
Vanstone appointed ambassador to Italy

April 26, 2007

Amanda Vanstone has been appointed Australia's ambassador to Italy after earlier today retiring from the Senate.

The announcement was made by Foreign Minister Alexander Downer tonight but must be confirmed by Italy.

"Ms Vanstone may take up the position in Rome when the current ambassador's term ends in late June," Mr Downer said in a statement.

The former immigration minister handed her resignation from the Senate to Governor-General Michael Jeffery earlier today.

Earlier today Mr Downer paid tribute to his South Australian Liberal colleague, giving no hint of the announcement he was about to make.

"Amanda Vanstone and I were elected to parliament at the same election," he told AAP through a spokesman.

"She's had an impressive political career and has been a good colleague over a long period of time.

"She's also been a colourful character in politics, and politics certainly needs its characters.

"Her presence on the political scene will be missed by many Australians."

Mr Downer said all Ms Vanstone's qualities would serve Australia well in her new role.

"Amanda Vanstone's long and varied experience as a member of parliament and minister in a range of portfolios will enable her effectively to promote Australia's interests in Italy," he said.

"She will begin pre-posting preparations and consultations as soon as possible."

The appointment is the latest in a growing list of former ministers handed overseas jobs.

Former communications minister Richard Alston is Australia's representative in London and former defence minister Robert Hill now lives in New York as Australia's ambassador to the United Nations.


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