
I Was Wrong about Protandim

A seriously flawed Protandim study seemed to show that side effects were no more common than with placebo. Actually, they were almost twice as common. The researchers were looking at the wrong numbers and didn't even add correctly.

/ December 5, 2017
Aluminum in cells

Move over, Christopher Shaw, there’s a new antivaccine scientist in town

Move over, Christopher Shaw, there's a new antivaccine scientist dedicated to demonizing aluminum adjuvants in town. His name is Christopher Exley. He's got a fluorescence microscope, and he's not afraid to use it.

/ December 4, 2017

Science-Based Satire: Alternative Medical Adverse Events on the Rise

Are patients being senselessly slaughtered by poorly trained Reiki practitioners? Probably not. Okay, they aren' least not directly. But Reiki is dumb and so is the belief that the power to manipulate human energy fields would be risk free. Here satire article is.

/ December 1, 2017
Coffee beans

Go ahead, have that coffee

Coffee drinkers, rejoice. A new paper shows positive associations between consumption and an array of health outcomes.

/ November 30, 2017

SBM Progress Report

Science-Based Medicine has been operating for a decade. While we have been successful by many measures, the challenges we face remain great. Here is a look at the mission of SBM, and a call for support to our readers.

/ November 29, 2017

Science Moms Fight Fears with Facts

A new documentary takes a novel approach. It features scientist moms who are just like other moms except that they understand the science. They set the record straight about GMOs, vaccines, and other subjects of interest to parents. They provide the facts to counteract unreasonable fears.

/ November 28, 2017
National Cancer Institute

The integration of mysticism and pseudoscience with oncology continues apace in NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers

Last week, I commented on the inability of the Society for Integrative Oncology to define what integrative oncology actually is. This week, I note the proliferation of the quackery of integrative oncology in places that should be rigorously science-based, namely NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers.

/ November 27, 2017
Under Constructxion

And the server migration continues apace…but where are the comments?

SBM is changing servers again. Unfortunately, that means that there are problems with the comments.

/ November 24, 2017
Turkey, pre-dinner

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to our American readers, and to everyone else- have a great Thursday in November!

/ November 23, 2017

New Tools Against Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance is a serious problem that may lead to a post-antibiotic era. However, there are potential solutions that deserve research priority.

/ November 22, 2017