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Harry Leslie Smith Dec 6
Make no mistake will bring war to this world.
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🇺🇸Patriot 24/7🇺🇸 15m
. on moving US Embassy to Jerusalem: "This is why Americans elected . He's not a politician. He actually does what he says he's going to do."
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Walid 9h
I personally never believed that the peace process was going anywhere. The PLO's Hanan Ashrawi explains how Trump's idiotic move yesterday was the final nail in the coffin of that process.
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Oliver Simpson Dec 6
You know it's time to leave your job when you can't even pronounce who you work for
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Irram  Athar Hayat 14h
Briefly The fool. What is your motivation other than to continue to create disorder? is of America.
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sarcasmonica 16h
When you say so much bull that even the teeth try to escape. stroke
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Rita Cosby Dec 5
Great to talk to at the party! I was one of the lucky ones to get a photo with him at the event. Wonderful to see President and . looked beautiful for
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cℓιηтση мιcнαεℓ 8h
Dear Al Franken, Don't you ever put in the same category "locker talk", and "accusations" with yourself who admitted wrong doing with photos to corroborate it!!
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Dave Gosh 23h
Glad we have a President like who is willing to stand up and recognize as the Capitol of as it is and always should be!
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Little Bear 8h
You can say what you want about Al Franken, but his speech today pointing out the depravity of and the was right on. The and SUPPORT, ENDORSE sexual predation.
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🇺🇸MAGA🇺🇸 Video from Instagram account. GOD BLESS YOU MR. PRESIDENT!
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I.T Dec 6
The way Trump says United States 😂
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Dr. David Romei 10h
Why is Congressman still a member of the United States Congress? Of course, he is like - a "real" Christian. Ludicrous. .
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Joe Madison Dec 4
Some of my predictions: By March or April, will resign. And no one in the family will go to jail because he will pardon them. What do you think?
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Harry Leslie Smith Dec 6
Can we stop calling 's declaration to move the American embassy to as deflection from the Mueller investigation when it is clearly insanity.
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Joe Madison Dec 6
, in his entire life, has never done anything to promote civil rights. If I'm not correct, correct me. Don't worry, I'll wait.
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Onlinemagazin Dec 4
🆘‼️😎👍 UK: That's what the real British citizens on the street think about US President .
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What is the MOST predominant reason 's ever-diminishing base is still supporting him?
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Any U.S. representative or senator who called for the resignation of and but not that of and will get what they deserve next election. does not mean
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(((B. Paul Stuart))) Dec 5
.: The greedy, corrupt, racist, bigoted, misogynist ignoramus whom you and Putin seated in the Oval Office is destroying America. May your party soon meet its long overdue, swift, uncompromising demise.
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