, News|

Countries in the Asia-Pacific region should make the most of the prevailing stable economic conditions to orient their economies towards a more socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable path, the United Nations development wing in the [...]

Young students getting better at reading, finds international study

December 5th, 2017|Education, News|

Reading literacy levels are on the rise across the globe, giving young students a set of strong skills to serve them in their futures as well as contributing to the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular those related to inclusive and quality education.

Somalia Partnership Forum stresses job creation and poverty reduction to promote stability

December 5th, 2017|Economic growth, News|

A gathering of senior representatives of the Somali Government, the United Nations and the international community concluded in Mogadishu today with a call for greater investment in the country’s economic development to create more job opportunities, rehabilitate essential infrastructure, and improve the living conditions of the Somali people.

Remove physical and cultural barriers; build inclusive societies ‘for, by and with persons with disabilities’ – UN

December 3rd, 2017|Health, News|

Persons with disabilities, as both beneficiaries and agents of change, can fast track the process towards inclusive and sustainable development, and for the 2030 Agenda to truly live up to its promise to 'leave no one behind,' all physical and cultural barriers must be removed to create societies that provide real opportunities for everyone everywhere, the United Nations has said.

World AIDS Day: If everyone, everywhere realizes right to health, epidemic can be defeated, says UN

December 1st, 2017|Health, News|

The world will not achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – which include the target of ending AIDS by 2030 – without people attaining their right to health, the United Nations said Friday, marking World AIDS Day with a strong appeal for the full realization of this fundamental right by everyone, everywhere.

A survivor’s journey for justice: HIV advocate and UN retiree Eric Sawyer

December 1st, 2017|Health, News|

"I contracted HIV before the discovery of the virus," Eric Sawyer began, as he told his story to an audience of nearly 50,000 gathered in New York’s Central Park earlier this year. The cheers and applause his heartfelt speech received would have been unimaginable three decades ago.