Siemens announces massive job cuts in Germany and worldwide. At the same time, the company is about to realise one of the biggest IPOs in German history. IG Metall trade Union threatens with...

Arif Dirlik

An obituary for Arif Dirlik, noted author on Chinese anarchism who passed away on 1 December, written by Rebecca Karl, one of his former pupils.

Protests against the party conference of AfD (Alternative für Deutschland – Alternative for Germany) in Hannover met violent police repression. During its party conference, AfD elected new...

STC Picket line, Spare Rib.

The Standard Telephones and Cables strike in 1973 was one of a wave of strikes by black and asian workers confronting both the racism of their white colleagues and management, and sabotage from...


DSA Communist Caucus banner

We’re a newly formed DSA caucus. We’ve written this public statement to clarify what we are all about, and what we would like to do. We are currently based out of the East Bay DSA, but we hope to...


Montjuich prison, 1939

Short article by Emma Goldman giving an overview of Stalinist persecution of revolutionary antifascists during the Spanish civil war.