
Herald journalists return to work

Protest ... Herald journalists outside Fairfax headquarters during today's industrial action.

Protest ... Herald journalists outside Fairfax headquarters during today's industrial action.
Photo: AP

May 10, 2007 - 7:18PM

Fairfax journalists in Sydney returned to work today after going out on strike yesterday afternoon.

Sydney Morning Herald and Sun-Herald journalists walked out over plans to axe 35 production jobs as part of a major restructure of the mastheads.

In the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) today, Commissioner Gregory Harrison issued an order preventing further industrial action over the next three months instead of until June 2008 as Fairfax had proposed.

Mr Harrison said the order would stand until August 10, 2007.

He also directed the two sides to resume meaningful talks.

The company officials met the Fairfax House Committee of the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance at Fairfax headquarters in Sydney this evening. Talks went on for more than two hours and will resume tomorrow.

Senior Sydney Morning Herald journalist and Fairfax house committee spokesman Gerard Noonan said staff returned to work after they met at 1pm and discussed the commission's decision and their course of action.

"The company has agreed to discussions this afternoon at 4pm," Mr Noonan said.

"That hasn't proved very useful up to now but maybe the fact that we've taken industrial action might make them sit up and take some more notice because people are really angry about this on a range of issues."

Mr Noonan said he hoped for a resolution to the dispute, but talks last Friday had not been productive.

Fairfax Media corporate affairs director, Bruce Wolpe, said: "The company is pleased  that staff have returned to work.

"There are still serious issues to discuss and we will do so."

More than 100 Fairfax employees packed into the commission courtroom before today's order was made.

Earlier today, the staff picketed Fairfax's Sydney headquarters.

Fairfax Media chief David Kirk, who earlier declared the strike illegal, said he was pleased staff had returned to work.

"I'm looking forward to seeing a great paper tomorrow," he told reporters.

Mr Kirk rejected suggestions the quality of the mastheads would suffer with fewer staff and said planned changes would mean greater efficiency and higher quality newspapers.

There were no plans to merge editorial staff at the Canberra offices of The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, he said.

AAP and smh.com.au

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