No shit, Sherlock
Monday May 21st 2007, 3:58 pm

image: Alan Moir for The Sydney Morning Herald

image: Alan Moir for The Sydney Morning Herald

Public considering change of govt: Howard

Prime Minister John Howard has admitted that the public is contemplating a change of government, in the wake of the latest poll figures.

Today’s Fairfax AC Nielsen poll puts Labor ahead of the Coalition by 58 per cent to 42 per cent on a two-party preferred basis.

But the Government’s primary vote has edged up for the second consecutive month, rising two points to 39 per cent compared to Labor’s 48 per cent.

And the poll showed that most voters back the Coalition as the best economic manager, but the Opposition is seen as the best option for industrial relations (IR).

Mr Howard says the Government is facing a tough battle to win the next Federal Election.

“It’s quite clear that the public, after 11 years of this Government, is contemplating a change, I understand that,” he said.

Nice try, Johnny.

Even YOU know you screwed yourself by screwing Australian workers with WorkChoices .


MORE: No Shit, Sherlock- part 72; Joe Hockey says “We got it wrong on WorkChoices industrial relations fairness

EVEN MORE: HoWARd reckons the Liberals are “facing annihilation.” I could have told you that when Labor was returned to NSW government despite being some of the most corrupt and inept managers the state has ever known- and when Pru Goward very nearly wasn’t elected to the seat of Goulburn. Iemma publicly credited WorkChoices for Labor’s landslide victory- Goward also admitted that WorkChoices had very nearly cost her the election.

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Hindsight is always 20/20, but I’ve long been wary of Paul Kelly’s absolutism in his prognostications.

Monday, No Howard retreat on WorkChoices
March 26, 2007
Paul Kelly

John Howard will not be fooled by the polemic waged by the Labor Party and trade union movement after the NSW poll – he won’t retreat and surrender his WorkChoices reforms.

Oh yeah? 😆

Comment by weez 05.23.07 @ 8:39 am

Michael Leunig reckons Johnny has no rabbit in his hat… because it wouldn’t get on with the weasel. 😆

Comment by weez 05.23.07 @ 12:28 pm

It’s almost comical! Tony Abbott last night on lateline was almost as pathetic as Hockey last week.
No Mate. The Australian people’s eyes are wide open mate!
And the fact that Amnesty has labeled hoWARd as a “Fearmonger” might give you a clue! Oh but all that “Votes have consequences” tripe was more of that!
Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out boys!!!!

Comment by Jon Fox 05.24.07 @ 4:52 pm

Weez,what is the lady, in the yellow, saying in the Leunig cartoon? I cannot read it or expand it.

Comment by joe2 05.25.07 @ 7:36 pm

Joe, I zoomed it in Pshop. She says, “He’d lose his magic.”

I’ve complained to Noise Ltd a few times about running the cartoons so small that the text is unreadable. Poor Leunig suffers the worst.

Comment by weez 05.26.07 @ 9:17 pm

Thanks for that… the lad, did his work,as well, for ol’codger and it was either the H or the W.

I will not be celebrating till JWH, is ringing for K ‘n’ W Removals’ Service, or similar.

Comment by joe2 05.27.07 @ 6:06 pm

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