Tag: chiropractic


The American Chiropractic Association Answers Crislip’s Call, Joins the Choosing Wisely Campaign

The Choosing Wisely campaign has invited the largest chiropractic organization in the United States to publish a list of interventions to avoid. The results, while not entirely without merit, consist of redundant or unnecessary recommendations. And there is a glaring absence of recommendations to avoid any of the blatant pseudoscience commonly practiced by chiropractors.

/ November 3, 2017

Yet Another Miscellany of Medical Malarkey

Acupuncture for menstrual cramps, chiropractic for the prevention of domestic terrorism, and more in this miscellany of medical malarkey. Or would you prefer hodgepodge of healthcare hokum?

/ October 6, 2017

Maximized Living: “5 Essentials” of Chiropractic Marketing Propaganda

What do vitalism, old school chiropractic subluxations, germ theory denial, detox supplements, marketing gimmicks, and practicing way beyond a reasonable scope have in common?

/ September 22, 2017

Australian Fetus First to Undergo Intrauterine Chiropractic Adjustment

Are chiropractic surgeons really performing intrauterine spinal adjustments based on the results of nonsensical muscle tests and ultrasound imaging? No.

/ August 11, 2017

Chiropractic pediatrics conference features anti-vaccination ideology . . . as usual

For the third time in four years, a chiropractic pediatrics conference will feature anti-vaccination propaganda as part of its program. Chiropractors will spread this misinformation to their patients' parents.

/ August 3, 2017
Red Flags

Chiropractic and Spinal Manipulation Red Flags: A Comprehensive Review

Many people visit chiropractors’ offices seeking relief from back pain. Appropriate use of spinal manipulation provided by a chiropractor can be helpful in treating mechanical-type back pain, but there are good reasons to avoid chiropractic manipulation based on correction of “vertebral subluxations,” and there are red flags to look for before undergoing any kind of manipulative treatment for neck or back pain.

/ July 7, 2017
Chiropractic neck manipulation

Chiropractic clinical training with pediatric patients or complicated cases: slim to none

Chiropractors may never have seen a pediatric patient or a complicated medical case in clinical training, yet they are allowed to go into practice with no age limits on who they see and few on the conditions they treat.

/ July 6, 2017
Laughing face

Fun with Spanish Flu Myths

There are many myths about the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. Some of them are pretty funny.

/ June 20, 2017
Spinal manipulation chiropractic

Chiropractic Subluxation Theory: Legal Support for Inappropriate Use of Spinal Manipulation

Legally licensed, unbridled subluxation-based chiropractors who offer unproven treatment for a broad scope of health problems endanger public health, stigmatize appropriate use of spinal manipulation, and deter development of chiropractic as a legitimate back-care specialty.

/ June 9, 2017

Quackery for Kids

A brief rant and a few random observations on quackery for kids.

/ June 2, 2017